Hifuno Dermatology Clinic Ningyocho - Chuo City

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hifuno Dermatology Clinic Ningyocho

住所 :

アライヴ人形町 3F 2 Chome-2-3 Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 103-0013
Webサイト : http://atopy.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

アライヴ人形町 3F 2 Chome-2-3 Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan
ウィンドウズ10勉強中 on Google

以前は受付終了ぎりぎりに診察券を入れると20時頃呼ばれることもあり、長い時間待たされる患者(私)だけでなく、残業を強いられるスタッフの心労も大きいと思われました。 web整理券の導入で待ち時間も把握しやすく受診しやすくなったと感じますが、現場の業務改善と患者の切り捨てに一役買ったように思います。スタッフの労働環境は、医師の腕とともに提供される医療の質に大きく影響するはずなので今後ともよい進化を遂げていってほしいものです。
In the past, when I put in a medical examination ticket just before the end of reception, I was sometimes called around 20:00, and it seemed that not only the patient (I) who had to wait for a long time but also the staff who were forced to work overtime had a lot of trouble. I feel that the introduction of the numbered ticket on the web has made it easier to understand the waiting time and receive medical examinations, but I think it has helped to improve on-site work and cut off patients. The working environment of the staff should have a great influence on the quality of medical care provided together with the skill of doctors, so I hope that we will continue to make good progress in the future.
t m on Google

多くのクチコミの印象とは全然違い、先生も看護師さんもかなり話を聞いてくれますよ。少なくとも過去にいくつか行った皮膚科に比べればホスピタリティは高い方の病院だと思います。 新薬の効果でかなりアトピーも良くなりました。ありがとうございます。
It's completely different from the impression of many reviews, and the teachers and nurses listen to me quite a bit. I think it's a hospital with higher hospitality than at least some dermatologists I've done in the past. The effect of the new drug has improved atopy considerably. thank you.
山辺智子 on Google

湿疹のようなものがなかなか治らなかったためこちらを受診しました。 今まで色々な病院に行きましたがここがブッチギリで最悪でした。 湿疹をみるなり南京虫じゃないの?部屋が汚いんじゃない?とヘラヘラ笑いながら言われ 薬出すからもう来なくて良いからと言われました。 もちろん二度と行くわけないです。 同僚もこちらを受診した際に患部を許可なく写真を撮られ満員電車で汗をかくので汗疹が出来ると言うとタクシー通勤でもしたらと何故か嫌味をいわれました。患者に対して信じられない言動をしてしまう医者のようです。 かなり待たされたので時間とお金の無駄でした。この後他の皮膚科に行き無事湿疹は治りました。
I went to see this because something like eczema did not heal easily. I've been to various hospitals so far, but this was the worst of all. Isn't it a bed bug as soon as you see eczema? Isn't the room dirty? Said with a laugh I was told that I wouldn't have to come anymore because I would give medicine. Of course I will never go again. When my colleague visited us, he took a picture of the affected area without permission and said that he could get a heat rash because he sweats on a crowded train. It's like a doctor who makes unbelievable words and deeds to the patient. It was a waste of time and money because I had to wait a long time. After this, I went to another dermatologist and the eczema was cured.
zmyy I on Google

顔と首の腫れと痒みでどうにも辛く受診しましたが、元々アトピー体質で手足がアミロイド苔癬(日常生活に支障なく何年も皮膚科受診していませんでした)となっていると話すと、執拗に高額の注射をした方がいいと勧められました。 顔用処方された塗り薬では改善しなかったため再度受診した際は、マスク外さないでと患部(顔)診ることなく、 高額の注射が会社の健康保険で費用緩和の適用になるかを確認したか?とまた注射の勧め。確認してないというと何故?と叱責されました。 顔の湿疹はスキンケア用の乳液が原因だった様子で、処方されたステロイド薬も塗るのやめて、しばらくすると自然に治ったのですが… 体調悪くて受診したのに、気分も悪くなり最悪でした。今でも思い出すと腹立たしいです。
I had a painful consultation due to swelling and itching of my face and neck, but when I said that I had atopic dermatitis and my limbs had amyloid lichen (I hadn't seen a dermatologist for many years without disturbing my daily life). I was advised to relentlessly give a high-priced injection. The prescription for the face did not improve, so when I visited the clinic again, I had to remove the mask without examining the affected area (face). Did you see if high-value injections are covered by your company's health insurance? And also the recommendation of injection. Why haven't you confirmed? Was reprimanded. It seems that the eczema on the face was caused by a milky lotion for skin care, so I stopped applying the prescribed steroids and after a while it healed naturally ... I was sick and had a medical examination, but I felt sick and it was the worst. It's still annoying to remember.
mayu n on Google

レビューがあまりにも酷い事は理解していましたが、クセのある病院なのだろうと楽観視し、行ってしまいました。 激しく後悔しています。 いただいた処方箋に納得がいかず薬局でもらうことを辞めたほどです。 顔の診察を希望していましたが、マスクは外さないでください、と言われて目視なく口頭で症状を説明。数年悩んだ疾患でしたが、「夜寝る時にかいているんでしょう」と言われステロイドを出されました。一目も診ないのならばオンライン診療のほうがまだマシです。 また、「僕は皮膚科医を50年やっているんだから僕に分からない事は他の誰にも分からないよ、とりあえずステロイド塗ればなおるから」と言われました。 コロナ禍ですが数時間待った挙句の診察でこれです。 こんな病院が存在するとは本当に驚きました。
I understood that the reviews were too terrible, but I was optimistic that it was a hospital with a habit and went. I regret it violently. I wasn't satisfied with the prescription I received, so I quit getting it at the pharmacy. I was hoping for a facial examination, but I was told not to remove the mask and explained the symptoms verbally without visual inspection. I had been suffering from a disease for several years, but I was told that I was having trouble when I went to bed at night and was given steroids. If you don't see at first glance, online medical treatment is still better. He also said, "I've been a dermatologist for 50 years, so no one else knows what I don't understand, I'll just apply steroids for the time being." It's a corona illness, but this is after a few hours of waiting for a medical examination. I was really surprised that such a hospital existed.
西功二 on Google

子供の治療で通院、毎回混雑してる為予約して、待ち人数を確認して余裕を持って行きます。 今回は30分待ちでしたが、後の番号の人が先に入り、次と思ったらまた後の番号の人。たまりかねて受付に確認、理由は教えて貰えず平謝りでしたが、院長らしき医師が出て来て、ストレスを吐き出したら、病院変えれば?来なくて良いなんて言うか普通。こっちは予約して1時間以上待ってるのに、あんな言い方されたのでブチギレ!2度と行かない決意です。後から見て、この病院の口コミかなり悪いのに気づいた。
I go to the hospital for treatment of my child, and I make a reservation because it is crowded every time, check the number of people waiting, and go with a margin. This time I was waiting for 30 minutes, but the person with the later number came in first, and when I thought next, the person with the later number again. I couldn't help but check with the receptionist and apologize for not telling me the reason, but if a doctor who seems to be the director comes out and spits out stress, why not change the hospital? It's normal to say that you don't have to come. I made a reservation and waited for more than an hour, but I was told that way, so it's crazy! I am determined not to go again. Later, I noticed that the word of mouth of this hospital was quite bad.
Yohei on Google

I have been atopic patient for many years. It is helpful to collect blood and treat while looking at the numerical values, and to present a medium- to long-term plan. I've been quite calm since I started going to Atopy. Recommended for those who want a solid cure. I don't mind if the booking system is confusing or any other complaint.
yoshie I.Y on Google

中央区内のいろんや皮膚科を行ったなかで1番信頼できる医院です。何かあった時は迷わずこちらに通っています。知識と経験の豊富な先生なので、患者の話をじっくり聞くというよりはササッと診断されるので、不安に思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、いつも的確です。厳しいこともキチンと仰る先生なので、その点が相性なのかもしれませんね。美容寄りのビジネス優先の皮膚科が増えている中、こちらはアトピーやアレルギーなどに真剣に向き合ってくださる貴重な医院です。スタッフの方も皆さん明るく朗らかで、院内の雰囲気も良いです。 独特の予約システムに慣れるのに時間がかかるかもしれませんが、慣れた今は不便さはありません。 他の方の評価が低く驚いています。いつも沢山の患者さんがいるので、この先生を信頼している方も多いのでしょう。
It is the most reliable clinic among various dermatologists in Chuo Ward. When something happens, I go here without hesitation. As a knowledgeable and experienced teacher, the diagnosis is quick rather than listening to the patient's story, so some people may feel uneasy, but it is always accurate. I'm a teacher who says that it's difficult, so that may be a good match. While the number of dermatologists who prioritize business for beauty is increasing, this is a valuable clinic that seriously deals with atopy and allergies. The staff are all cheerful and cheerful, and the atmosphere in the hospital is good. It may take some time to get used to the unique booking system, but now that you're used to it, it's not inconvenient. I am surprised that the evaluation of other people is low. Since there are always many patients, many of them may trust this teacher.

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