和食割烹 ぎん

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食割烹 ぎん

住所 :

Higashikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0084 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997
Webサイト : https://japanese-restaurant-gin.business.site/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0084 Tokyo,Japan
chiyono yamada on Google

I used it in a legal affair. Everything was delicious. The tuna of sashimi is big toro, the simmered ankimo is delicious, and the ingredients such as steamed milt in a bowl are good and the cooking is the best. The atmosphere of the private room and tableware are also fashionable. I want to go again.
Kuro En on Google

葛西駅から徒歩3分ですが、通常改札からはもう少しかかります。葛西にしては本格的な割烹で美味しいです。特にランチは割安感があるしとてもいいですね。お薦めは海鮮丼。 なお女性店員さんがみんな可愛いのは店長さんの好みだと思われます。
It is a 3-minute walk from Kasai Station, but it usually takes a little longer from the ticket gate. For Kasai, it is a full-fledged cooking and delicious. Especially lunch is very cheap and very good. We recommend the seafood bowl. It seems that the store manager likes that all the female clerk are cute.
wako kudeken on Google

葛西で予定があった時のランチに、Googleマップで評価が高かったので。 チェーン店のような内装ですが、お店のマネージャーらしき男性がしっかり声を出していて活気があって、こまめに掃除をしたりとキビキビ動かれていて、この方のおかげで接客やお料理のクオリティが高いのだろうなと思いました(^^)
It was highly rated on Google Maps for lunch when I had a plan in Kasai. The interior is like a chain store, but the man who seems to be the manager of the store is lively and vibrant, and he is constantly cleaning and moving, and thanks to this person, the quality of customer service and cooking I thought it was expensive (^^)
あきら on Google

今日もサラダからお刺身、天婦羅、和牛しゃぶしゃぶ等、デザートまで美味しく頂きました。 店内も清潔でコロナ対策にも万全を期していて 今後も換気システムの増強を予定しているとの事でした。 コロナ禍でも安心して、美味しい食事をされたい方には かなりお勧めです。 手指消毒、検温(店員の方の立会い)、マスク、換気 しっかりされているお店です。
Today as well, we enjoyed delicious desserts such as salad, sashimi, tempura, and Japanese beef shabu-shabu. The inside of the store is clean and we are taking all possible measures against corona. He said that he plans to strengthen the ventilation system in the future. For those who want to have a delicious meal with peace of mind even if the corona is bad It is quite recommended. Hand sanitizer, temperature measurement (in the presence of a clerk), mask, ventilation It is a well-established shop.
都市伝説の歩き方 on Google

知人の紹介で夜に来店しました! 刺身〜肉料理まで本格的な和食割烹料理が堪能出来ます! 茹でたアスパラは付け合わせのマヨネーズと一緒に食べると美味しかったです! 金目鯛の刺身は炙ってあり、おすすめの一品です! この日は黒毛和牛のしゃぶしゃぶ(松)を注文しました! お肉は2皿で提供頂け、霜降り具合も申し分無く頂けました! きっと葛西じゃなかったら倍くらいの金額を取られると思います(笑) 次回はランチでも行ってみようと思います!
I came to the store at night with the introduction of an acquaintance! You can enjoy authentic Japanese cooking from sashimi to meat dishes! The boiled asparagus was delicious when eaten with the garnished mayonnaise! Splendid alfonsino sashimi is roasted and is a recommended dish! On this day, I ordered Japanese black beef shabu-shabu (pine)! The meat was served in 2 dishes, and the marbling was perfect! I'm sure it would cost about twice as much if it wasn't Kasai (laughs) Next time I will go for lunch!
M I on Google

ランチで友人と来訪しました! 個室で仕切られているので、安心して利用することが出来ました。 ランチセットはお値段以上の内容で、ドリンクまで込みという大盤振る舞いでした。 デザートは別に頼みました!美味しかったです(*^^*) 夜メニューもぜひ味わってみたいと思いました。
I visited with a friend for lunch! Since it is partitioned by a private room, I was able to use it with confidence. The lunch set was more than the price, and it was a large-scale behavior including drinks. I ordered dessert separately! It was delicious (* ^^ *) I definitely wanted to try the evening menu.
つるみ on Google

ランチ利用。ドリンク一杯付きで和懐石が2000円以内で食べれて非常にお得です。 予約可能、個室あり。 夜も食べにきてみたいです。
Use for lunch. With a drink, you can eat Japanese kaiseki for less than 2000 yen, which is a great deal. Reservations are possible, and there are private rooms. I want to come to eat at night as well.
にしだたてき on Google

お昼は1000円から。価格に見合う、いや価格以上の価値はありました。 席は広くて雰囲気もよく、ワンランク上の店構え。店員の動きも良くて、これまたワンランク上。 食事は見た目もきれいで、味もよく、ボリュームもまあまあありました。定食はおかずが冷たかったり、熱かったり、ということもなく、それぞれの鉢や皿ごとにベストの温度で出されており、レベルの高さを感じた。味噌汁や香の物も美味しかった。 たいへん良いお店で感服しました。
Lunch starts from 1000 yen. It was worth the price, no, it was worth more than the price. The seats are large and the atmosphere is good, and the store is a higher-grade store. The movement of the clerk is also good, and this is also one rank higher. The food looked good, tasted good, and had a fair amount of volume. The set meal was not cold or hot, and each pot and plate was served at the best temperature, and I felt the level was high. The miso soup and pickles were also delicious. I was impressed with the very good shop.

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