近江牛専門 忠真 - Otsu

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滋賀県大津市にて近江牛専門料理・仕出し弁当をご提供している料亭「仕出し処 忠真」の公式ホームページです。

Contact 近江牛専門 忠真

住所 :

Hieitsuji, Otsu, 〒520-0104 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 520-0104
Webサイト : https://tadashin.com/
街 : Shiga

Hieitsuji, Otsu, 〒520-0104 Shiga,Japan
奥平陽 on Google

【メニュー】 ローストビーフ丼 :1000円 ローストビーフ丼大盛:1300円 他定食メニュー等あり 【アクセス】 駐車場あり 【来店所感】 店内は新しい内装でキレイでした テイクアウトでローストビーフ丼大盛をいただきました 値段に対して量が多く美味しかったです 生卵と温玉が選べますが、店内で食べるなら生卵がいいと思います 大盛は肉の量に対してご飯が多いので、あまりぎみになりました おしぼり、お箸等もきっちり入っておりサービスはなかなか良かったです
【menu】 Roast beef bowl: 1000 yen Roast beef bowl large serving: 1300 yen There are other set meal menus, etc. 【access】 There is a parking lot [Feeling of visiting the store] The inside of the store was beautiful with a new interior I got a large serving of roast beef bowl at takeout The amount was large for the price and it was delicious You can choose between raw eggs and hot balls, but if you want to eat them in the store, I think raw eggs are good. Omori has a lot of rice for the amount of meat, so it became too busy The service was very good as the hand towels and chopsticks were included exactly.
松井めぐみ on Google

The price is not cheap, starting at ¥ 1,000, but miso soup is an extra charge. Choose red wine sauce or miso sauce. I chose red wine for orthodox roast beef, but it was too sweet to go with rice. It didn't go well with the egg, so I ate the meat and sauce first, and finally ate it with egg-shaped rice. A large bowl that looks beautiful and fashionable. Doesn't Omi beef taste like beef? I feel like.
Hiro Hara on Google

I'm doing my best at the restaurant, so I don't want to write too much if it's not bad, but I'll share it for everyone. Roast beef bowl and streak stewed tofu are about 1700 yen in total. Well, I didn't really understand the goodness of Omi beef. Roast beef bowl with red wine sauce. If this is the case, American beef may be fine. After all it does not have as much impact as Red Rock. The taste is normal, as others have said.
ちひろ on Google

2021.11.9 2回目に食べた近江牛焼しゃぶ定食が美味しかったのが忘れられず、同じものを注文しました! が、出てきたものは全くの別物でした これ本当に近江牛?っていうくらい固かったしサシが入ってるわけではない脂が多く、筋だらけで、 例えるなら前に食べたのはしゃぶしゃぶの肉だとすれば、今回のは脂と筋の多い牛こま肉といった感じです その事を自分からは言わずにいたのに、、、 サービスの定員さんに今日のお肉はいかがですか?と聞かれて、つい本当の事を言ったら、、、 奥からお肉担当の方が出てきて、同じ部位で出してても、真ん中と端とは変わってしまうと説明され、 当たりハズレがあるとわかり、 脂と筋があるときもあると覚悟して注文しないといけないのですね~ と要約すると、、、 そこまで言うなら高級店へ行って下さいと言われました 聞かれたから答えたのに、その言い方は酷いと悲しくなりました 以前から他の方のコメントを見ると、★4や5と★1や2の酷評もあるので、どうしてかな?と不思議だったのですが、理由がはっきりわかりました! 同じ値段なのに、食べてるものが全く別物だったのです!!! 良いところを食べた人は絶賛、良くないところを同じ値段で食べた人は酷評なのです 値段を変えれば問題ないと思いますが、お肉の質の差が激しいのに同じ値段で出すのが問題だと思いました! 私も前回(2回目の近江牛焼しゃぶ定食増々)のはお得感があり、絶賛しましたが、今回のはとても損した気がしました ! 2021.11.1 近江牛ローストビーフ丼と近江牛ずじ土手煮込み豆腐を頂きました! 美味しいですが、タレがおいしいので、近江牛でなくてもいいかなぁ〜という感じです 2021.10.29 3回目はオススメされた肉の日の日替わり弁当を頂きました が、私には向いておらず、お肉が固くて、噛めないものが多く、飲み込めないので出してしまいました〜(泣)ごめんなさいね 次回は普通のメニューから選びたいと思います 2021.10.25 早速2回目伺いました! 今回は近江牛焼きしゃぶ定食を頂きました 近江牛の美味しさに感動しました 玉子につけてすき焼きの様に食べられるのもすごくよかったです このお値段で近江牛が頂けて幸せな気分になります 他のメニューも是非食べてみたいのでまたまたリピートしたいと思います 2021.10.17 初めて伺いました! メニューには美味しそうなものがたくさんあり(写真参照)、迷っていると、とても親切に丁寧にひとつひとつ説明して下さいました どれも魅力的でしたが、先ず最初に近江牛のステーキ丼をお願いしました!サラダとお味噌汁のセットも一緒にオススメして頂きました また来て是非リピートしたいです (写真参照)
2021.11.9 I can't forget that the Omi beef shabu-shabu set meal I ate for the second time was delicious, so I ordered the same one! But what came out was a completely different thing Is this really Omi beef? It was so hard that it didn't contain sashimi, it had a lot of fat, and it was full of streaks. For example, if the meat I ate before was shabu-shabu meat, this time it's like beef top with a lot of fat and streaks. I didn't say that from myself, but ... How about today's meat for the service capacity? When I was asked and told the truth, ... It was explained that the person in charge of meat came out from the back, and even if it was put out in the same part, the center and the end would be different. I found out that there was a hit, You have to be prepared to order because there may be fat and streaks ~ In summary, ... I was told to go to a luxury store if I said so much I answered because I was asked, but the wording was terrible and sad Looking at other people's comments from before, there are also criticisms of ★ 4 and 5 and ★ 1 and 2, so why? I was wondering, but I clearly understood the reason! Even though they were the same price, what they were eating was completely different! !! !! People who ate good things are praised, and people who ate bad things at the same price are criticized. I don't think it's a problem if you change the price, but I think it's a problem to put it out at the same price even though the quality of the meat is very different! I also praised the last time (the second Omi beef shabu-shabu set meal increased) because it was a good deal, but this time I felt that it was very bad! 2021.11.1 I had Omi beef roast beef bowl and Omi beef zuji bank stewed tofu! It's delicious, but the sauce is delicious, so it doesn't have to be Omi beef. 2021.10.29 The third time I got the recommended daily lunch box for Meat Day, but it wasn't suitable for me, and the meat was so hard that I couldn't chew it, so I gave it out because I couldn't swallow it ~ (crying) Sorry Next time I would like to choose from the regular menu 2021.10.25 I visited for the second time immediately! This time I had the Omi beef grilled shabu-shabu set meal. I was impressed by the deliciousness of the Omi beef. I feel happy to have Omi beef at this price. I definitely want to try other menus, so I would like to repeat it again. 2021.10.17 I visited for the first time! There are many delicious items on the menu (see photo), and when I was at a loss, he kindly and politely explained each one. All of them were attractive, but first I asked for an Omi beef steak bowl! I also recommended a set of salad and miso soup. I definitely want to come back and repeat (See photo)
Uguisu Sanin on Google

今回、琵琶湖へドライブへ出掛けた折に 近江牛を格安に取り扱うお店があるのを見つけ 初来店しました。 土曜日でしたので、混む前にと11時の開店と 同時に入店したところ1番目でした。 メニューはどれにしようか迷った結果、 「近江牛すじどて煮込み丼(720円)」を注文。 注文して1分後に出て来る早さで早速頂きましたが 肉も箸でホロホロと崩れるぐらい柔らかく美味しかったです。 次回もココを目当てに他のメニューをチョイスしたいと思います。
This time, when I went for a drive to Lake Biwa I found a shop that sells Omi beef at a bargain price I visited the store for the first time. It was Saturday, so before it was crowded and the store opened at 11 o'clock When I entered the store at the same time, it was the first. As a result of wondering which menu to choose I ordered "Omi beef tendon stewed rice bowl (720 yen)". I got it as soon as it came out one minute after ordering The meat was so tender and delicious that it crumbled with chopsticks. Next time, I would like to choose another menu for Coco.
すーさん on Google

josiah sing on Google

the beef bowls here are sold at a very good price that is hard to beat. the braised beef bowl is highly recommended due to the beef being succulent and juicy. service was fast and efficient.
Sophie Louisa on Google

We popped in for a quick lunch & had prompt service & good food. We ordered two types of meat, both were succulent & tasty.

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