Hashimoto Naika Clinic

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hashimoto Naika Clinic

住所 :

Nemoto, Matsudo, 〒271-0077 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Nemoto, Matsudo, 〒271-0077 Chiba,Japan
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いつも遅くまで診察しているため、仕事をしている身では本当に助かる病院です。 他の病院で処方された薬が、自分の症状と合っていないと思い、こちらで診て頂いたことがきっかけでしたが、橋本内科さんでは症状や話をしっかりと聞いて頂き、薬に関してもちゃんと私のことを考えたものを処方して頂いていると感じました。 以降は困ったときにいつも診て頂く、かかりつけの病院となっています。
It's a hospital that really helps me when I'm working because I always see the doctor until late. I thought that the medicines prescribed at other hospitals did not match my symptoms, so I had a medical examination here, but Mr. Hashimoto Internal Medicine asked me to listen carefully to the symptoms and stories, and also about the medicines. I felt that you were prescribing something that thought about me properly. Since then, it has become a family hospital where you can always see when you have a problem.
ad bululuu on Google

The customer service attitude of the young male doctor was very bad. Is it always the way people are treated like a fool, and the prescription is over? I had such feeling
たぶきち on Google

I had a cold for a long time and had a cough, so I had a medical examination, but the teacher said, "I haven't made enough efforts to cure it." I'm sure there are some unhealthy parts of me, but I don't think there is a word for patients who want to be examined for their physical condition and prescribe medicine. Moreover, I don't want to be told that I haven't made enough effort even though I shouldn't know the patient's environment. I wonder if the doctor will say it. In the first place, I thought about it as a person. Since I was a young teacher, I think I may not have enough experience, but I would like you to study humanity more than knowledge.
カレーパン on Google

喉が痛くて熱もあったのですが、ちゃんと見てくれて助かりました。 看護士の方もとても気を使ってくれて文字通り命を助けてもらった気分です。 大変な時期ですが頑張ってほしい
I had a sore throat and a fever, but it was helpful to see it properly. I feel that the nurses were very careful and literally saved my life. It's a difficult time, but I want you to do your best
タルタリストG on Google

With body laziness, joint pain, sudden fever ... No way ...? I went there, but as a result of receiving an influenza test, I was diagnosed with a cold. To be honest, the inspection got a nice impression. The prescription given by the doctor was a cold medicine, and I submitted it to the teacher of the pharmacy right next to the clinic, and I was told that "influenza response may not have come out yet". The doctor did not say such a thing. It is totally unknown. After that, when I took that medicine I did not get better, I went to another hospital with a feeling of dragging the body, I was diagnosed with influenza. Level you want me to return money.
15 yuri on Google

I have been indebted since the opening of the hospital. The teacher, who is the father of the current teacher, is a great teacher who treats patients with kindness and has a good reputation in the neighborhood, but he has stopped going since he was replaced by his son. I have the same opinion as other people's reviews.
ゅぅ on Google

『いつもの薬』を出す以外は苦手な医師。 初診で罹った病状以外では、行かないことを強くお薦めします。 急な体調不良や季節性のものには対応が出来ないようです。 花粉症が辛かった時もインフルエンザの時も、具体的な症状を説明したのですが、「それじゃわからないです。症状はどの程度なんですか?なんの薬が欲しいんですか?」と言われました。 いや、症状と程度は細かく説明したし、どの薬を適切に出すのかを判断するのが医師ですよね? 診察受付時間が20時までなので、その点は便利です。
A doctor who is not good at anything other than issuing "usual medicine". We strongly recommend that you do not go except for the medical condition you had at the first visit. It seems that we cannot deal with sudden illness or seasonal things. I explained the specific symptoms when hay fever was painful and when I had the flu, but I was told, "I don't know. What are the symptoms? What kind of medicine do you want?" .. No, it's the doctor who explains the symptoms and severity in detail and decides which medicine to give properly, right? This is convenient because the consultation reception time is until 20:00.
h R on Google

熱が出たときにコロナについて相談できるか電話で尋ねようとした際にひどく冷たい言葉で話を切られたのがほんとうに悪印象です 出来ないなら出来ないで納得しましたが連絡無しに直接クリニックに向かうような愚行をしたわけでもないのにあんまりな態度をされて腹が立ち、この情勢下でひどく心細くなってもいたので泣きたくなるほど悲しくなりました ていうかネットで調べても出てこないから連絡したのに…… 学生のころから10年以上通っていてずっと頼りにしていましたがもう行きたくないですね 電話対応は受付のおばさんなのかな?うーん……
It's really a bad impression that I was cut off with terrible cold words when I tried to ask on the phone if I could talk about Corona when I had a fever. If I couldn't do it, I was convinced that I couldn't do it, but I didn't do the stupidity of going directly to the clinic without contact, but I was angry because I was so angry, and I wanted to cry because I was terribly lonely under this situation. I'm sad I contacted him because he didn't come out even if I looked it up on the internet ... I've been going for more than 10 years since I was a student and I've been relying on it for a long time, but I don't want to go anymore Is the telephone correspondence the aunt at the reception? Hmm ...

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