向陽飯店 戸塚店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 向陽飯店 戸塚店

住所 :

Yoshidacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, 〒244-0817 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Yoshidacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, 〒244-0817 Kanagawa,Japan
鴻巣晴明 on Google

[The price is normal, but I was surprised even though the amount was large] At the coin laundry where I went to wash the futon, I was next to it while I was waiting, so I entered the store to try a cup ■ Because the menu was a yamcha style description With the intention of "one cup with a high ball", I ordered the royal road of deep-fried chicken with soy sauce, century egg, and edamame, and ordered the meat stuffing of the intestines. I needed a cup ■ I swallowed slowly without being rushed, which is often the case with Chinese restaurants ■ The century egg and stuffed intestines were delicious, so I decided to ask for a meal menu instead of swallowing
陽子 on Google

デリバリーを頼んだが、配達予定時間を30分過ぎても何の連絡も無いのでお店に電話をしました。 すると、もう配達に出ている、混んでいるので、すみませんと言われたので、じゃぁ待とうと電話を切ったが電話してから50分経っても来ない。 戸塚店からここまで20分で来られる距離なのに。電話した時に配達に出てるなら余計に遅すぎる。 再度、電話すると、配達中ですと言われたので、さっきも、それを言われて50分経っているんですけど、と言うとドライバーに確認すると言われ、待ってると、日本の方じゃ無いらしく、よく分からない事を言っていて、結局いつ来るんですか?って聞くと、申し訳ございません、すぐにと言われました。 最初の配達予定から1時間30分過ぎてやっと配達されました。 子供も1時間以上待たされ午後2時も過ぎ、お腹空いたと泣いて大変でした。 実は以前も30分遅れてデリバリーされました。 前回も今回もですが、遅れるならお店から連絡をいただきたいです。 美味しいのに本当に残念です。
I asked for delivery, but I called the store because there was no contact after 30 minutes. Then, I was sorry that it was already on delivery and it was crowded, so I hung up and waited 50 minutes after I called. Even though it ’s 20 minutes from the Totsuka store. If you can deliver when you call, it's too late. When I call again, I was told that it was being delivered, so I was told that it was 50 minutes ago. When you say something you don't understand well, when do you come after all? I was sorry to hear that, but I was told immediately. It was finally delivered 1 hour and 30 minutes after the first delivery schedule. The child waited for more than an hour, and after 2pm, it was hard to cry when I was hungry. Actually, it was delivered 30 minutes later. This is the last time and this time. It ’s really disappointing though it ’s delicious.
xxx xxx on Google

10回ほど食べたが、どれを食べても料理はかなり美味しく、ここ数年で食べた中華料理の中ではダントツに美味しいと思った。 ただ、この店は接客がイマイチ。 ダウンジャケットを着たまま、バイトなのか客なのか分からない人物が接客をしていたり、入店時レジ前で待たされる事5分、全く相手にされず席にも通されない。 支払い時もとにかく後回しにされ、レジ前で10分近く放置される事もザラ。 美味しいだけに色々もったいないお店。
I ate about 10 times and the food was pretty good no matter which one I ate, and I thought it was the best Chinese food I've eaten in recent years. However, the customer service is not good at this store. While wearing a down jacket, a person who does not know whether it is a part-time job or a customer is waiting on customers or waiting at the cash register at the time of entering the store for 5 minutes, it is not treated as an opponent at all and can not be passed through the seat. Anyway, it is postponed at the time of payment, and it is possible to be left for about 10 minutes in front of the cash register. A shop that is delicious as it is delicious.
hank yk on Google

デリバリーで。 美味しいのに、殺人兵器?と思う海老卵が程塩辛かった。エビは柔らかかった。 とてもボリュームがあって食べ応えは抜群。今度は実店舗で食べてみたい。
With delivery. It ’s delicious, but it ’s a murder weapon? The shrimp egg I think was salty. The shrimp were tender. It's very voluminous and the response to eating is outstanding. Next time I want to eat at a real store.
シンジ on Google

日替わりの八宝菜です。 ボリュームたっぷり、安くて、美味しかったです。 また、リピします。
It is a daily eight treasure vegetable. It was generous, cheap and delicious. In addition to repeater.
特級美食師 on Google

料理の当たり外れがすごい。 麻婆豆腐辛すぎ… 冷やし坦々完全な冷やし中華…。 油半端ないから 料理ツヤツヤ。 特に美味しいとも思わない。
The hits on the dish are amazing. Mapo tofu too spicy... Chilled and completely chilled Chinese... Because there is no odd oil Cooking gloss. I don't think it's particularly delicious.
Maximilian. F. on Google

早い安い美味い、街中華の3大ポイントを実現していると思います。 その上ボリュームもシッカリあるので、十分に満足できますよ。
I think that it has achieved the three major points of fast, cheap and delicious food, and Chinese food in the city. Besides, the volume is also solid, so you can be fully satisfied.
Sjhain on Google

この辺りは街中華も多くそちらも美味しいが、ボリュームや本格的な味だったらこの店が1番かな。 最近は店員も親切だし、満腹食べたい人にはおすすめですね。めちゃ量多いです。
There are a lot of Chinese food in this area, and it's delicious, but if it's volume and authentic taste, this shop is probably the best. The clerk is kind these days, so it's recommended for people who want to eat full. It's a lot.

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