Hanabi - Toshima City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanabi

住所 :

大昇ビル 1 Chome-40-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 171-0021
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1305/A130501/13210147/

大昇ビル 1 Chome-40-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
カネザイル on Google

おいしかった。最後のシメで利用しました。 また行きたいです。
it was delicious. I used it at the last time. I want to go again.
ippei yosida on Google

食べ物は美味しいです。 お店は狭く、場所がわかりづらいので、注意。 比較てき安価なメニューもあり、ちょっとたべて飲んで締めにお好み焼きみたいな食べ方で二人で6000円くらい。 あと、カウンターの鉄板が汚いのが減点です。
The food is delicious. Please note that the shop is small and the location is difficult to understand. There is also an inexpensive menu for comparison, and you can eat it for a while and eat it like okonomiyaki for about 6000 yen. Also, the point is that the iron plate on the counter is dirty.
m on Google

肉玉そばを注文 広島焼きが食べたくて、デリバリーしたら大正解! お得に広島焼きを頼みたかったら間違いなし!
Order meat ball soba I want to eat Hiroshima-yaki, and when I deliver it, it's a great answer! If you want to order Hiroshima-yaki at a great price, there is no doubt!
かける on Google

池袋の歓楽街にあります! お店は地下にあり、少し分かり辛いです! 中は四人がけテーブル2つと、鉄板席が数席あります! 店員さん一人のため、少しと言うよりも結構時間掛かりますね! お通しのポテトサラダ?は友達からオススメされましたが、かなり美味しかったです! 一品料理で行けますね! 広島と同じ注文の仕方が出来たので、個人的には良かったです! ただ、広島焼きは個人的に気になりましたが美味しかったので良かったかと! 机にマヨネーズとオタフクソースは欲しかったです!
It is in the entertainment district of Ikebukuro! The shop is underground and it's a bit hard to understand! Inside there are two tables for four people and several iron seats! It takes a lot of time rather than just a little for the clerk alone! A potato salad? Was recommended by a friend, but it was quite delicious! You can go with one dish! I was able to do the same ordering as Hiroshima, so it was personally good! However, I was worried about Hiroshima Yaki personally, but it was good because it was delicious! I wanted mayonnaise and otafuku sauce at my desk!
Kentarow Kobayashi on Google

Okonomiyaki is delicious, but all the other dishes are delicious. Surprisingly, the izakaya was meatballs. The price is cheap and it feels good.
JuJu S on Google

お店は地下です。 マスターが1人です、ビールはアサヒ、とろろ焼きがすごく美味しい。 ねぎ焼きに肉がのっているので満腹感がすごい、 美味しかった‼️
The shop is underground. There is only one master, the beer is Asahi and the Tororo Yaki is very delicious. Since the meat is on the green onion, the feeling of fullness is amazing, was delicious! ️
莊雅竹 on Google

Sophie Wilson on Google

Small okonomiyaki place for an authentic experience. There's an English menu.

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