小田原栄町 魚藤 辻堂店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小田原栄町 魚藤 辻堂店

住所 :

Tsujido, Fujisawa, 〒251-0047 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsujido, Fujisawa, 〒251-0047 Kanagawa,Japan
小松太郎 on Google

刺身の鮮度管理、切り方、プレゼンテーション等をもっと磨いて欲しいですね。 地元で頑張ってくれるお店が増えて嬉しい限りですが、周りのお店はもっとうまくて?上手いですよ。、
I want you to refine the freshness management of sashimi, how to cut, presentation etc. more. I'm glad that there are more shops that will work hard in the local area, but are the shops around better? It is good. ,
河原木英嗣 on Google

Assorted sashimi was the best.
RIKA KIKU on Google

魚屋さん直営なので、あまりお目にかかる事の無い魚の刺身もあり、美味しくいただきました。気さくな大将のお話も楽しかったですょ☺️ ちょっぴり残念だったのが、パイプ椅子が座りずらかったです。
Because it is directly managed by the fish shop, there are some fish sashimi that I don't see so much. The story of the friendly general was also fun! It was a little disappointing, but the pipe chair was hard to sit on.
井上裕太 on Google

お店の方のお魚へのこだわりがすばらしい!さすが、魚屋が営むお店! 今回は魚藤定食を頼んでみたが、いろいろな種類の魚がたくさん食べられた。今日は本マグロ、ぶり(背身)、タイの湯引き、皮を引いた鯛、皮を炙ったさわら、皮を引いたさわら、メダイ、イシダイが入っていた。中でもイシダイは活け締めされ、熟成に二日かけたとのこと。刺身一つ一つ丁寧な仕事が施されているのは食べればわかる。最高の状態で提供されていた。 また、本日の潮汁はタスマニアサーモンのあらが使用されていた。前日から作ってるとのことでいいだしが出ていた。全く魚の臭みはなく、旨味だけがしみ出していた。 駅近くで千円という安さ。すぐ近くのテラスモールでも海鮮丼は食べられるが、コスパ、美味しさ、満足感どれをとっても圧勝。辻堂近辺で美味しい魚を出している店はないものかといつも探していたが、今日出会ってしまった! 次回は是非、夜も訪れてみたい。
The attention to the fish of the shop is wonderful! As expected it is a shop operated by fishmongers! This time I ordered Utofusa meal, but many kinds of fish were eaten. Today, this tuna, the first time (the back), the taste of Thailand, the sea bream which pulled the skin, even when the skin was roasted, even the skin was drawn, the medaka, the isidai were contained. Among them, Ishidai was tightened up, and it took two days to mature. One by one sashimi You can understand what is being carefully done by eating. It was offered at the best condition. Today's soup stock was used by the Tasmania salmon ore. A good soup had come out because I made it from the previous day. There was no smell of fish at all and only umami was exuded. It is a cheap thousand yen near the station. Even seafood bowls can be eaten even at the terrace mall that is near, but cospa, deliciousness, satisfaction are very exciting. I have always been looking for shops that deliver delicious fish near Tsujido, but I met today! Next time, I definitely want to visit the evening.
谷川重晴 on Google

A delicious fish can be found at a shop owned by a well-established fish store in Odawara ?
Dai Ao on Google

The fish is sent directly from Odawara, so it is fresh and delicious. People who like feature fish more like tuna should be unbearable. The restaurant and restaurant near the Hayakawa fishing port are the same in taste and price. I would like to drink cold sake.
いとぅー on Google

隠れ家的なお魚の美味しいお店です。 ランチでフライ定食を頂きました。嫁は干物定食(店内のクーラーから自由に選べます) エビフライは柔らかサクサクで甘みのあるおいしさ!アジフライはジューシーで、しっかりとしたお味でした。 潮汁もさっぱりとした中でも魚の美味しさを感じることが出来ました。 ランチ価格帯は1000円程度と、自分にはやや高めですが、充分に満足できる内容でした。
It is a delicious hideaway fish shop. I had a fried set meal at lunch. The bride has a dried fish set meal (you can choose freely from the cooler in the store) Fried shrimp is soft, crispy and sweet! Aji fry was juicy and had a solid taste. I was able to feel the deliciousness of the fish even though the salt juice was refreshing. The lunch price range is about 1000 yen, which is a little high for me, but I was fully satisfied.
Erik Iss on Google

Nice restaurant.

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