古民家カフェ 藍

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 古民家カフェ 藍

住所 :

Harayama, Midori Ward, 〒336-0931 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887897
Webサイト : http://www.ai-kenchikukoubou.jp/cafeai.html
街 : Saitama

Harayama, Midori Ward, 〒336-0931 Saitama,Japan
中村誠司 on Google

We bothered you for lunch. All tableware is made by the owner. The food is delicious and each set of coffee drips carefully. I think it may be more fashionable, but it may be because the parking lot is hard to understand.
Yoshinobu Shinshi on Google

I entered for lunch. It is a building arranged in the appearance of an old folk house. I had a stewed hamburger with red wine and it is very delicious. There are 8 dishes such as salads and small plates with this quality, and the bowls have a good taste, and 900 yen + tax with drinks is a wonderful word. Thank you for your wonderful time.
Kyoko Y on Google

本当の意味での古民家ではないのですが、現代の建物を古民家風にアレンジしたいと作ったお店です。古民家愛が溢れています。3つの机が一本の木でできていたり、こども食堂もやっています。 また提供していただいたケーキは本当においしく、全て手作りです。 「こんな中(コロナ)来てくださり本当にありがとうございました。」と言っていただいた言葉に感動しました。
It's not a true old folk house, but it's a shop that I wanted to arrange a modern building like an old folk house. The love of old folk houses is overflowing. Three desks are made of one tree, and there is also a children's cafeteria. Also, the cakes you provided are really delicious and all are handmade. I was impressed by the words that said, "Thank you very much for coming to Corona."
阿久津多実子 on Google

交通量が多い道にあるカフェ。道路側から見るとリフォーム屋に見える?! ランチセット五種類(990円)あり カレーとリゾットとハンバーグと鯛の蒸し焼きを注文。女性が好む料理でご飯も「大」「並み」「小」から選択。たっぷりのカフェラテ&デザートも追加で注文。美味しく丁度良いランチになりました。店内4テーブルに小上がり一室。その和室を予約しました。 オーナーが女性の建築家であり陶器も作る方なのでセンス良い店内 また古い引戸もいい感じ❗何よりstaffの柔らかい笑顔にほっこり✨ 土曜日は子ども食堂や難民支援日があり その時はお店が1時で終了。また学習支援やアートの日もあります。2階はフリースペースがあり利用可能です。 駐車場は向かいのマンション隣に入って直ぐ右側3台完備。
A cafe on a busy road. Seen from the road side, it looks like a remodeling shop ?! There are 5 types of lunch set (990 yen). I ordered curry, risotto, hamburger steak, and steamed sea bream. Choose from "Large", "Medium", and "Small" for rice, which is a dish that women like. We also ordered plenty of latte and dessert. It was a delicious and just right lunch. One room with 4 tables in the store. I booked the Japanese-style room. The owner is a female architect who also makes pottery, so the interior is nice and the old sliding doors are also nice ❗ Above all, the staff's soft smile makes you feel relaxed ✨ There is a children's cafeteria and refugee support day on Saturday, at which time the shop closes at 1 o'clock. There are also learning support and art days. There is free space on the 2nd floor and it is available. There are 3 parking lots on the right side of the apartment next to the apartment.
りんごスター on Google

lunchの赤ワイン煮込みハンバーグ、ドリンク付き950円、美味しかった! 全体的に優しい味で野菜が多く家庭的な料理です。 店内も和室も広くて、隣を気にせずゆっくりご飯が食べられます。唯一、魚料理がないのが残念。 期間限定は冷や汁、日替りランチは豚の角煮でした。 デザートのパウンドケーキは普通かな? --------------- ※再訪 またまたlunchで利用しましたが、日替わりランチが魚料理だったのでluckyでした! 味噌汁も具沢山で前回より美味しく感じました。 白米か炊き込みご飯が選べて、大盛り無料です。 鯛のホイル焼きは骨も無くて美味しかったです。 デザートのプリンは、昔ながらの手作りプリンです?
Lunch hamburger steak with red wine, 950 yen with drink, it was delicious! It is a home-style dish with a gentle taste and a lot of vegetables. The inside of the store and the Japanese-style room are large, so you can eat slowly without worrying about the neighbors. The only pity is that there is no fish dish. For a limited time, it was cold soup, and the daily lunch was pork kakuni. Dessert pound cake is normal ? --------------- * Revisited I used it for lunch again, but I was lucky because the daily lunch was fish dishes! Miso soup was also a lot of ingredients and I felt it was more delicious than last time. You can choose white rice or cooked rice, and a large serving is free. The grilled sea bream in foil was delicious without bones. Dessert pudding is a traditional handmade pudding ?
モカプリン on Google

450年前織田信長の時代の杉無垢テーブルのある リフォームして古民家風にしたカフェです。 ランチで煮込みハンバーグドルチェセット1210円を いただきました? ドルチェは、気まぐれムース(プリン)を注文。 プッチンプリンみたいな感じでした。 店内は手作り陶器も販売。野菜たっぷりで 料理も美味しく居心地も良かったです。 辛いもの好きな人にはドライカレーがオススメ との事だったので次回は食べてみたい?
There is a solid cedar table from the time of Nobunaga Oda 450 years ago. It is a cafe that has been remodeled to make it look like an old folk house. Stewed hamburger steak set for lunch 1210 yen Whats ? Dolce ordered a whimsical mousse (pudding). It was like a pudding pudding. Handmade pottery is also sold in the store. With plenty of vegetables The food was delicious and cozy. Dry curry is recommended for people who like spicy food So I want to eat next time ?
chan yamada on Google

埼玉県さいたま市にある古民家カフェ”藍“に伺いました。駅からは離れています。 平日の10:00頃伺いました。店内は木の温もりを感じるほっこりする雰囲気です。 店内はランチの準備で少し急がしそうな感じでした。 ケーキセットを注文しました。コーヒーのドリッパーが手づくり陶器だったのはユニークでした。全ての食器に個性があって楽しめます。 店内には地域のポスターが貼ってあります。 こちらは建築会社の運営するカフェとの事で、地域の不動産情報も資料が置いてありました。 他の器も気になりますね。 ごちそうさまでした? Instagram: yamada_taro_chan
We visited the old folk house cafe "Ai" in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. It is far from the station. I visited around 10:00 on weekdays. The inside of the store has a warm atmosphere where you can feel the warmth of wood. The inside of the store seemed to be a little rushed to prepare for lunch. I ordered a cake set. It was unique that the coffee dripper was handmade pottery. All tableware has its own personality and can be enjoyed. There are posters of the area in the store. This is a cafe run by a construction company, and there are also materials on real estate in the area. I'm also worried about other vessels. Thank you for your feast ? Instagram: yamada_taro_chan
wata kon on Google

Eat-in family 3 people use the tatami room. I had lunch instead of a cafe. The serving time is early, but the coffee is also served with a dripper. very delicious. Fashionable plates are also sold in the store, and if you think that you are a ceramic artist, is your main business real estate? An old folk house renovation property was also posted. Of course, there is no sales to customers, and it is a very cozy shop. I was informed that the store would be closed early because of the children's cafeteria, but I was impressed by the personality of the owner who is actively participating in community activities.

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