麺屋 楓華

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋 楓華

住所 :

Hayakocho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0837 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Hayakocho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0837 Osaka,Japan
tadashi okamoto on Google

つけ麺をいただきましたが、量が多いですが、魚介系で食べやすいです。 ご飯割はスープの入れ物に山盛り入っていますが、おいしいく食べやすいです。
I had tsukemen, but the amount is large, but it is easy to eat because it is seafood. Rice splits are piled up in the soup container, but they are delicious and easy to eat.
on Google

寝屋川市駅から歩いてすぐのお店。ずっと行ってみたかったものの、なかなかタイミングが合わずやっと行けました。 つけ麺中盛り(300g)を注文。濃厚な魚介系のつけ汁が麺によく絡んでくれて美味でした。〆は割り飯を頼んで満腹。 カウンター席のみのこじんまりとしたいい店です。お昼時は並んでることもあります。
A shop just a short walk from Neyagawa City Station. I've always wanted to go, but I couldn't get the timing right. I ordered a medium serving of tsukemen (300g). The rich seafood-based soup was well entwined with the noodles and was delicious. 〆 asked for split rice and was full. It is a small and nice shop with only counter seats. It may be lined up at noon.
高本大成 on Google

ちょうど3年ぶりに再訪したのは寝屋川市にある『麺屋 楓華』さん(^^)/ ミネヤ食品工業さんの麺やと思われる小麦香るエッジの効いた中太麺はモチッと感もあっていい弾力感やわ♪ 濃厚なスープは豚骨と魚介のバランスも好みでやっぱり美味しい! 程よい味付けのバラ肉の角切りチャーシュー、メンマが入ってますね。 ただブロックチャーシューは、少し臭みが残ってましたわ。 割り出汁は鰹を中心に魚介がしっかりしてて、これだけで飲んでも結構旨いくらいやで♪ 小さいお子さまがいらっしゃる家族は、小学生から麺1杯の注文が必要なので注意が必要ですね。
I revisited for the first time in 3 years, "Menya Kaedeka" in Neyagawa City (^^) / Minaya Food Industry's noodles and medium-thick noodles with a wheat-scented edge that seem to be chewy are also nice and elastic ♪ The rich soup is delicious because I like the balance of pork bones and seafood! It contains moderately seasoned diced pork ribs and menma. However, the block char siu had a little odor. The soup stock has a solid seafood centered on bonito, and it's quite delicious to drink with just this ♪ Family members with small children need to be careful because they need to order a cup of noodles from elementary school students.
上地雅彦 on Google

麺はコシがあり、つけ汁は甘めの酸味ありで 麺にあう。お店のスタッフも元気で愛想がいいし、気遣いもサイコー!エアコンが効く席が空いたら、わざわざ案内を頂きました。オススメ出来るお店です。
The noodles are chewy and the soup has a sweet acidity. It goes well with noodles. The staff at the shop are also energetic and friendly, and they are very considerate! When the air-conditioned seat became available, I took the trouble to get guidance. It is a shop that can be recommended.
サンパチ on Google

やっと見つけて来ました。アーケードの中にあります。パーキングは無いので車の方はタイムズ等を利用するしか無いですね。 今日はカレーつけ麺とつけ麺後のご飯割を知り合いに教えて貰ったので、そのパターンで。カレーつけ麺は麺が冷盛たいの温盛が選べます。味は美味しいですよ〜麺もコシがあっていい感じつけ麺食べた後の、ご飯割がまた美味しい。つけ麺の出汁を使って作ってくれます。卵を入れて海苔をのせてアツアツで出してくれます。お腹いっぱいです。 ご馳走様でした。
I finally found it. It's in the arcade. There is no parking, so cars have no choice but to use the Times. Today, I asked an acquaintance to tell me about curry tsukemen and rice split after tsukemen, so I used that pattern. For curry tsukemen, you can choose hot noodles that you want to keep cold. The taste is delicious ~ The noodles are also chewy and the rice split is delicious again after eating the noodles. It is made from the soup stock of tsukemen. Eggs are put in, seaweed is put on it, and it is served hot. I am full. It was a treat.
山崎晃 on Google

魚介豚骨だしのつけ麺を頂きました。香りがよくてコシのある麺は、丁寧にしめてあってつるりと喉ごしもよくて? つけ汁も魚介が主張し過ぎずに豚骨のコクと旨みが先にきて、口当たりは醤油の甘味が広がり、魚介の出汁が余韻として残るすごくバランスがとれている印象です。 つけ汁の中にゴロゴロチャーシューがまた良い仕事をしています。ホロホロではなく肉質を残しつつ軽く焼き目をつけたチャーシューは手が込んでいてて、食べ飽きない名脇役でした!美味しかったです。
I had Tsukemen with seafood and pork bones. The fragrant and chewy noodles are carefully squeezed and smooth and smooth ? The soup stock is not overly insisted on by the seafood, and the richness and umami of the pork bones comes first, and the sweetness of the soy sauce spreads on the palate, giving the impression that the soup stock of the seafood remains as a lingering finish. Gorogoro char siu is doing a good job again in the soup. The char siu, which was lightly roasted while leaving the meat quality, was elaborate and was a supporting role that I never got tired of eating! It was delicious.
M. Ino (MGN) on Google

京阪寝屋川市駅から南側の商店街の中にありますつけ麺メインのラーメン屋さんです。お昼の時間に伺いましたが、お客さんが絶えず来られていて地元では人気のようです。 つけ麺中盛を、温盛でメンマトッピングでいただきました。多くのつけ麺屋さんがドロッとした魚介豚骨醤油ベースのつけダレを出す中で、醤油ベースが強いつけダレは珍しく、そのうえ弾力がしっかりある麺と絡むのでとても美味しいです。この淡麗なつけダレには柑橘の香りがいいかもと思い、備え付けのゆず唐辛子を入れましたが、もう少し柚子の香りが強いと更に美味しくなったと思いました。あと個人的にはお酢が常備されていると嬉しいかな。そんなことも思いつつ、また来たいなと思う、地元の良店だと思いました。
It is a ramen shop with the main tsukemen in the shopping district on the south side of Keihan Neyagawashi Station. I visited at lunch time, and it seems that it is popular in the local area because customers are constantly coming. I had Tsukemen Nakamori with warm and menma topping. While many tsukemen shops serve dripping seafood and pork bone soy sauce-based dripping, it is rare to have a strong soy sauce-based dripping, and it is also very delicious because it is entwined with elastic noodles. I thought that the citrus scent might be good for this light sauce, so I added the Yuzu pepper that was provided, but I thought that it would be even more delicious if the yuzu scent was a little stronger. Also, personally, I'd be happy if vinegar was always available. With that in mind, I thought it was a good local store that I would like to visit again.
ラキートラバージン on Google

The chashu was PERFECT! And the soup for both the black ramen and the tsukemen was DELICIOUS...

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