
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北斗ラーメン

住所 :

Higashihokima, Adachi City, 〒121-0063 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Tokyo

Higashihokima, Adachi City, 〒121-0063 Tokyo,Japan
レイサくん on Google

値段が比較的にお安く、メニューも豊富です。 一回切りの来店でしたが、笑顔で対応してくださり、とても居心地が良かったですね。 地元の方が良く来るようで、どこかアットホームな雰囲気を感じました。 頼んでから、来るまで少々時間は掛かったイメージです。 対応良ければ全て良し。 何様だと言いたくなりますが、僕の頼んだ「北斗ラーメン」は蟹、あさり、野菜などがたっぷりと入っており、あっさりと魚介が香るおいしいラーメンでした。 微妙な位置なので入りにくいお店だと思っていた方。 是非、行ってみる価値ありです。
The price is relatively cheap and the menu is abundant. It was a one-off visit, but it was very comfortable, with a smile. The local people came better and I felt a homely atmosphere somewhere. It is an image that took some time to come after asking. If correspondence is good, all is good. I would like to say what kind of thing, but I asked for "Hokuto Ramen" which was full of salmon, clams and vegetables, and it was a delicious ramen with a quick flavor of seafood. If you think it is a difficult place to enter because it is a delicate position. It is worth going by all means.
この助 on Google

オムライスが好きで通っています。 大きな中華鍋で作るオムライスはどこか懐かしく、絶品です! 中華スープもついて900円。大盛りもできます。大盛りだと150円か200円くらい追加かな…? 店主の人柄もよく、いつまでも続いてほしいお店です。 出会えて良かったお店、また通い続けます。
I like omurice and go there. Omurice made with a large wok is nostalgic and exquisite! 900 yen for Chinese soup. You can also make a large serving. If it is a large serving, it will add about 150 yen or 200 yen ...? The shop owner has good personality and wants you to continue forever. Good shops you can meet and keep going again.
吉野重美 on Google

めっちゃ美味しいラーメン屋さんです。 ひとりで調理してるため混んでる昼時は待たされるのは覚悟して行ってください。 (追記)久しぶりに伺いました。 変わらぬ味で大満足しました! ちなみに私は天津麺が特にオススメです?
It's a very delicious ramen shop. Please be prepared to wait for lunch when it is crowded because you cook alone. (Addition) I visited after a long time. I was very satisfied with the unchanging taste! By the way, I especially recommend Tianjin noodles ?
食べ歩き幸 on Google

ここのカレーラーメンが大好きで通ってます? 何食べてもかなり美味しいけど、特にカレーラーメンがどハマりしました。 出てくるのは遅いですがそこはご愛嬌と言う事で?
I love curry ramen here and go there ? No matter what I eat, it's quite delicious, but I was particularly addicted to curry ramen. It's late to come out, but it's cute because it's ?
Hikaru Musashi on Google

It takes about 30-40 minutes after ordering to serve the food, probably because it is run by an old man and an old woman of about 70-80. The taste is delicious and the customer service is good, so if you have time to spare, we recommend you to go there. Hokuto ramen should be eaten once, and the amount is large and contains crab. The taste was more like Nagasaki Champon. Also, lemon high is delicious. When I ordered Mapo tofu, it was a tremendous amount lol
1999 acab on Google

タンメン:750円 麺は太麺でモチモチしてました。 具材は豚肉、キャベツ、モヤシ、人参で構成。 豚肉と野菜ともに適量。 スープは濁りがある塩味。 胡麻油を利かせて美味しかったです。 煙草は常時可。 店主さんと女将さんが柔和な感じが好印象!! ご馳走様でした!!
Tanmen: 750 yen The noodles were thick and chewy. The ingredients are pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, and carrots. Appropriate amount of pork and vegetables. The soup has a turbid salty taste. It was delicious with sesame oil. Cigarettes are always allowed. The shopkeeper and the landlady have a good impression of being meek! !! It was a treat! !!
Alexander Wagner on Google

昔ながらのラーメン Like ramen in the good old days
Kinga Kedracka on Google

Very nice traditional place. We ate delicious ramen with crab (830 JPY) Western or Japanese seating available. Great service, real vintage time capsule :) Recommended !

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