
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 高田外科胃腸内科

住所 :

Kogasaki, Matsudo, 〒271-0068 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://takadageka.jp/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kogasaki, Matsudo, 〒271-0068 Chiba,Japan
ad bululuu on Google

The receptionists and nurses weren't as bad as their reputation, but rather good. However, the doctor seemed to be very good in Tame from the beginning, and after completing the examination properly, he returned early and had a great aura.
くらのぴん蔵子 on Google

☆ Each person has their own way of feeling. There are certainly some people who feel uncomfortable, but the director is a very good teacher. It's nice to be quiet because it's not annexed to a pediatrics department, and there aren't many doctors who can see you for such a long time until 18:00 on weekdays and 16:00 on Saturdays. I am very grateful.
みそたろ on Google

先生も看護師さんも感動するほど優しくて丁寧な良い病院でした。 また悩みが出来たら絶対にここに来ようと思います。
It was a good hospital that was kind and polite enough to impress both the teachers and the nurses. I will definitely come here if I have any troubles.
ジャムじじい on Google

医師と状態、状況を聞きに診察前に来てくれる看護師は非常に良いです 場所は地元密着型の場所で駅から10分程は歩きます。院内は広くもなく狭くもなく行くたびにまあまあ混んでいます。 しかし、ここからが注意点です 他の方の口コミにもあるように、この医院にもお局様らしき人がいてそれに影響受けてるであろう受付のメンツの態度はお世辞にも良くないです。 半笑い、高圧的 言葉遣いは嫌味っぽく感じてしまう。ただ受付を除けば良い病院だと思います。 口コミでメガネをかけた年配の方、指摘がありましたが私も同意見です 笑
It is very good to have a doctor and a nurse who comes before the examination to ask about the condition and situation. The place is close to the local area and walks about 10 minutes from the station. The hospital is neither large nor small, and it is fairly crowded every time I go. However, here is a caveat As in the reviews of other people, there is a person who seems to be a bureau in this clinic, and the attitude of the receptionist who may be influenced by it is not good for flattery. Half-laughing, high-pressure wording makes me feel sarcastic. I think it's a good hospital except for the reception. Elderly people who wore glasses by word of mouth pointed out, but I agree with you lol
JJ on Google

すごく丁寧で親切なドクターと、優しく話しやすい看護師さんです。 どんな小さな不安も全て聞いてくださいますし、お薬を処方されるかどうかも、患者の希望も聞いてくださいます。 これからもお世話になりたいです。
A very polite and kind doctor and a kind and easy-to-speak nurse. Listen to all the little anxieties, whether to prescribe medication, and the patient's wishes. I would like to continue to take care of you.
kIT o-n on Google

的確な診療 先生、看護師さんがしっかりヒアリングして、薬の塗り方等も指導してくれるのでとても助かりました。 ヒアリングのときもしっかり周りに配慮した聞き方をしてくれるので感謝です。 私としてはとてもありがたかったです。 訪問の経緯 他の病院で痔の症状が悪化してセカンドオピニオンとして訪問しました。 処方された薬は同じですが、塗り方や生活指導もあり劇的な改善となりました。感謝しかありません。 人間力の大切さを痛感しました。 残念な点 先生と看護師さんは素晴らしい方だらけです。 ただ、受付のかたが病院の評価を下げています。 能面ヅラで声が小さく、聞き直しても無視して紙を指差すような残念な方です。一人の態度が病院の評価につながることを考えていないのでしょうね。ここ以外に不満はありません。 総評 先生と看護師の方は素晴らしい方です。 受付の方が評価を下げています。 トータルではとても良い病院だと思います。
Accurate medical care It was very helpful because the teachers and nurses listened carefully and taught me how to apply the medicine. I am grateful that he will listen carefully to the surroundings even during hearings. I was very grateful. History of visit I visited another hospital as a second opinion because my hemorrhoids got worse. The prescribed medicine is the same, but there is a dramatic improvement due to the way of applying and lifestyle guidance. I'm just grateful. I was keenly aware of the importance of human power. Unfortunately The teachers and nurses are full of wonderful people. However, the receptionist is lowering the evaluation of the hospital. It is a pity that he has a quiet voice with a Noh mask, and even if he listens again, he ignores it and points to the paper. You probably don't think that one person's attitude will lead to the evaluation of the hospital. I have no complaints other than here. General comment The teachers and nurses are wonderful. The receptionist is lowering the evaluation. I think it's a very good hospital in total.
畑猫 on Google

先生は穏やかで、看護婦さんも親切、気遣いのできる人で、またお世話になりたいと思っています。 受付の年配の女性は普通に案内することが出来ず、全てが嫌味に聞こえてしまう残念な人です。
The teacher is calm, the nurses are kind and caring, and I would like to take care of them again. The elderly lady at the reception is a disappointing person who can't guide you normally and everything sounds sarcastic.
ニコニコ on Google

先生や看護師さんはとても優しく話を聞いてくれる。 受付は毎回どの人も 挨拶なし!愛想なし!上から目線 時間さえ有れば後ろ振り返りずっとおしゃべりしてる。 受付て病院の顔なんじゃないの? 受付の態度で病院の評価落としてしまう。
Teachers and nurses listen very kindly. Anyone at the reception every time No greetings! No amiability! Looking from above If I have time, I look back and talk all the time. Isn't it the face of the hospital at the reception? The attitude of the receptionist will drop the evaluation of the hospital.

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