grandir Japonais - Itabashi City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact grandir Japonais

住所 :

3 Chome-15-5 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 173-0004
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

3 Chome-15-5 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan
Y S on Google

この間商品を選んで会計へ向かおうとしたら、レジの中年の女性が右手は腰、左手は目の前の台に置いて体を斜めにして寄りかかり、接客業として信じられない(別に客が神様とは思っていませんが)、本当に偉そうな体勢でこっちを向いていました。 私も振り向いたときその格好にびっくりし、向こうも慌てて立て直してましたが。商品を選んでいると、レジに対して完全に背を向ける感じになるのでばれてないとでも思ったんですかね。結構行っていたので、上から目線で体型とか服装をジロジロチェックされてたのかもとか思うともう行く気が無くなりました。 お店の中は綺麗だし子供にも安心して食べさせられる素材のパンだし、蝶ネクタイのオーナーらしき男性も親切だったので星は3で。でもあの体勢だけは許せないです。
Once you have the leaps to accounting to choose during this period the goods, the middle-aged women the right hand of the cash register hip, the left hand is placed in front of the base of the eye leaned to the body at an angle, do not believe as the hospitality industry (separately from customer we do not think that God is), was directed at me in a really bossy posture. I also was surprised to its appearance when turned around, but had been rebuilding the other side also hastily. When are choosing the goods, I guess I thought, even if not Bale so will make you feel completely turn your back to the cash register. Because it was quite done, no longer willing to go anymore and I think Toka be of the type Toka dressed in the eyes from above had been staring check. It's It's beautiful in the shop material of bread to be eat with confidence in children, star because it was the owner Rashiki men kind of bow tie at 3. But only that posture is inexcusable.
ゆみゆみ on Google

I bought a cream bun at the beginning of the opening, but it's smaller than I expected and the price is reasonable. And the custard inside is powdery and not as delicious as leaving a child, so I haven't done it since then, but I hope it has improved.
rumanah chy on Google

白神チーズ、ショコラブレッド、オレンジショコラ、シュッケがお気に入りです。これら全てワインにもマッチすると思います。 主に区役所にたまに出店している時に買っています。 区役所付近のお気に入りはマルジューさんと、こちらグランディールジャポネさんです。Frenchな雰囲気でオシャレ。パンもケーキやショコラもワインによく合います。 マルジューさんは祖父母の時代からの日本的な所や仲宿商店街やハッピーロードに溶け込んだ雰囲気も魅力ですが、グランディールさんは対照的な感じ。どちらにもそれぞれ魅力が有ります。
Shirakami cheese, chocolate love red, orange chocolate and shukuke are my favorites. I think all these wines will match. We buy mainly when we open a store at ward office occasionally. My favorite things near the ward office are Marjou and here Grande Japone. Fashionable with a French atmosphere. Bread, cakes and chocolate go well with wine. Marjou has an attractive atmosphere that blends with Japanese places from the days of grandparents, Nakajuku shopping street and Happy Road, but Grand deal is in contrast. Each has its own appeal.
あさ on Google

見た目はおしゃれ系の、味は下町的な昔ながらのジャポネのパン。 もともとはジャポネのケーキ屋さんだった。 ケーキ屋の頃から、見た目は新しいが味は昔ながらだなぁと思っていた。 外装は変わってもジャポネのDNAは受け継がれている。 でもビーフカレーパンはめっちゃうまいよ!!!
Old-fashioned japone bread that looks fashionable and tastes like downtown. Originally it was a cake shop in Japone. From the time I was a cake shop, I thought that the appearance was new but the taste was old-fashioned. Even if the exterior has changed, Japone's DNA has been inherited. But beef curry bread is really good! !! !!
taka maki on Google

The taste is very normal. All the clerk are unfriendly and the value of the product goes down. I earnestly wish for education.
川瀬浩一 on Google

It's delicious bread, and it's additive-free, so you can eat it with confidence. Now, the potato marron bullets are seasonal, and they're full of chestnuts and potatoes, so it's delicious ?‼ ️‼ ️
Yo T on Google

街散策の途中に見つけて、おやつに購入。 最寄駅の板橋区庁前駅からはフラフラ歩いて10分かからないくらい。 雰囲気の良いお店。お店はこじんまり。ベビーカーで入店したが、ゆっくり選べる広さではない。 パンの種類はだいたい20種類くらい? つぶあんを購入。あっさりしたあんこで甘さがしつこくなく美味。つぶは細かくあんのつぶを大きく感じることは少ない。 食べ歩きしやすいパンを、と思ってつぶあんを選んだが、他のパンも魅力的だったので、次回来店時は、家で食べるようも購入したい。
We find on the way of town walk and purchase for snacks. It takes less than 10 minutes on foot from the nearest station, Itabashi-ku Office-mae Station. Good atmosphere shop. The shop is small. We entered the store with a stroller, but it is not large enough to choose slowly. About 20 kinds of bread? Buy Tsubuan. The sweet bean paste is sweet and delicious. The crush is fine and it is rare that the crush is large. I thought of bread that would be easy to eat and walk, and chose Tsubuan, but other bread was also attractive, so I would like to buy it at home the next time I visit.
Y U on Google

店員さんにそれぞれのパンについて色々教えていただきました。白神ブレッドが推しとのことで、まずはそちらをいただいて帰りました。 美味しい!本格的な今風のパン屋さんの味という感じ。価格も周辺のパン屋さんよりお高いけれども、納得かな。でももうチョットお手頃だと毎日いただけるのにな、、。次回ぜひバゲットや食パンを試してみたいです。 再訪: やはり何度食べても、白神ブレッドはレベル高いと思いました。中はふわふわ、ガワはヌチっと切れにくい薄いけどしっかりとしたもので、家庭でカットする際は少し苦戦します; 新鮮なうちに、焼かずにいただくのが好きデス。 再び、、: 食パンとバゲットをいただきました。白神ブレッドからの期待値が高すぎたのか、そこまでの感動はなかったです。普通に美味しくいただきました。
The clerk taught me various things about each bread. Shirakami Bread recommended it, so I got it first and went home. delicious! It feels like the taste of a full-fledged modern bakery. The price is higher than the bakeries in the area, but I think it's convincing. But if it's already affordable, you can get it every day. I would love to try baguettes and bread next time. Revisited: No matter how many times I ate, I thought that Shirakami Bled was at a high level. The inside is fluffy, and the river is thin but firm and hard to cut, so it's a little difficult to cut at home; Death that I like to have without baking while it is fresh. Again ,: I had bread and baguettes. I wasn't impressed that the expected value from Shirakami Bread was too high. It was delicious as usual.

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