
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact はますかむすび

住所 :

Hamasuka, Chigasaki, 〒253-0035 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : http://hmusubi.sblo.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hamasuka, Chigasaki, 〒253-0035 Kanagawa,Japan
小椋明夫 on Google

It is a rice ball specialty store. There are many types, and we use carefully selected ingredients. There are also seasonal ingredients. I think it would be better if there were a little more side dishes.
こあらん on Google

大きさはやや控えめですが、美味しいです。 土曜の12時ごろですが売れたようで結構なかったです。 たぬきむすびが欲しかったけど、出てなかったようです。また来ます。
The size is somewhat modest but delicious. It was around 12 o'clock on Saturday but it was not good enough to sell. I wanted Tanukiki Suzu but it did not appear. I will come again.
志田富士夫 on Google

こんなひっそりとした住宅街に美味しいおにぎり屋さんがあるのにビックリ❗ おにぎり弁当はリーズナブルで美味しかった。今度は家内を連れて行こうと思います。
I was surprised that there was a delicious rice ball shop in such a quiet residential area ❗ The rice ball lunch was reasonable and delicious. I will take my wife this time.
Fuyuhi SAWASAKI on Google

It seems that the ingredients such as rice and seaweed are such delicious, it feels like opening up again. A somewhat discreet size is rather preferred, as it is where you want to eat many kinds. The problem is that when you eat the rice pad here, the hand does not extend to rice balls at convenience stores.
花散里 on Google

戦中戦後を生き抜いた母はご飯が何より好きでした。1番好きな食べ物は?「白いご飯」、何か食べたい物は?「白いご飯」。 自分でも美味しいお米を農家から取り寄せ、土鍋で炊いていました。 そんな母が亡くなってから、私は日本じゅうの美味しいと言われるお米を探しては炊いてみましたが、あの味には出会えませんでした。 それが先日、偶然みつけた はますかむすびさんのおにぎりをひとくち食べた瞬間、「これだ!!」と叫んでしまいました。 あのお米の食感、あのお米の香り…ずっと求めていた恋しい母の味。 具もお米に合うようにひとつひとつ吟味されています。ほんとうに美味しいです!
My mother who survived the postwar war loved rice more than anything. What is your favorite food? "White rice", what do you want to eat? "White rice". I ordered delicious rice from a farmer and cooked it in a clay pot. After my mother died, I searched for rice, which was said to be delicious in Japan, and cooked it, but I couldn't meet that taste. The other day, I found it by chance, the moment I ate a bit of a rice ball from Ms. Kazuma, and shouted, "This is it!" The texture of that rice, the smell of that rice ... the taste of my long-lost mother. The ingredients are also scrutinized one by one to match the rice. It is really delicious!
Taka sugi on Google

Natto is also handmade! It seems that large soybeans are used, and it is finished as a rice ball with a good taste. Thank you for the meal. The photo is for my family.
こうのとり on Google

私はコンビニのおにぎりのご飯の固さがダメですが、ここのおにぎりはふっくら炊かれていてとても美味しいです。 ここの玄米むすびを食べてから自宅でも玄米を食べるようになりました。種類も豊富で、日によってなかったり、売り切れたりしていると残念ですが、それだけ競争率が激しい分手に入れたときはテンション上がります。 量が多く安いおにぎりを食べたければ、コンビニの量産型おにぎりを食べればいいんじゃないでしょうか。美味しいものを100円ほどで求めるのは作り手に失礼です。ここのは手間がかかったホンモノのおにぎりです。3個でワンコインのセットもあるので、迷ったときはこれですね。セットの中身も全部違うので楽しめます。 ごちそうさまでした!
I don't like the hardness of rice balls at convenience stores, but the rice balls here are fluffy and very delicious. After eating brown rice here, I started to eat brown rice at home. It's a pity that there are a lot of types, and it's not available depending on the day, or it's sold out, but when you get it because of the fierce competition rate, you get excited. If you want to eat a large amount of cheap rice balls, you should eat mass-produced rice balls at convenience stores. It is rude to the creator to ask for delicious food for about 100 yen. This is a real rice ball that took a lot of time and effort. There is also a set of 3 coins, so if you get lost, this is it. The contents of the set are all different so you can enjoy it. Thank you for the meal!
kurikin on Google

Come to the store by passing. It's like a home renovation store in a residential area. The photo shows the lunch boxes from other stores ... This store has rice balls + side dishes, and each price + side dishes is 300 yen .. I didn't need side dishes because it might be profitable to buy them together. .. Rice balls are delicious. I'm particular about the ingredients, but the amount was small and it was difficult for me to understand the true power of the taste.

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