
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 袋田自然研究路

住所 :

Fukuroda, Daigo, Kuji District, 〒319-3523 Ibaraki,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Ibaraki

Fukuroda, Daigo, Kuji District, 〒319-3523 Ibaraki,Japan
nanasuke403 on Google

ぐるりと1週するつもりなら、絶対に滝の反対側から登るべきです。間違っても階段から行ってはいけません。階段地獄で辛いから。 チラッと情報検索した時にはそんな情報は無く、軽い気持ちで吊り橋近くの階段を上ったら大変なことに・・・。たまたま一緒なった若者男性チーム2組は、ゴールまでの見通しがわからずに結局途中リタイアで階段を下りていきました。 連れを励まし、階段を数段上がっては休憩し、どうにか上までたどりつきました。日が暮れてしまうかと思いましたよ。
If you plan to spend a whole week, you should definitely climb from the other side of the waterfall. If you make a mistake, don't go from the stairs. It's hard in hell on the stairs. There was no such information when I glanced at the information, and it would be difficult if I climbed the stairs near the suspension bridge with a light feeling. The two young men's teams that happened to be together eventually retired and went down the stairs without knowing the prospect of reaching the goal. I encouraged my companion, went up the stairs a few steps, took a break, and managed to get to the top. I wondered if the sun would go down.
Y I on Google

山頂付近の神社?で鐘を突けますw 汗だくで山頂を極めたご褒美の「鐘の音」は、感無量でした。 本当にツライ階段道なのでチャレンジ精神、強めの方にオススメ。 アプリ位置情報だと山頂は、地上90階と表示されてましたw
A shrine near the top of the mountain? I can poke the bell with w The "bell sound", which was a reward for sweating and reaching the top of the mountain, was incredible. It's really a stairway, so it's recommended for those who have a strong spirit of challenge. In the application location information, the mountaintop was displayed as 90 floors above the ground w
TBS on Google

階段が不安なので、足場に注意 ですが登りきるととてもきもちいいです
Be careful of the scaffolding as you are worried about the stairs But when you climb all the way up, it ’s very comfortable.
あちこちあるく on Google

中々の階段路です。 久しぶりに登ってみました。やはりキツイ登りですね。 手すりが備わっている箇所も有りますが、腐食している所もあるので、体重を乗せ過ぎない様に注意してください。 頂上近くに眺めが良い所があります。月居山の分岐の先に、落石危険箇所がありますので、注意してください。
It is a middle stairway. I tried climbing after a long time. After all it is a hard climb. Although some parts are equipped with handrails, some parts are corroded, so be careful not to overweight yourself. There is a good view near the top. Please be aware that there is a rockfall danger point at the end of Mt. Tsukii.
エスペランサIII世 on Google

At Fukuroda Falls, you can enjoy a tremendous view of the waterfall and enjoy trekking throughout the year. The fall foliage season, light up, and the waterfall that freezes in winter are worth a visit. There are many people who don't know, but the wonderfulness of Fukuroda Falls when the amount of water has increased due to heavy rain is a masterpiece. By the way, the surrounding parking lot is almost 500 yen.
タムタム on Google

There is this research road as a trekking course before going to the observation deck of Fukuroda Falls. However, be careful not to go casually. The street that says steep stairs on the guide map. It was very painful. But when the autumn leaves are in full bloom, I think it's very beautiful. The road is narrow, so it may not be suitable for families with small children. Is it better to do a preliminary survey before going?
るら on Google

無料で利用できますが、かなりの階段を登りますので足がガクガクになります。 しかし、ここから見える袋田の滝は同じ目線くらいで見れるのでいい休憩ポイントもあります。 私は体力の限界で途中で断念し引き返しました。
You can use it for free, but your feet will be jerky as you climb a lot of stairs. However, the Fukuroda Falls that you can see from here can be seen from the same line of sight, so there is also a good break point. I gave up on the way and turned back due to the limit of my physical strength.
S Y on Google

Good walk through a typical japanese rural area

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