
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゆうレディースクリニック

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://www.shitaya-med.or.jp/text/hospital/you.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
To Ka on Google

めちゃくちゃいい先生 優しい先生です! 妊娠検査薬の陽性反応が出た為伺いました 子宮でちゃんと妊娠していることを確認し、エコー写真と共にこれからの説明で待合室の夫を呼んでいて一緒に説明してくれました。 区の支援なども教えてくださるのでとても親切です。 安心しました。 看護師さんたちも皆さんいい方です
Insanely good teacher A gentle teacher! We asked because a positive test for pregnancy test He confirmed that he was pregnant properly in the womb and called the husband in the waiting room in the future explanation along with the echoes. I am very kind to tell you the support of the city. relieved. Nurses are good too
Yokoyama Hiromi on Google

妊婦健診で里帰り出産帰省前までお世話になりました。 月曜の午後に予約を入れることが多かったのですが、1時間以上待つことがよくありました。(なので星マイナス1) 近所で通いやすかったので目をつぶりました。 先生に出生前診断や新型コロナなどについて相談・質問をした際にはきちんと答えてくださいましたが、ふんわり漠然とした質問に1から10まで丁寧に説明してもらえるわけではないので人によっては素っ気ないと感じる方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。先生は落ち着いてどっしり構えてくださっているので、私個人としては「先生が大丈夫というなら大丈夫なんだな」と思えて特に不満に感じることはありませんでした。 受付の方、看護師の方、皆さん丁寧にご対応下さいました。
I took care of my pregnant woman before returning home and before returning home. I often booked on Monday afternoons, but I often waited for an hour or more. (So ​​star minus 1) It was easy to get around in the neighborhood, so my eyes closed. When I asked the teacher about the prenatal diagnosis and the new corona, he answered me properly, but I could not explain the soft and vague questions from 1 to 10 politely, so some people are disappointed. Some people may feel that. The teacher was calm and poised, so I personally didn't feel dissatisfied because I thought, "If the teacher is okay, I'm okay." The receptionist, the nurses, and everyone kindly responded.
桃桃 on Google

完全に口コミに騙されました。 予約時間に呼ばれることがないです。 1時間半から2時間は待たされます。 あるときはいつまでも呼ばれなかったので受付に聞くと、予約時間が勝手に変更されていたことがありました。 2週間ごとの通院でも、どうせ飲むでしょと1ヶ月ずつ薬を出されました。もういらないと言ってもどーせしばらく飲むんだからいいでしょと聞いてもらえませんでした。 また、診察時に前回の赤ちゃんのサイズと比べましょうと言った後、前回の記録がないと言われ、びっくりしました。妊娠中期まで通いましたが数回ありました。いつも看護婦さんが責められていました。 診察中に突然、紹介状書けばいいんでしょと突き放すような態度をされて、何のことかわからないと話すと、ああ、別の人だったと言われました。 また別日に他の人が転院したいので紹介状を頼んでいるのを見て、不安と不信感が募り、自分も転院することにしました。 紹介状を頼んだら、慌てて血液検査をされました。紹介状のお金は前回請求されたため、受け取りだけのはずなのになぜか、また薬を出されて診察代を取られました。 その日も転院したいから紹介状を書いて欲しいと相談している人がいて、もっと早く決断すればよかったとおもいました。
I was completely deceived by word of mouth. I'm not called at the reserved time. You will have to wait an hour and a half to two hours. At one point, I wasn't called forever, so when I asked the receptionist, the reservation time was changed without permission. Even if I went to the hospital every two weeks, I was given medicine for one month because I would take it anyway. Even if I said I didn't need it anymore, I wasn't asked if it was okay because I would drink it for a while. Also, I was surprised to hear that there was no previous record after I was told to compare it with the size of the previous baby at the time of the examination. I went to the middle of pregnancy, but there were several times. The nurse was always blamed. Suddenly during the medical examination, I was forced to write a letter of introduction, and when I said that I didn't understand what I was saying, I was told that I was another person. When I saw another person asking for a letter of introduction because I wanted to transfer to another hospital on another day, I became anxious and distrustful, so I decided to transfer to another hospital. When I asked for a letter of introduction, I was in a hurry to have a blood test. Since the money for the referral letter was billed last time, I was supposed to only receive it, but for some reason I was given medicine and had to pay for the medical examination. There was a person who asked me to write a letter of introduction because I wanted to transfer to another hospital that day, and I thought I should have decided earlier.
クライネアン on Google

里帰り出産までお世話になっています。 とても良い先生で話しやすいです。 一度流産してしまい、そこから妊活をしていましたが、生理がきているのに基礎体温が上がらず受診したところ、すぐ血液検査で原因を調べてくれました。私の場合は高プロラクチンだろうとのことでプロラクチンというホルモンを下げる薬を処方し様子をみたところ、3ヶ月後に排卵がきて妊娠できました。先生はお年なので少し話しにくいと思うこともありましたが、この時に先生の勘がなければ、ずっと妊娠できてなかったかもしれないです。 予約時間はとても待ちます。大体予約時間の20分前くらいにいけば、その時間枠の一番には見てもらえるので、予約時間より前に行くのがおすすめです。どうしても待ちたくない場合は1日の一番最初の時間枠なら待ち時間少ないです。
I am indebted to my childbirth after returning home. Very good teacher and easy to talk to. I had a miscarriage once, and I was pregnant from there, but when I visited the clinic because my basal body temperature did not rise even though I was on my period, he immediately investigated the cause by a blood test. In my case, it was probably high prolactin, so I prescribed a drug called prolactin that lowers the hormone, and when I looked at it, I was able to get pregnant after ovulation three months later. Since the teacher is old, I sometimes found it a little difficult to talk to, but without the teacher's intuition at this time, I might not have been pregnant all the time. I will wait very much for the reservation time. If you go about 20 minutes before the reserved time, you can see it at the top of the time frame, so it is recommended to go before the reserved time. If you really don't want to wait, the first time frame of the day will have less waiting time.
wa wawawa on Google

口コミに騙されましたが、二度と行きません。 医師が高圧的、機材が古く、高齢のため知識がアップデートされておらず、しかも間違っていました。妊娠に伴う肌荒れで手持ちのステロイド軟膏(ベリーストロングに分類されるアンテベート)を使ってしまったので弱目の薬を希望すると、「アンテベートは弱いから顔に使っても平気。ロコイドは強いから出せない」と言っていました。反論しましたが調べもせず、取り合ってくれませんでした。 さらには前回のカルテをメガネを外しながらじっくり見て診察していたので、前回書かれていた内容についても踏まえて診察してくれたのかと思い、診察台を降りた後質問すると、「何で先に言わないんだ、知らん」と言われました。知らないなら診療費返せと思いましたが、もう転院するつもりでしたので無言で帰りました。 この辺りは妊婦健診できるクリニックが少ないのですが、少し遠くても違う病院をお勧めします。 ちなみに、予約しても2時間待ちますし、妊婦健診代も高いほうです。医師が感じ良いならこれでもいいですが、メリットゼロです。 受付の方はいい方で、患者に待たせてごめんなさいといつも謝っていて気の毒でした。 あの雑な診療でなぜあんなに待つのか謎です。
I was deceived by word of mouth, but I will never go again. The doctor was overwhelmed, the equipment was old, the knowledge was not updated due to old age, and it was wrong. I used my steroid ointment (Antebate, which is classified as Very Strong) due to rough skin due to pregnancy, so when I asked for a weak drug, I said, "Antebate is weak, so it's okay to use it on the face. Locoid is strong, so I can't put it out. "It said. I argued, but I didn't look it up and didn't get along. Furthermore, since I was taking a closer look at the previous medical record while taking off my glasses, I wondered if he had examined the medical record based on what was written last time, and when I asked after getting off the examination table, he asked, "Why? I don't know, I don't know. " If I didn't know, I thought I would refund the medical expenses, but I was planning to transfer to another hospital, so I went home silently. There are few clinics around here where you can have a checkup for pregnant women, but we recommend a different hospital even if it is a little far away. By the way, even if you make a reservation, you will have to wait for 2 hours, and the cost of medical examination for pregnant women is high. This is fine if the doctor feels good, but there is no merit. The receptionist was nice and I was sorry to always apologize for making the patient wait. It is a mystery why I wait so much in that rough medical treatment.
Sakura on Google

Thank you for your support for a long time. From the pregnancy examination to the cytology of cervical cancer, please check it accurately. I was not good at pelvic examination, but he kindly spoke to me, and he was quite good and had no pain at all. Both the nurse and the receptionist feel good. It was a hospital that I wanted you to see for a long time.
。 ma on Google

予約制ですが、待ち時間は長いです。過去通っていた他の病院でも待ち時間は長かったため、特に不満はありません。妊婦健診でお世話になっていましたが、とてもよくしていただきました。看護士さんも皆さんとても優しく接してくれて感じが良いです。先生は少し独特な方なので、合う合わないはあると思いますが、気になることを聞き易く、質問には真摯に答えていただけるので個人的には不満はないです。とても親切で内診も痛くなく、身体が冷えないように配慮されていてよかったです。 追記: 別の産院で無事に出産することができました。先生から、転院前、「よいお産になると思いますよ」と言っていただいた言葉を励みにがんばれました。本当にありがとうございました。
It is a reservation system, but the waiting time is long. I haven't been particularly dissatisfied with the long waiting times at other hospitals I attended in the past. I was taken care of by the maternity checkup, but I am very grateful for it. The nurses are very kind to me and it feels good. Since the teacher is a little unique, I think there are some things that don't fit, but I'm not dissatisfied personally because it's easy to hear what I'm interested in and the questions can be answered sincerely. I'm glad that I was very kind, the pelvic examination didn't hurt, and I was careful not to get cold. postscript: I was able to give birth safely at another maternity hospital. Before I was transferred to the hospital, I was encouraged by the words that my teacher said, "I think it will be a good birth." I'm really thankful to you.
namiko takahashi on Google

先生は男性の方で、とても丁寧な優しい対応をしてくださる方。看護師の女性の方々も明るく優しく素敵な方ばかりでした。 里帰り出産も快く対応してくださり、トラブルがあった際にも里帰り先の病院とのやりとりを行ってくれとても助かりました。
The teacher is a man who is very polite and kind. The female nurses were all cheerful, kind and lovely. He was willing to take care of the childbirth on his way home, and it was very helpful to interact with the hospital he was returning to when he had a problem.

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