旨いらーめん ゆうや 新三田店 - Sanda

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旨いらーめん ゆうや 新三田店

住所 :

Fukushima, Sanda, 〒669-1313 Hyogo,Japan

Postal code : 669-1313
街 : Hyogo

Fukushima, Sanda, 〒669-1313 Hyogo,Japan
Yama chan on Google

オススメハ胡麻味噌ラーメン? ゴハンが無料で付いてくるので、〆にピッタリ!ラーメンの辛さも選べます?
Recommended Ha sesame miso ramen ? Gohan comes with it for free, so it's perfect for 〆! You can also choose the spiciness of ramen ?
&Off-Road On-Road on Google

土曜日開店して10分後位に到着でしたが、既に満席でした。コロナ対応で間引いてました。人気店です。味噌が推しの様ですが、個人的に醤油派なので醤油のチャーシュートッピング(300円) 真っ黒なスープですが、醤油辛さはないですが逆に旨味に欠ける気がしました。チャーシューも小さくサイコロ状にカットされており、食べ応えを感じる事が出来ませんでした。しかし、麺は美味しいです。細麺で硬めの茹で具合が抜群です。 ご飯はセルフですが無料で頂けるのは有り難いです。また機会があれば味噌を試してみたいと思います。
It arrived about 10 minutes after opening on Saturday, but it was already full. It was thinned out for corona. It is a popular store. Miso seems to be recommended, but I personally like salty sauce, so soy sauce char siu topping (300 yen) It's a black soup, but the soy sauce isn't spicy, but on the contrary, I feel that it lacks umami. The char siu was also cut into small dice, and I couldn't feel the response. However, the noodles are delicious. The thin noodles are very hard and boiled. The rice is self-serve, but I am grateful that you can get it for free. If I have another chance, I would like to try miso.
SP yamashi on Google

基本、クルマ社会のこの界隈ですが、新三田駅至近なので徒歩でも来店できます。駐車場もあるが若干止めにくく、出にくいので注意。 人気メニューの胡麻味噌ラーメンのうま辛をいただきました。けっこうなお味でした。ネギともやしがてんこ盛り。 美味しいが、食後の口臭に注意。
Basically, it is in this neighborhood of the car society, but since it is close to Shin-Sanda Station, you can come to the store on foot. There is a parking lot, but it is a little difficult to stop and it is difficult to get out, so be careful. I had the delicious spicy sesame miso ramen from the popular menu. It tasted pretty good. Assorted green onions and bean sprouts. It's delicious, but be careful of bad breath after eating.
yasujin noyama on Google

『旨い』 こうもはっきり書かれると、気になってしょうがない。 でも大体いつも駐車場が混雑気味(駐車場の角度が絶妙で混雑時は停めにくい) 行きたい、でも行けない…と二の足を踏んではや数年。 ついに行ってまいりました。『旨い』ラーメン。 『おいしい』方も好きですが、はてさて、こっちはどうでしょう? ツレはピリ辛、私はまぜそばを注文。 先にピリ辛が配膳されたので、スープを一口いただきました。 (´-`).。oOあれ?普通の…よくある胡麻味噌…!?!? 少し肩透かしをくらった感じで、あぁーまぜそばも普通なんやろなぁー…と肩を落とした所にまぜそば到着。 一口。 (´-`).。oOえ?!旨い…??旨いぞ!??というか好きな味…コレは…旨いまぜそば!! 山椒とカツオをたっぷり入れる。あぁーっという間に大盛り完食。ご飯も少しいただいちゃいました(無料) うちの近所の胡麻味噌ラーメンと色々似ているので、胡麻味噌は近場で良いかな。 まぜそば食べたくなったらまた来たいと思います。 お気に入りのまぜそばですが、注文をつけるとしたら… ①もっと熱々提供 ②温玉ではなく生卵 ③酢と油を自分で入れたい じゃあそういう店行けよとか言わないで怖い。 ちゃんと私にも『旨い』があってホッとしました。ご馳走様。
"delicious" If this is also written clearly, it can't be helped. But almost always the parking lot is crowded (the angle of the parking lot is exquisite and it is difficult to stop when it is crowded) It's been a few years since I wanted to go, but I couldn't. I finally went. "Delicious" ramen. I also like "delicious" people, but what about this one? The vine is spicy, I ordered mixed soba. The spicy food was served first, so I had a bite of soup. (´-`) .. oO That? Ordinary ... common sesame miso ...! ?? !! ?? I felt like I was a little sloppy on my shoulders, and I arrived at the place where I dropped my shoulders. bite. (´-`) .. oO What? !! delicious…? ?? It ’s delicious! ?? ?? I mean, my favorite taste ... this is ... delicious soba! !! Add plenty of Japanese pepper and bonito. Ah, a large serving was completed in no time. I got a little rice (free) It's similar to the sesame miso ramen in my neighborhood, so I wonder if sesame miso should be nearby. I would like to come again if I want to eat mixed soba. It's my favorite mixed soba, but if I want to place an order ... ① Provide more hot ② Raw eggs, not hot balls ③ I want to add vinegar and oil by myself Then I'm scared not to tell you to go to such a store. I was relieved that I had "deliciousness". A treat.
みかみえいじ on Google

とても良い接客をなさっていると思います。型にはまったマニュアルどおりの接客ではなく、心のこもった接客だと思いました。 塩旨ラーメンをいただきました。良いですね!濃くなく、薄くなく、程よいとろみ。無料のごはんをダイブしても良し。 私は替え麺してニンニク、ニラ、山椒とかつおでかなり味変。違った味もまた深みがあって良かったです。 私の中で1番かも! 次はしょうゆにしてみます?
I think they are serving very good customers. I thought it was a heartfelt customer service, not a standard manual customer service. I had salty ramen. nice one! Not thick, not thin, moderately thick. You can dive for free rice. I changed the noodles and changed the taste with garlic, garlic, Japanese pepper and bonito. It was good that the different taste was also deep. Maybe the best in me! Next, I'll try soy sauce ?
玉ねぎ兄さん on Google

ラーメン食べに行こうということで、ここにやって来ました。12時前だったので入店前には2組待っていましたが直ぐに入店出来ました。 ここは味噌ラーメンのお店なので直ぐに決めて注文。味噌ラーメンは辛さが選べるのですが私は辛いの苦手なので普通のにしました。ラーメンを注文するとご飯が無料になります。ラーメンと一緒に食べるのもよし、スープに入れるもよしです。 味噌ラーメンは美味しく、にんにくやニラ、山椒などで味変が楽しめます。おいしいラーメン屋でした。
イケ麺ゴリラ on Google

No, I go there about once or twice a year since 6 or 7 years ago. I didn't go to the champon shop on the way, but ? In the old days, it was possible to bring two kindergarten sons to the shop ✨ It was an all-you-can-eat service with barley rice, eggs and kimchi. I think that restaurants in Corona are also difficult. By the way, I have been coming to the store at a pace of half a year for the past one or two years. I ordered the usual sesame miso ramen noodles. Soon, donburi ? This is always stable, I think every time, but the taste is stable! ️ The noodles are very fine straight noodles, and the soup and spiciness will soon come to a good spiciness of salted plums. You can also enjoy grated garlic and garlic with a strange taste. Finally, add all-you-can-eat rice. You can enjoy it! ️The couple are also friendly ❗ Every time, I will choose tsukemen or mixed miso, but I will always order sesame miso that is safe ? I will challenge next time. Thank you for your treat ?
Paul T on Google

Lovely but crowded place (a good sign!); would recommend the speciality ramen, great taste and just the right consistency too. Various levels of spice, right up to ‘painful’...I didn’t go that far! Helpful staff and reasonable prices.

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