Gonta - Mimasaka

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gonta

住所 :

654 Yunogo, Mimasaka, Okayama 707-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 707-0062
Webサイト : https://ameblo.jp/yunogou-gonta/

654 Yunogo, Mimasaka, Okayama 707-0062, Japan
おてもやん on Google

口コミを見て知って行きました。 最高に美味しかったです。 他の方が写真をあげられている牛たたきは、生でも食べられる牛肉を仕入れて作るため、最低3日前までに予約が必要です。 知らずに行って、食べられなかったので、次回は予約して行きます。
I knew it by looking at the word of mouth. It was delicious. Beef trumpet, whose photos are given by others, must be reserved at least 3 days in advance to make beef that can be eaten raw. I went without knowing and couldn't eat, so I will make a reservation next time.
eko on Google

男前なママが、本当に誠実な方で、サバサバして気さくで、愛情深く接してくださいます。 前に話したこととか覚えててくれたり、とにかくお料理がお上手で、美味しくて、地元の人や飲食店の人なんかもリピートして愛されてるお店です。 前に、自家製のガリを漬けてたので、その酢蜜で『ガリチューハイってのがあるので それを再現してほしい』てゆったら、嫌な顔せず作ってくれて、それ以来毎度頼みます。先日はらっきょ漬けてる蜜でらっきょチューハイしました。 牛たたきや干し肉などお勧めですが、ママが突発的にこしらえるお料理に当たるとラッキーですよ⭐️
A handsome mama is truly sincere, frank, friendly and affectionate. It is a shop where you can remember what you said before and it is delicious, the food is delicious, local people and restaurants are also repeating and are loved. Before picking up the homemade gulls, because it was made with that vinegar honey "I want Galic Cheuhai so I want you to recreate it" When you came, I made it without making a bad face, I asked every time since then I will. The other day I picked it up with honey that I picked up, so I baked it carelessly. It is recommended to use beef tatami and dried meat etc, but it is lucky for moms to catch dishes that can be suddenly made
高橋尚二 on Google

Mama is a junior high school classmate, so the other day I visited with four classmates. All the dishes served at the low threshold and popular restaurants were delicious.
yusuke tamura on Google

東京から出張でお邪魔しました。 とにかく最高! すべの料理が口にあう! このお店のママと常連さん達と知り合えて幸せじゃ!^_^ 一生の付き合いをしたいと思ってます。
I visited you on a business trip from Tokyo. Anyway the best! All the dishes are in your mouth! I'm happy to get to know the mom and regulars at this shop! ^ _ ^ I want to have a lifelong relationship.
岩崎真造 on Google

干し肉サイコー! ホルモン焼きも食べコタエ有り! 日本酒?お代わり有り!
Dried meat is great! You can also eat hormone-grilled food! Sake ? There is a replacement!
Takashi S on Google

The handsome mom is the best. The dishes are today's recommendation and homemade dried meat. Sake goes on with cooking and talking with mom.
山本よしみ on Google

マンボウで飲めないから、寄れませんでしたけど、可愛いフレブルがいて 触らせて頂きました。ママさんが気さくでお料理上手な事 食べてないけど、なんかわかる❗ コロナあけたら 絶対行きたいです。
I couldn't stop because I couldn't drink it with sunfish, but there was a cute French bulldog I touched it. Mom is friendly and good at cooking I haven't eaten, but I understand something ❗ After opening the corona I definitely want to go.
yuna on Google

串神に行こうかと思ってたけど近くにごん太があったので覗いてみた! 口コミで評判の干し肉を早速注文 これって津山名物とは知らなかった たしかに美味しい 女将の手料理はどれも美味しく、はずれなし 地元の人たちや観光客とアットホームに楽しめる!
I was thinking of going to Kushigami, but there was Gonta nearby so I took a peek! Immediately order dried meat that is well-received by word of mouth I didn't know this was a Tsuyama specialty Certainly delicious All the landlady's home cooking is delicious and there is no loss Enjoy at home with locals and tourists!

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