Grace Dermatology Clinic - Hachioji

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Grace Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

二葉ビル 4-3 Nakacho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0085, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 192-0085
Webサイト :

二葉ビル 4-3 Nakacho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0085, Japan
S S on Google

めちゃくちゃ待ちます。いつ行っても混んでるので、初診の方はとにかく待つのを覚悟して行った方がいいです。 再診もウェブで予約していてもかなり待ちます。 10時に予約して、実際に来院案内されるのが14時前はいい方で、午後診で案内されることもあります。 そこから来院しても30分は待ちます。 それでも通い続けるのは、とにかく診察が丁寧だからです。 時間にしたら5分も掛からず終わるのですが、皮膚科で触診から入る先生を初めて見ました。 マスクをし始めて吹き出物に悩み、ニキビ跡にかなりなやんで元々別の皮膚科に通っていました。 同じ診察時間でもパッと見ただけで、食生活を指導されて、処方されたのは今あるニキビを治す薬のみ。 訴えた症状に対処はしてくれているのですが、ここの先生はそのひとつ先を考えてくれていました。 ニキビ跡を治していく薬とビタミン剤、ニキビを治す薬を処方して下さり、写真を撮って経過を観察してくれました。 薬もあっていたのかあんなに悩んでいたニキビ跡が一気に改善し、吹き出物も出来にくくなりました。 自由診療の美容医療方面もやっていますが、無理に勧めてくることも提案されることもありませんので安心です。 首の湿疹で診察を受けた際もとにかく痛くて…と訴えたら、痒いだけなら別の薬だったけど痛いならこの薬だします、とキビキビ対処して下さり、症状を丁寧に聞き出してくれました。 看護師さんがその場で薬を塗ってくださって、塗り方も指導してくれました。 院内はとてもリラックスできる雰囲気ですし、みなさんとてもテキパキ働いていらっしゃいます。 混雑する理由が分かる病院です。
I'll wait insanely. It's always crowded, so if you're new to the clinic, you should be prepared to wait. Even if I make a reservation on the web for a return visit, I will wait a long time. It is better to make a reservation at 10 o'clock and actually be guided to the hospital before 14:00, and sometimes you will be guided at the afternoon consultation. Even if you come to the hospital from there, you will have to wait 30 minutes. Even so, I continue to attend because the examination is polite. It takes less than 5 minutes, but I saw a dermatologist who started by palpation for the first time. I started wearing a mask and suffered from pimples, and after a long time with acne scars, I originally went to another dermatologist. Even at the same consultation time, I was instructed in my eating habits just by looking at it, and the only medicine I was prescribed was a medicine to cure acne. He has dealt with the symptoms he complained about, but the teacher here was thinking about the future. He prescribed medicines to cure acne scars, vitamins, and medicines to cure acne, and took pictures to observe the progress. The acne scars that I had been worried about, probably because I had some medicine, improved at once, and it became difficult to make pimples. I am also doing free medical care in the area of ​​aesthetic medicine, but I am relieved that I will not be forcibly recommended or suggested. When I was examined for eczema on my neck, I complained that it hurts anyway, but if itching was the only medicine I had, but if it hurts, I would use this medicine. It was. The nurse applied the medicine on the spot and taught me how to apply it. The hospital has a very relaxing atmosphere, and everyone is working very hard. It is a hospital where you can see why it is crowded.
みんみんみん on Google

初診で10時30分頃に行き、診察できたのは14時過ぎでした。診察をしてくれる方は女医さんの方で話は一応聞いてくれますが、急いでいる雰囲気がこちらにまで伝わってきました。その後使用する薬の説明を看護師の方がしてくれたのですが、初めて使用する薬が多く気になることを聞いただけで最後診察室から出る際に”長々"とお疲れ様でしたと皮肉めいたことを言われ、かなり不快な思いをしました。最初の受付の時点から最後まで不快に終わる病院でした。 後日談ですが、こちらで急性蕁麻疹と診断され薬を飲んでいましたが治らず、違う薬をもらいに再度行きましたが治る兆しが無かったので、おかしいと思い他院に行ったところ違う病名でした。誤診でした。2度と行きません。
I went to the first medical examination around 10:30, and I was able to see the doctor after 14:00. The person who will see you is a female doctor who will listen to you for the time being, but the atmosphere of being in a hurry has been conveyed to us. The nurse explained the medicines to be used after that, but he said that he was "long" when he left the doctor's office just because he heard that he was worried about many medicines he used for the first time. I was told that I was ironic, and I felt quite uncomfortable. It was an unpleasant hospital from the time of the first reception to the end. Later on, I was diagnosed with acute urticaria and was taking medicine, but it didn't heal and I went to get a different medicine again, but there was no sign of healing, so I thought it was strange and went to another hospital. It was the name of the disease. It was a misdiagnosis. I will never go again.
kaname on Google

子供の足裏に硬いイボができてしまい伺いました。窒素?冷たくなるやつをシュシュシュ!っと15秒程かけられ終了。 ここは尋常ではないくらい混むのを知っていたので、再診でしたので予約で行きました。待ちは15分ほど。初診の他の方に申し訳ないくらいサクサク進みました。 女医さんもハキハキしていて感じのいい方です。 息子の両足の裏にできた硬いイボは5~6回ほど通ってどちらも跡形もなく綺麗に消えました。あのまま放っておいたらイボが皮膚の中心の方まで進行して歩く度に痛みが出ると言っていたので本当に治って良かったです。ラスト1回、予約を入れていたのを忘れていたので、今度ちゃんと予約して行かなければ…。
I heard that a hard wart was formed on the sole of the child's foot. nitrogen? Shushushu the one that gets cold! It took about 15 seconds to finish. I knew that it would be unusually crowded here, so I had to revisit, so I made an appointment. Waiting is about 15 minutes. I'm sorry for the other people in my first visit. The female doctor is also very happy and comfortable. The hard warts on the soles of my son's feet went through 5 to 6 times and disappeared cleanly without any traces. It was said that if I left it as it was, the warts would progress to the center of the skin and cause pain every time I walked, so it was really good to be cured. I forgot to make a reservation for the last time, so I have to make a reservation next time ...
LI LIU on Google

The teacher is so busy that he can't say what he wants to say at all. My attitude is so bad that I won't go twice anymore. The illness that I felt the same as 3 months ago is completely ineffective. A really incompetent doctor.
U- ray on Google

初診で受付から診察までに3~4時間はかかりました。元々処方されていた薬を貰うだけだったので医師に対する不満などは特にありませんし、ロビーの混み具合からしても妥当な待ち時間でしょう。 もうちょっと回転率良ければとは思いますが
It took 3-4 hours from reception to consultation at the first visit. Since I only received the medicine that was originally prescribed, I have no particular complaints about the doctor, and it is a reasonable waiting time considering the congestion in the lobby. I hope the turnover rate is a little better
麻衣 on Google

アレルギーの検査を受けたいので電話でお伺いしたところ、一度来院してと言われたので初診で行きました。入ってすぐに、手を洗って下さい!!!かなり大声で言われる。聞こえるよ。 1時間待ちが結局2時間待つことに。 先生は女医さんでした。 開口一番そのマスク不織布じゃないよね?新しいマスク渡され次からは気を付けてと怒られる。 検査を受けたいと伝えると火曜か土曜に予約とって下さいとのこと。そのまま女医さんどっか行く。女性の看護師さんが予約の取り方を説明してくれる。ってか電話したとき教えてくれればいいんじゃないか? 結局予定があわず取れない。診察代は取られる。 全体的に人が感じ悪いです。無駄な時間でした。
I wanted to have an allergy test, so when I called, I was told that I would come to the hospital once, so I went for the first visit. Wash your hands as soon as you enter! !! !! It is said quite loudly. I can hear you. After waiting for 1 hour, I decided to wait for 2 hours. The teacher was a female doctor. Aperture isn't that mask non-woven fabric, isn't it? I was given a new mask and got angry when I was careful. If you tell us that you want to be inspected, please make a reservation on Tuesday or Saturday. The female doctor goes somewhere as it is. A female nurse will explain how to make an appointment. Shouldn't you tell me when you call me? After all, I can't get the schedule. The examination fee will be taken. People feel bad overall. It was a waste of time.
ch1 mo on Google

手と足の水疱、体の蕁麻疹を診てもらうために行きました。 他の皆さんの口コミ通りに、初診は時間がかかります。初診1人呼ばれる間に、予約の方が3〜4人ほど呼ばれていました。お子さん連れの方には、辛いかなと思いました。 でも院内はキレイだし、Wi-fiもあり、私は1時間半ほどで診察して貰いました。 先生も看護師さんも感じのいい方々で、丁寧に診察して貰えたなと感じました。話もしっかり聞いてくれて、ちゃんと病名も言ってくれたし、処方する薬も一緒に考えてくれたので、とても嬉しかったです。患部の処置と薬もその場で塗ってもらい、塗り方の指導もしてくださり、助かりました。 また通いたいと思います。
I went to see blisters on my hands and feet and urticaria on my body. As everyone else has said, the first visit will take some time. While one person was called for the first visit, about 3 to 4 people were called for reservations. I thought it would be painful for people with children. However, the hospital was clean and there was Wi-fi, so I had a medical examination in about an hour and a half. The teachers and nurses were very nice people, and I felt that they had a careful examination. I was very happy because he listened to the story, told me the name of the disease, and thought about the medicine to prescribe. It was helpful to have the treatment of the affected area and the medicine applied on the spot and to give guidance on how to apply it. I would like to go again.
Rose Middlehurst on Google

Great clinic, friendly staff, seen quickly by an English speaking doctor. Very happy with my find!

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