仁賀保高原南展望台 - Nikaho

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 仁賀保高原南展望台

住所 :

Guminokimori, Iseiji, Nikaho, 〒018-0431 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 018-0431
街 : Akita

Guminokimori, Iseiji, Nikaho, 〒018-0431 Akita,Japan
松山貴史(まっつぁん) on Google

鳥海山から仁賀保まで一望出来ます。 日曜だったが誰も居ないし穴場でした!
You can get a panoramic view from Mt. Chokai to Nikaho. It was Sunday but nobody was there and it was a little-known spot!
木もれび on Google

花立牧場側から県道312号を西へ向かい、トンネルを抜けた所が仁賀保高原風力発電所、そこから少し行くとT字路で(右へ北上すると土田牧場)、そこを真っ直ぐほんの少し行くと左手に案内板出てます。入口から2.5km! 途中すれ違い用の待避所が何ヵ所かある、細い道を行きます。どん詰まりに風車があり、割と広い駐車スペースあります。 そこから右手に展望台。秋田側からの鳥海山と、その麓に広がる森が一望できます。この眺望が素晴らしい。 象潟の九十九島や日本海、庄内平野まで見渡せます。 行く価値大で、満足出来ました~。天候の良い日にどうぞ。
From the Hanatate Ranch side, head west on Prefectural Road 312, go through the tunnel to the Nikaho Kogen Wind Farm, and if you go a little further, you will see a T-junction (Tsuchida Ranch if you go north to the right). There is a guide board at. 2.5km from the entrance! On the way, go down a narrow road with several slopes for passing each other. There is a windmill in the jam, and there is a relatively large parking space. From there, the observatory is on your right. You can overlook Mt. Chokai from the Akita side and the forest at the foot of the mountain. This view is wonderful. You can see Kujuku Islands in Kisakata, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the Shonai Plain. It was worth the trip and I was satisfied. Please on a sunny day.
まくら on Google

グーグルマップでナビしたら未舗装を通る様に言われた挙げ句、つけませんでした(´・ω・`) お気をつけて!
When I navigated on Google Maps, I was told to go through unpaved roads, but I didn't add it (´ ・ ω ・ `) be careful!
Haru Ruby on Google

전망대로서 훌륭했습니다. 표지판도 없어서 입구 찾는데 오래 걸렸습니다. 풍력발전기를 따라 내려가는 1차선 길이 있습니다. 바람이 강한 날에는 가지 않는 것을 추천합니다. 주의사항도 써있고 풍력발전기 날개에서 나는 소리에 위협을 느끼기 때문입니다. 니카호시에 머문다면 가보는 것을 추천합니다.
It was great as an observation deck. There was no sign, so it took a long time to find the entrance. There is a one-lane road that goes down the wind turbine. It is recommended not to go on windy days. There is also a caution note and it is because the sound from the wind turbine blades feels a threat. If you are staying in Nikaho City, it is recommended to go.
真紀 on Google

かなり見晴らしがいいです。 すれ違い出来ないくらい道が狭いので要注意です。
The view is pretty good. Be careful as the road is so narrow that you cannot pass each other.
KOKI Ishizawa on Google

この仁賀保高原南展望台は、にかほ第二風力発電所(南側サイト)の事業者である株式会社ジェイウインドの事業地(風力発電事業)に隣接してあります。国定公園・国指定史跡の鳥海山(2,236m)を、仁賀保高原の南端側から一望できる展望台です。にかほ市では、県道312号線から仁賀保高原南展望台までの舗装道路を「市道」とし、市民の利用に供しております。展望台に設置されたパノラマ写真地図には、約60万年も火山活動を続けている鳥海山が、紀元前466年の冬に「山体崩壊」を起こし、現在のにかほ市の地形を作ったことが判りやすく紹介されており、鳥海山・飛島ジオパークへのリンク(QRコード)が貼られております。ぜひ、雄大な鳥海山の絶景を見に来てください。飛島もバッチリ見えます。 【追記】県道312号線の「仁賀保高原南口」交差点の手前に「仁賀保高原南展望台→」の立看板があります。この立看板を見たら、鳥海山側(南側)に向かってください。風車群の並びに沿って走ると南端最終風車の付け根に、展望台があります。
This Nikaho Kogen South Observatory is adjacent to the business site (wind power generation business) of J-Wind Co., Ltd., which is the operator of the Nikaho No. 2 Wind Farm (south side site). It is an observatory where you can see Mt. Chokai (2,236m), a national park and a nationally designated historic site, from the southern end of the Nikaho Plateau. In Nikaho City, the paved road from Prefectural Road 312 to Nigaho Kogen South Observatory is designated as a "city road" and is used by citizens. On the panoramic photo map installed on the observatory, Mt. Chokai, which has been active for about 600,000 years, caused a "mountain collapse" in the winter of 466 BC and created the current topography of Nikaho City. Is introduced in an easy-to-understand manner, and a link (QR code) to Mt. Chokai / Nikaho Geopark is attached. Please come and see the magnificent view of Mt. Chokai. You can see Tobishima perfectly. [Addition] There is a signboard of "Nikaho Kogen South Observatory →" in front of the "Nikaho Kogen South Exit" intersection on Prefectural Road 312. When you see this sign, head toward the Chokaisan side (south side). If you run along the line of windmills, you will find an observatory at the base of the final windmill at the southern end.
寺川直樹 on Google

It is located on the west side of the Ogata reservoir. You can get a panoramic view from the Sea of ​​Japan in Kisakata to Mt. Chokai!
ざわめがね on Google

グーグルマップでそのまま行くと、田んぼのあぜ道の様な道に案内されますが間違いです。 仁賀保高原風力発電所を目的地にして進むと南展望台の案内看板があります。 展望台までは舗装路になってます 景色は最高で鳥海山から日本海までよく見えます
If you go on Google Maps as it is, you will be guided to a road like a paddy field, but it is a mistake. If you go to the Nikaho Kogen Wind Farm as your destination, you will see a signboard for the South Observatory. There is a paved road to the observatory The scenery is the best and you can see well from Mt. Chokai to the Sea of ​​Japan

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