
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上海人家

住所 :

Gumizawacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Gumizawacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
Hig Hug on Google

美味しい 女将さんの人柄もよい 駐車場あり クレジットカードは使えません
delicious The personality of the landlady is also good There is a parking lot Credit cards cannot be used
こむらひろゆき on Google

I could afford 2 cups of white rice in the casserole. The replacement for white rice is 100 yen.
荒井靖 on Google

Please come and visit us. It ’s very delicious, the master is Chinese and strong but kind.
栄伸防災 on Google

(*´﹃`*) ウマ〜 平日の本日の日替わりランチは600円。 その他のランチメニューはほぼ700円。 何を食べても間違いないよ。 五目タンメン具が多くて食べ応えあり。 とにかく、コスパ最強クラス (ゞ´∀`)ゞ カモンベイベェ
(* ´﹃ ` *) Horse ~ Today's daily lunch on weekdays is 600 yen. Other lunch menus are almost 700 yen. No matter what you eat There are a lot of Gomoku tanmen ingredients and there is a response to eating. Anyway, the strongest class of COSPA (ゞ ´∀ `) ゞ Camon Baby
たぬ吉 on Google

おそらく中国人と思われる夫婦?で営んでおられますが、お2人ともいつも感じが良く、料理もなに頼んでも美味しいです モチモチした皮のギョーザ!
Probably a Chinese couple? Both of them always feel good, and the food is delicious no matter what you ask for. Gyoza with chewy skin!
K on Google

新規開拓で訪問。 チャーハン、野菜炒め定食、五目かた焼きそばをチョイス。 食べた感想、どれも薄味。 定食系には、お通し的なマーボー豆腐(かなり小さい)サラダ(かなり小さい)あと小さい杏仁豆腐がついてました。 お冷の水、水道水。オシボリは出てきた。 店内の感じ、デーブル席が3卓、座敷席4卓(掘りごたつでは無い。レジ方面にカウンター席3~4かな? 駐車場は有る旨が書いてあったが、何処だかわからず近くのセブンへ… 店内は喫煙可なので、非喫煙者にはキツイかな…
Visit with new development. Fried rice, vegetable stir-fried set meal, choice chopped yakisoba. Impression of eating, all taste. For the set meal system, a sticky Mabo tofu (pretty small) salad (pretty small) Another small apricot tofu was on. Cold water, tap water. Oshivoli came out. Feeling in the shop, 3 table in the table seats, 4 tables in the Zashiki (It is not diggers, counter seat 3 to 4 in the direction of the register? Although it was written that there is a parking lot, I do not know where it is, and I went to a nearby Seven ... Because the inside of the store is smokable, it is hard for non smokers ...
odakaz odakaz on Google

平日昼間に行ってみたが他のお客は一人。このお店のシステムなのかもしれないが、10分くらい待ってもメニューが出てこなかった。 仕方なくこちらから店員さんに声をかけ、店外に貼ってあったメニューからうろ覚えで五目炒飯を注文した。 値段の割には量が多めで味は普通。部活上がりの学生さんとかに向いてるのかも。
I went there during the daytime on weekdays, but there was only one other customer. It may be the system of this shop, but the menu did not come out even after waiting for about 10 minutes. I had no choice but to call the clerk from here and order the Gomoku fried rice from the menu pasted outside the store. The amount is large for the price and the taste is normal. Maybe it's suitable for students who are active in club activities.
RYUICHI on Google

国道一号の戸塚警察署の交差点を警察署と反対方向へ少し行ったところにある町中華屋さん。店から少し行ったところに駐車スペースが2台分あり、車でも行きやすい。 回鍋肉とライス、杏仁豆腐を注文すると、最初に小皿にのった麻婆豆腐が運ばれてきた・・・普通に辛いが、味付けは気持ち薄めに感じた。回鍋肉はキャベツ、ピーマン、長ネギ、豚肉という普通の日本式の構成で、味付けは自分にとっては少しだけ濃い目か。麻婆豆腐に比べると辛さはほとんど感じられず、甜麺醤の甘さはある。豚肉は豚バラだろうか。780円にしては量もあり、味付けも美味しいと思う。 杏仁豆腐はよくあるゼリーを砕いたような固めの食感と高級中華料理店のプリンのような食感の中間あたりだろうか。他では見かけないデコレーション(薄切りのキンカン?)が面白い。薬っぽい感じはなくて、美味しくいただけた。 広めのお座敷席もあるようなので、子連れでもくつろいで利用できると思う。また、昨今の事情に合わせてテイクアウトもやっているようなので、そういった利用にも向いているお店だと思う。
A town Chinese restaurant located at the intersection of Totsuka Police Station on National Highway No. 1 in the opposite direction to the police station. There are two parking spaces just a short distance from the store, making it easy to reach by car. When I ordered Twice-cooked meat, rice, and almond tofu, the mapo tofu on a small plate was first brought in ... It was usually spicy, but the seasoning felt light. Twice-cooked meat has the usual Japanese-style composition of cabbage, peppers, green onions, and pork, and the seasoning is a little dark for me. Compared to mapo tofu, the spiciness is hardly felt, and the sweetness of Tianmian sauce is present. Is pork a pork rose? It's a lot for 780 yen, and I think the seasoning is delicious. Is almond tofu somewhere between the firm texture of crushed jelly and the texture of pudding in a high-class Chinese restaurant? The decoration (sliced ​​kumquat?) That you can't find anywhere else is interesting. It didn't feel like medicine and it was delicious. There seems to be a large tatami room, so I think it can be used comfortably even with children. Also, it seems that they are taking out according to the recent circumstances, so I think that it is a store that is suitable for such use.

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