Hashimotocho Itsukushima Shrine - Hiroshima

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hashimotocho Itsukushima Shrine

住所 :

8-4 Hashimotocho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0015, Japan

Postal code : 730-0015

8-4 Hashimotocho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0015, Japan
milky “milky” on Google

Itsukushima Shrine in such a place! ?? !! A small but refreshing shrine. Let's join hands.
京香 on Google

この通りをよく通ります。 小さいですが、いつも綺麗にされている神社です
I often go along this street. A shrine that is small but always clean
Shichiune Sugihara (仮名) on Google

I visited early in the morning, but there were some fashionable restaurants along the river nearby, so lunch time and dinner time will be around with a different atmosphere.
岡山ラン太郎 on Google

出張先で通りすがりに参拝しました。橋本町厳島神社の幟が立っております。川沿いにあり、この日は天気が良かったので暇なら、ベンチでぼーっとするのもいいかも(^ ^)この先に牡蠣料理が食べられるオサレなお店があります。
I worshiped on a business trip. Hashimotocho Itsukushima Shrine stands. It is along the river and the weather was nice on this day, so if you have time, you may want to leave yourself on the bench (^ ^) There is a fashionable shop where you can eat oyster dishes.
kj yard on Google

小さいですが手水舎もあって綺麗にされている神社です。 手水社には、英語で「まずお清めしましょう」という内容が書かれていました。
Although it is small, it is a shrine that is also beautiful because it also has a hand water store. Temizusha had written in English the words "Let's clean up first".
まんちゃん最強! on Google

会社の近くで食後によく行きます。いつもきれいにしてあって、気持ちいいです! お昼ご飯を、日陰で食べている人も、多くいますよ!!
I often go after meals near my office. It's always clean and it feels good! Many people eat lunch in the shade! !!
平岡大司 on Google

It is a small shrine that blends in with the tranquility of the night.
チャンタニー on Google

It was the first shrine to know that Itsukushima Shrine is located outside of Miyajima.

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