
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 巻田商店

住所 :

Hachimangi, Kawaguchi, 〒334-0012 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 12–9PM
Tuesday 12–9PM
Wednesday 12–9PM
Thursday 12–9PM
Friday 12–9PM
街 : Saitama

Hachimangi, Kawaguchi, 〒334-0012 Saitama,Japan
Hidekazu Iwaya on Google

色々頂きましたが、知る限り最強最高の唐揚げは巻田商店のものです。 味、量、値段共に他に類を見ない高次元の仕上がり。もっと有名になっても良いと思うのですが・・・ 他にも豚の味噌漬けやスタミナ弁当など、どれを取っても後悔はない美味揃い。一度行ったらリピート確実です。
I have received various kinds, but as far as I know, the strongest and best fried chicken is from Makida Shoten. A high-dimensional finish that is unique in taste, quantity, and price. I think it would be okay to become more famous ... Other than that, there is no regret even if you take miso pickles of pork or stamina lunch. If you go once, you will be sure to repeat.
齋藤暢啓 on Google

巻田商店さん 地元で30年前から食べさせていただいてます! 中学生の頃はお金が無く定番ののり弁を食べてました。 サクサクのフライに日替りお惣菜が入って凄くコスパが良いですね! 私のおすすめは唐揚げ弁当が1番おいしいですよ。 あと、どか弁もある意味おすすめしますので一度チャレンジしてみると良いと思いますー 今は、地元では無いのでたまにしか買いに行けません。 それでもまた食べたくなる味なんですよ! 会社の近くに有れば、ほぼ毎日買うのに…… オーナー夫妻も優しい方でこちらもホッコリします。 本日、買いに行く予定なので何にしようか考え中です。 やっぱり唐揚げ弁当大盛りにしますー! 大盛りだと容器に入りきらないボリューム感 これからもご夫婦元気で頑張って下さい。 いつまでも変らぬ味をお届けして頂きたく思いますー
Makida Shoten I've been eating it for 30 years locally! When I was a junior high school student, I had no money and ate a standard glue. The crispy fries are filled with daily prepared dishes and the cospa is really good! My recommendation is that the fried lunch is the best. In addition, I recommend the Dokaben in a way, so it's a good idea to try it once Right now I can only go shopping because it is not local. Still, it's a taste you want to eat again! If you are near the company, you buy almost every day ... The owners and their husbands are also gentle, and this one is also relieved. I'm going to buy it today, so I'm thinking about what to do. After all we will make a large serving of fried lunch! A large volume that can not fit in the container if it is large Please do your best with married couple from now on. I want you to deliver a taste that will never change
Midnight Singer on Google

私も1つ前の齋藤さまがお書きになってる通り 気づけば30年ほどお世話になっており、 全く同じ感想です。 ご夫妻の人柄が伝わる味。 丁寧でほっこりするお弁当。 唐揚げの旨さ。 安さ。 これも齋藤さまと同様、 私も20年ほど前に実家を出て都心に住んでいて なかなか買いに行けませんが 地元に戻るとどうしても食べたいのと ご夫妻に一瞬でもお会いしたくて 必ず買いに行きます。 唐揚げは出来たてを頂くのが 当然美味しいのですが 半年ほど帰れないこともあるので 単品で500gほど頼み 小分けして冷凍してます。 出来たてほどの旨さではなくなってしまいますが それほど無性に食べたくなる 自分にとっては青春の味。 日本一?の九州の唐揚げとか 私には全く響きませんでした。 巻田商店さんの唐揚げが全国一です!! ちなみに個人的に好きなお弁当は (豚ロースの)味噌漬弁当、 ハンバーグ弁当あたりかなぁ。 ご無理はなさらずに これからもおいしいお弁当を 地元の方々に届けて頂きたいです。 必ずまた買いに行きます。
As I said before Saito-san If you notice, it has been taken care of for about 30 years, I have exactly the same impression. A taste that conveys the personality of the couple. A polite and relaxing lunch. Deep-fried flavor. Cheapness. This is the same as Mr. Saito I also left my parents' home about 20 years ago and lived in the city center I can't quite buy it I really want to eat when I return to my hometown I want to see you and your wife for an instant I'm definitely going to buy. Deep-fried fried chicken Of course it's delicious Sometimes I can't go home for about 6 months Request about 500 g separately It's subdivided and frozen. It will not be as good as it was made I want to eat so asexually The taste of youth to me. The best in Japan? Deep-fried Kyushu It didn't sound to me at all. Makida Shoten's deep-fried chicken is the best in Japan !! By the way, my favorite bento is Miso pickled bento (of pork loin), I wonder if it's a hamburger box lunch. Don't overdo it We will continue to have delicious lunches I would like to have the local people deliver it. I'll definitely buy again.
たーちんみんつう on Google

I've bought bento boxes several times, but I can't find my favorite bento box.
Masanori Sugawara on Google

巻田商店さんの書き込み 特に唐揚げ弁当について あえて書き込む必要性がありませんが 推しの唐揚げ弁当の写真が無いのか疑問(笑) お店の入り口に メニュー表には 全商品税込み価格が表示されてます
Makida Shoten's writing There is no need to write about fried chicken lunch in particular, but I wonder if there is a picture of the recommended fried chicken lunch (laugh) At the entrance of the shop, the menu table shows the prices including tax for all products.
key on Google

お昼のお弁当で何回か利用しています。 鶏の唐揚げは皮パリパリではなく、しっとり唐揚げで味付けも良くご飯も美味しいです。
I use it several times for lunch. The fried chicken is not crispy, but moist fried, seasoned well and the rice is delicious.
武蔵 on Google

お弁当やお惣菜がとても美味しく、20年程前から食べています。 唐揚げ弁当、焼肉弁当等どれも美味しいのですが、単品の骨付きももからあげ(塩味)が絶品です! あと、クリスマスの時の、もも肉が最高に美味しいんです!ふだんの照り焼きもも肉とは味付けが違い、この味は年1回しか食べられません。お店が近所ではないのでタイミングが合わないと買いにいけず昨年は食べられませんでした。 他にも餃子も、もつ煮もぜんぶ美味しいです。 巻田商店さん大好きです!
Lunch boxes and side dishes are very delicious and I have been eating them for about 20 years. The fried chicken lunch box, yakiniku lunch box, etc. are all delicious, but the single bone-in thigh karaage (salt flavor) is excellent! Also, the thigh meat at Christmas is the best! The seasoning is different from the usual teriyaki thigh meat, and this taste can only be eaten once a year. Since the shop is not in the neighborhood, I couldn't buy it if the timing wasn't right, so I couldn't eat it last year. Besides, dumplings and motsuni are all delicious. I love Makida Shoten!
だんごむし on Google

いつも海苔唐めんたい弁当を食べています! 人気商品だけあって、本当に美味しい。ただ美味しいだけじゃありません! 唐揚げも、どこの唐揚げよりもやみつきになる旨味が効いて、ご飯も冷めても本当に美味しい! お惣菜も味がしっかりついて優しい味です! ご夫婦の優しさがこのお弁当に含まれているのですね(^o^) それでいてこのお安さ! 本当に感謝です。ありがとうございます!
I always eat seaweed tang mentai bento! There are only popular products and they are really delicious. It's not just delicious! The fried chicken is more addictive than any other fried chicken, and it's really delicious even when the rice is cold! The side dish also has a strong taste and is a gentle taste! The kindness of the couple is included in this lunch box (^ o ^) Still, this is cheap! I really appreciate it. Thank you!

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