Asakusatawaramachi Naika Clinics - Taito City

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakusatawaramachi Naika Clinics

住所 :

MS田原町ビル 2F 2 Chome-10-11 Kotobuki, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 111-0042
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM

MS田原町ビル 2F 2 Chome-10-11 Kotobuki, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0042, Japan
m m on Google

毎日通いたくなるようなアットホームで温かいクリニックです! 阪口先生と看護師の皆さん、受付スタッフの皆さんがとても親切で大好きです! 気管支が弱く、風邪をひくと必ず咳の症状が残ってしまい、その度にこちらのクリニックに通っているのですが、いつも診察が的確で処方された薬を飲むとすぐに治ってしまいます。 最近、クリニックから電車で1時間かかるところに引っ越してしまったのですが、呼吸器関係の疾患は絶対に阪口先生に見てもらいたいので、わざわざ浅草まで行って診察をしてもらっています。 (できれば阪口先生や看護師さん、スタッフの皆さんにうちの近くまで引越してきてほしいです…笑) それぐらい頼りになるクリニックです!
It's a cozy and warm clinic that makes you want to go every day! I love Dr. Sakaguchi, the nurses, and the reception staff very kindly! My bronchi are weak, and when I catch a cold, I always have coughing symptoms, and I go to this clinic every time, but the medical examination is always accurate and the prescribed medicine will cure me immediately. Recently, I moved from the clinic to a place that takes an hour by train, but I definitely want Dr. Sakaguchi to see the respiratory illnesses, so I went all the way to Asakusa for a medical examination. (If possible, I would like Dr. Sakaguchi, the nurses, and the staff to move closer to us ... lol) It's such a reliable clinic!
Y Aki on Google

普段は家の近所のクリニックをかかりつけにしてアレルギーの薬を処方していただいているのですが、しっかり診察していただきたい時はこちらのクリニックで阪口先生に診ていただいています。 話をしっかりと聞いてくださり、診察、説明がとても丁寧です。また、私の職業も覚えていてくださり(医療職の端くれです)、必要であれば診断書を書きましょうか?と言ってくださったりと、患者に寄り添ってくださいます。 スタッフさんもとても良い方ばかりで、お勧めのクリニックです。 普段飲み屋ばかり口コミを書いている私が真面目に口コミしてしまいました笑
I usually go to a clinic near my house to prescribe allergy medicine, but if I want to have a thorough examination, I have Dr. Sakaguchi see me at this clinic. He listens to the story carefully, and the examination and explanation are very polite. Also, remember my profession (it's just the end of the medical profession) and should I write a medical certificate if necessary? Please be close to the patient. The staff are all very good and we recommend this clinic. I usually write reviews only for bars, but I have seriously reviewed them lol
keisuke watanabe on Google

先生は優しくて良い人。 待合室にサウナに関する本がいくつか置いてあって勝手にサウナーなのだと思ってる(笑)
The teacher is a kind and nice person. There are some books about the sauna in the waiting room, and I think it's a sauna without permission (laughs).
I 125 on Google

先生によっては萎縮して上手く症状を伝えられず、体調悪いのに更にドッと疲れる、、、なんてことがよくありますが、こちらの先生はフランクな雰囲気でコミュニケーションが取りやすく、いい病院だなと思ってます。 最寄りではありませんが、何かあったらこちらに伺おうと思ってます。
Some teachers are atrophied and can't convey their symptoms well, and even though they are not feeling well, they often get tired, but this teacher has a frank atmosphere and it is easy to communicate, so I think it is a good hospital. I'm sorry. It's not the closest, but I'm thinking of visiting here if anything happens.
LIE on Google

重篤な病気の可能性がなければ、気さくな居心地のいいクリニックなのだとは思います。病状に関する患者の説明を正確には聞いていないようで、その場で発症していなければ治癒と判断される傾向があり、高評価であることを危険に感じます。 病気の見落としや過小評価がかなりあるのではないでしょうか。 街のかかりつけ医として、普通に処方される薬をもらいに行くには、スタッフの方たちも感じがいいし、クリニックも清潔なのでいいと思いますが…。 診断に疑問が残ったら、セカンドオピニオンを考えてください。 命は一つしかないので。
If there is no possibility of serious illness, I think it is a friendly and cozy clinic. It seems that the patient's explanation about the medical condition is not accurately heard, and if it does not occur on the spot, it tends to be judged as a cure, and I feel that it is dangerous to have a high evaluation. I think there are quite a few oversights and underestimations of illness. As a family doctor in the city, I think it would be nice if the staff members feel good and the clinic is clean to get the medicines that are normally prescribed. If you have any doubts about your diagnosis, consider a second opinion. Because there is only one life.
とーま on Google

新型コロナ感染の症状があったので、以前診てもらったことがあるのでかかりつけ医として診てもらおうと電話したが、受付の女によるとここでは診れないから無症状と偽って浅草橋で無料のPCR検査を受けてこいとのこと。 その後発熱相談センターに電話して保健所経由でまともな病院紹介してもらって検査受けられて陽性と判明して無事治療出来ました。 こんなクリニック二度と行かない!
Because there was a symptom of the new coronavirus infection, was phone trying to get seeing as a family doctor because it may had my diagnosis earlier, free at Asakusabashi falsely and asymptomatic do not see in this case, according to the woman of the reception Come and things in response to the PCR test. I was able successfully treated then Fever Consultation Center to the phone to receive inspection ask them to introduce a decent hospital over the health center were found to be positive. Do not go again like this clinic!
SK jasmine on Google

引っ越したばかりでかかりつけの病院がなく初診で伺いました。 コロナ禍で忙しいのに親切な対応をしていただきました。 先生も患者さんのことを一人一人しっかり丁寧に診ておりとても安心して診察を受けることができました。
I just moved and didn't have a family hospital, so I visited for the first time. Even though I was busy with the corona, I received a kind response. The teacher also carefully examined each patient and was able to receive the examination with great peace of mind.
M on Google

This is the first time for a hospital to have such a good conversation with patients and take them seriously. I had an image of working on an assembly line for a hospital teacher, and I didn't really feel very good about it, but this teacher not only listened to me properly, but also said that I shouldn't be anxious. It was an impression that he would also hurt me! All the staff were polite, and I was able to receive a medical examination from the beginning to the end with peace of mind. Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for accepting the reservation despite the sudden reservation, the fever of the corona vortex, and the travel history even though the isolation period has expired. thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions.

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