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Contact 東新宿駅前クリニック

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Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://higashi-shinjuku.clinic/
街 : Tokyo

Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan
ふせゆうま on Google

The explanation by the substitute doctor is bad anyway. The waiting time is long, and even though I have made a reservation, I give priority to seeing women. Even though I've been waiting for almost an hour, I enjoyed chatting with patients and rubbish. The teacher is wonderful when it is not a substitute examination.
AY on Google

I will wait a long time whenever I go. I'm worried about the attitude of the female receptionist, but the teacher is kind.
M on Google

長いですが、私みたいに被害者を増やしたくないため、最後まで読んでほしいです。 心療内科で受診してましたが、水曜と木曜の代診の高橋という代わりの方の診察がとても無礼です。日本人ではない中国人か他のアジア系の方だと思いますが、カタコトで診察中にいきなり他のアシスタントの先生のことを怒鳴りました。私達患者に話しかける様子は作り笑顔でわざとらしく、その豹変ぶりにびっくりしました。そのあとに、私怖いよねぇ?と、にんまりして声をかけてきたんですが、怖すぎてはい。としか言えず、はいだって?なんだそれ(笑)と言われたのを今でも鮮明に覚えています。 話の途中に肩など触り、何故か握手を求められられたのも覚えています いつもは、医院長中澤先生に見てもらっていて、たまたま代診の方に当たったので1から家族構成など聞かれたんですが、その際もパソコンに向かい私の回答を記入しながら、質問にゆっくり答えているのにもかかわらず、次の質問をしたり私の言葉を遮るように話されました。医院長先生に出されているお薬をそのまま続けて出してほしい。と頼んだのですがあの先生はすぐに薬を出すからだめ。今日は薬を出さない。と言われ、続けていた薬を辞めるわけにも行かず説得しようとしても、作り笑いと真顔そしてため息を繰り返され、もう時間だと追い出されたので、泣きながら受付の女性の方に頼み込みやっと処方箋を出してもらいました。 医院長先生はいい方だとは思いますが、こんな人を雇っている病院も問題があると思います。 代診の方の診察のときには、取り乱している患者さんがよくいます。 ここの病院に通っても悪化するだけですし本当に行かないほうが自分のためです。
It's a long time, but I don't want to increase the number of victims like I do, so I want you to read it to the end. I had a medical examination at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, but it is very rude to see a substitute named Takahashi, who is a substitute for Wednesday and Thursday. I think I'm a non-Japanese Chinese or other Asian, but suddenly I yelled at another assistant teacher during the examination in Katakoto. The appearance of talking to us patients was intentional with a smiling face, and I was surprised at the sudden change. After that, I'm scared, right? I called out to him, but it was too scary. I can only say yes? I still vividly remember being told that (laughs). I remember touching my shoulders in the middle of the story and being asked to shake hands for some reason. Usually, I was seen by Dr. Nakazawa, the director of the clinic, and I happened to be a substitute doctor, so I was asked about the family structure from 1 onwards, but at that time I also went to the computer and filled in my answers while slowly answering the questions. Despite this, he was told to ask the following questions and block my words. I want you to continue to take the medicine given to you by the director of the clinic. I asked, but that teacher will give me medicine right away. I won't give you any medicine today. I was told that I couldn't quit the medicine I was continuing, and even if I tried to persuade him, I was repeatedly smirking, looking straight and sighing, and when it was already time, I was kicked out, so I asked the woman at the reception to cry and finally gave me a prescription. I got it out. I think the director of the clinic is a good person, but I think there is a problem with hospitals that employ such people. Patients are often upset when they see a substitute. Even if you go to the hospital here, it will only get worse and it is for you that you really do not go.
y o on Google

初診で婦人科を受診しました。まず医師から問診票の書き間違えやこれまでの性事情について半笑いでふざけた調子で聞かれました。 設備については、設置に義務付けはないのかもしれませんが内診台用の椅子や脱着衣用の囲いやカーテン等の仕切りが無く、平ベッドが設置されてある内科の診察室と同じ部屋に通されました。その場で脱衣後、内診直前まで下半身をカバーしておくタオルなどが無かった為、自分の上着をかぶせていました。内診に入ると、先生はその症状を目にしたとたん顔をしかめて「あ〜嫌だ嫌だ」と嫌悪感を露わにしていました。お薬は処方していただきましたが、医師のデリカシーが無い言動に不快感を抱いたり設備や衛生面でも不安に感じたりしたので、今後は受診しません。
I went to the gynecology department for the first visit. First of all, the doctor asked me about the mistakes in writing the questionnaire and the sexual circumstances so far with a half-laugh and playful tone. Regarding the equipment, it may not be obligatory to install it, but there is no partition such as a chair for the internal medicine table, a fence for putting on and taking off clothes, a curtain, etc. it was done. After undressing on the spot, I didn't have a towel to cover my lower body until just before the pelvic examination, so I put on my jacket. Upon entering the pelvic examination, the teacher frowned when he saw the symptoms and expressed his disgust, saying, "Oh, I don't like it." I had you prescribe the medicine, but I felt uncomfortable with the words and actions without the delicacy of the doctor, and I felt uneasy about the equipment and hygiene, so I will not go to the clinic in the future.
user Google on Google

He asked the same question every time, and was diagnosed with "liver cancer" at the end of the phrase, and later said, "I made a slight mistake." Another doctor also has a violent wave of mood and puts it on something for inspection. I told him to lower the examination fee because he made a misdiagnosis, but he said, "I have made a diagnosis once, so I can't give it up." I definitely don't recommend it. It will be a problem someday.
くろぽろ on Google

泌尿器科利用で来院。 待合先も仕切りがあり、コロナへの対策も良い。 受付の対応もよく、安心できた。 診察前の待合先も他の方に聞こえないように波の音が出るスピーカー設置もありプライバシーの配慮もされている。 先生についてはご年配の方で的確に処方をしてくださった。
Visited the hospital using the urology department. The waiting area also has a partition, and measures against corona are also good. The reception was good and I was relieved. Privacy is also taken into consideration by installing speakers that emit the sound of waves so that other people cannot hear the waiting place before the examination. As for the teacher, an elderly person gave me an accurate prescription.
、、 on Google

星1もないですね 代診の方(先生と言うのも嫌)は対応が人としてどうかしてます。終始高圧的な態度、病状と関係ない事をずかずか聞いてきて見下す発言ばかり 他の低評価への返信も言い訳ばかりで謝罪の1つもないあたりもクリニックの質が知れてますね。医師不足で安易に切れないのかもしれませんがこいつに診てもらう患者さんは本当に可哀想です。他にもコメント来てますよね?なぜ改善されてないんですか?やり取り録音したので反論したいなら是非どうぞ 代診の日は絶対に行かないで下さい。気分不快で病状悪化します。思い出すだけで気持ち悪いし腹立たしい。人として終わってますね代診の医師名乗ってる人
There is no star 1 If you are a substitute (I don't want to be a teacher), I'm not sure how to deal with it. From beginning to end, he has a high-pressure attitude, and he just asks and looks down on things that have nothing to do with his medical condition. The quality of the clinic is known even if there are no excuses and no apologies for replying to other low ratings. It may not be easy to cut due to a shortage of doctors, but the patients who see this guy are really sorry. You have other comments, right? Why isn't it improved? I recorded the exchange, so if you want to argue, please do Please do not go on the day of the substitute examination. I feel uncomfortable and my condition worsens. Just remembering it makes me feel uncomfortable and annoyed. It's over as a person, isn't it?
soo oo on Google

ここの先生はとても優しく話を聞いてくれます。 判断が早いので治療法を色々提案してくれてとても助かります。 初診が土曜日だと予約をしても結構待たされることになりますが、 再診だと優先されるため待ち時間はほとんどありません。 問診票はネットから作成して行った方がスムーズです。 これからも何かあったらこの先生に相談したいです。 (1階にある薬局の薬剤師さんもとても親切で気配りができる方でした。)
The teacher here listens very kindly. Since I can make a quick decision, it is very helpful for me to suggest various treatment methods. If your first visit is on Saturday, you will have to wait a long time even if you make a reservation. There is almost no waiting time because priority is given to a return visit. It is smoother to create the questionnaire from the internet. I would like to talk to this teacher if anything happens in the future. (The pharmacist at the pharmacy on the 1st floor was also very kind and attentive.)

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