Funabashi Harbor Morning Market - Funabashi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Funabashi Harbor Morning Market

住所 :

船橋市漁協 3 Chome-16-1 Minatocho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888988
Postal code : 273-0011
Webサイト :

船橋市漁協 3 Chome-16-1 Minatocho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0011, Japan
Koji Hamano on Google

今回は、第一回クラムチャウダー選手権と丸被り。それもあって混んでました。いつも混んでいるのか分かりませんが、都内から一番近い朝市なので、これからも頑張って盛り上げていって欲しいですね。 人混みですっかり写真撮り忘れてました。。 ボンビノス貝が名物です。
This time, the first clam chowder championship and a circle wearing. That was also crowded. I do not know whether it is always crowded, but since it is the closest morning market from the metropolitan area, I would like to continue to work hard and continue to rise. I completely forgot to take a picture by crowd. . Bombinos shellfish is a specialty.
Penguin信之介 on Google

朝獲れた魚を売っています。スズキが多いようです。 但し、3枚に下ろすとかは、お客さんご自身でという運営です。
We sell fish caught in the morning. It seems that there are many Suzukis. However, the operation such as dropping to 3 is done by the customer himself.
Masami A on Google

Held every third Saturday. It is small, but you can enjoy it.
MOYU AO on Google

2019. I went to the 2nd Clam Chowder Championship on November 30. The weather was fine and I enjoyed the clam chowder while watching the harbor view. Each store exhibited its original taste, and purchased one cup at a time from each, and everyone ate it. In voting, replace the spoons that you have eaten with the soon after and put them in the box of your favorite store. The stores we voted for have lost, but they are all delicious and we will definitely go there next time.
isb -k on Google

釣りに行きましたが、海が臭いのが印象でした? 初心者でも釣りやすい環境だと思います?
I went fishing, but the impression was that the sea smelled I think it's an easy environment for beginners
HYY.since2017 on Google

Just because it's a morning market doesn't mean it's in the morning. I didn't feel much different from the relatively fresh fish in the supermarket. Hard clams are also sold at supermarkets around here and are cheap. And it is fatally disappointing that the fish cannot be prepared. I felt that it would be difficult to increase the number of repeaters unless I could master the freshness or the service. The good points are that fried sea bass is extremely horsey and that you can buy rare vegetables.
やま on Google

初めて漁港の朝一にゆきました。普段は月一土曜朝9時から2時間の開催のようですが、コロナの影響で暫く開催自粛となっていたようです。半年近く休んでいたのかも…。 車の方に注意して欲しいのは、漁港の敷地内に車を停めること。人出も多く、ご近所の方も神経質になっていて、路駐するとすぐ通報され、パトカーが来るのもしばしばとのこと。親切な漁師さんに教えてもらい、この日は無事に済みました。 開始前、コロナ対策で、人がどっと流れ込まないように、間隔を開けて行列に並んで待ちました。この日は、小松菜をはじめとした地元野菜(半立とおおまさりの枝付き落花生など、ゼブラ茄子などの代わり種まで)、スミイカ、ホンビノス貝などの鮮魚、ホンビノスのクラムチャウダー、アサリとタラコの佃煮などの加工品、揚げたてのスズキの唐揚げ、ピザなどの軽食、牧場直営ジェラートのデザートまで。スペースは小さいながらに一通りありました。予約制にはなりますが、魚の捌き方実習(エプロン持参)もできるようです。10人くらいはやっていました。同じ敷地内の、漁協直営のみなとやでは、船橋が漁獲量日本一の、スズキのサクを売っていました。朝市をやっていないときはこちらですね。
I went to the fishing port in the morning for the first time. It seems that it is usually held for 2 hours from 9 am on the first Saturday of the month, but it seems that it was refrained from holding for a while due to the influence of Corona. Maybe I was absent for almost half a year ... Please note that the car should be parked on the premises of the fishing port. There are many people, and the neighbors are nervous, and as soon as they are stationed on the road, they are notified and police cars often come. I was taught by a kind fisherman, and this day was a success. Before the start, as a measure against corona, I waited in line at intervals so that people would not flow in. On this day, local vegetables such as Japanese mustard spinach (up to peanuts with branches of half-standing and sardines, alternative species such as zebra eggplant), fresh fish such as squid and hard clam, clam chowder of hard clam, boiled clams and tarako Processed products such as, fried freshly fried clams, light meals such as pizza, and desserts of gelato directly managed by the ranch. Although the space was small, there was a whole lot. Although it is a reservation system, it seems that you can also practice how to handle fish (bring an apron). About 10 people were doing it. At Minatoya, which is directly managed by the Fisheries Cooperative, on the same site, Funabashi sold the sea bass, which has the highest catch in Japan. This is when you are not in the morning market.
tei kikuka on Google

11月の第3土曜日、再開していました。お魚を捌く体験教室やジャンケンでポイントをもらえるゲーム、ピザやコーヒーの移動販売車なども出店していました。久々の朝市なので皆さん頑張ろうといていましたが、お魚はなく地物野菜を購入。目玉の品は? これではネ…
It was reopening on the third Saturday of November. There were also hands-on classrooms for handling fish, games where you could get points at rock-paper-scissors, and mobile sales cars for pizza and coffee. It's been a long time since the morning market, so everyone was trying to do their best, but there were no fish and I bought local vegetables. What is the highlight? This is ne ...

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