
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中央食堂

住所 :

Furukawasenjuujicho, Ōsaki, 〒989-6174 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawasenjuujicho, Ōsaki, 〒989-6174 Miyagi,Japan
S.チャッピー on Google

There is a Showa era feeling, and it calms down in a good atmosphere. Ramen, Napolitan, and Katsudon are also delicious. it's one of my favourite stores. Yakisoba can be taken out.
クマペソ on Google

First visit with a friend's Katsudon exquisite evaluation. Saturday lunch was full of locals and I ordered most of the yakisoba. Katsudon has a gentle taste and is delicious as it is popular, but I am not good at soup duck, so this evaluation is given. The appearance and interior of the store are the Showa era! , The phone is also a black phone that turns the nostalgic dial.
haru momo on Google

前回、のれんが無いので入店を諦めてリベンジで平日午後一時半頃に行きました。今回は営業していました。 ソース焼そばが絶品との噂があり、夫がどうしても食べたかったようです。 私はオムライスを頼みましたが、どちらも本当に美味しかったです。子供の頃に味わったかのような、懐かしい味が何とも言えない美味しさでした。 メニュー全部を食べてみたいので、しばらくは通い詰めそうです。 お値段リーズナブル、料理が出てくるのもさほど待たされません。 ご夫婦で営業されていて、とても感じが良い応対でそれも嬉しかったです。 駐車場は入店の際にお店の方に聞くと空いている箇所を教えてくれます。
Last time, I had no goodwill, so I gave up entering the store and went to revenge around 1:30 pm on weekdays. It was open this time. There is a rumor that the sauce yakisoba is excellent, and it seems that my husband really wanted to eat it. I ordered omelet rice and both were really delicious. The nostalgic taste was so delicious that I couldn't say anything about it as if I had tasted it as a child. I want to eat the whole menu, so I'm going to go there for a while. The price is reasonable, and you don't have to wait too long for the food to come out. It was open as a couple, and I was happy that it was a very pleasant reception. When you enter the parking lot, ask the shop staff and they will tell you where they are vacant.
Osamu.A on Google

◎かつ丼 800円(税込) 有名な焼きそばよりも、レビューで見たかつ丼の誘惑に勝てず、古川で有数のキタナシュランへ行ってきました。 空いてたテーブルに座ってから、なんかゴミがあるなぁと見てたら、出来上がったかつ丼を持って来たおばちゃんが、それに気づいて手で直接、そのゴミを払ったりして…(笑)  食べた感想は、揚げ油がちょっと使い過ぎてたんじゃないかな? 衣に細かい小さな焦げカスがいっぱい付いてて、それが天ぷらなのか?唐揚げなのか? とにかく別の揚げ物の味が移ってしまい、普通のトンカツの味じゃなくなってて、今、何を食べてるのかわからなかった(笑) それとご飯の炊き方が柔らか過ぎてベチャベチャでした。 味噌汁は味が薄くて、長ネギの味しかしなかった。  という訳で、わざわざ古川まで行って食べるものでもなかったかなぁという感じです。 やはり他人の口コミには過大な期待は禁物って事で、今回も良い勉強になりました。
◎ Katsudon 800 yen (tax included) I did not beat the temptation of katsudon seen in the review than the famous yakisoba, so I went to one of the leading Kitanashuran in Furukawa. After sitting at the empty table and seeing that there was some garbage, the old lady who brought the finished katsudon and noticed it and paid the garbage directly by hand ... (laughs) The impression I ate was that the frying oil was a little too much. Is there a lot of fine scabs on my clothes and is it tempura? Is it fried? Anyway, the taste of another fried food shifted, it was no longer the taste of ordinary tonkatsu, I did not know what I was eating now (laugh) And the way to cook rice was too soft and stuffy. The miso soup had a light taste and only the taste of green onions. That's why I guess it wasn't something to go to Furukawa to eat. After all, expecting too much from other people's word of mouth is forbidden, and it was a good study this time as well.

外観からも昭和の街食堂といった趣。 評判の焼きそばを頂きました。550円の並みでも大盛の昔ながらの焼きそばです。
From the exterior, it looks like a street cafeteria in Showa. I got a famous yakisoba. It is an old-fashioned fried noodle that is as big as 550 yen.
Yasu Ma on Google

It was a Showa-like dining room as word of mouth. I received ramen (¥ 550). It has a light soy sauce flavor and contains char siu, menma, naruto, and green onions. It was delicious with a nostalgic and gentle taste. I also wanted to eat fried rice, but I was looking forward to it next time. Is the parking lot on the street in front of the store?
るー on Google

Don't say it's a famous restaurant, B-class gourmet, just enjoy it!
Plato Nic on Google

今ではなかなか見られなくなった昭和の定食屋さんです。 見てくれはボロですが、味はしっかり美味しい。 中華そばは、昔よくあったあの味です。昭和55年生まれより前なら、食べたことのある味。あっさりスープに太めのちぢれ麺、シナチク、そして、美味しいチャーシュー。 中華ライスと頼むと、中華そばとライスのセットになります。 ライスは、いい意味でポソポソ。これがいいんです。スープを口に含むとフワッとするし、もっちりしていないから軽く食べられる。一緒に出してくれる自家製のぬか漬けは、とても品が良くて、ご飯とよく合う。 焼きそばが美味しいそうですが、僕はこの中華ライスのセットが好きでした。 次に来たら、焼きそばにしますね。 いつまでもあって欲しいお店でした。
It is a set meal restaurant in the Showa era that is hard to see now. Look at it, but the taste is delicious. Chinese soba has that taste that was common in the past. If you were born in 1980, you have a taste that you have eaten. Light soup, thick noodles, cinnamon noodles, and delicious char siu. If you ask for Chinese rice, it will be a set of Chinese noodles and rice. Rice is posoposo in a good way. This is good. When you put the soup in your mouth, it's fluffy and it's not chewy, so you can eat it lightly. The homemade Nukazuke that is served with it is very good and goes well with rice. Yakisoba seems to be delicious, but I liked this Chinese rice set. The next time I come, I'll make yakisoba. It was a shop I wanted to stay forever.

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