
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほたるの里公園

住所 :

Fukui, Nishikan Ward, 〒953-0076 Niigata,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.city.niigata.jp/info/bunka/niigatakara/search/detail.asp%3FeventId%3D818%26searchType%3DareaCategory%26area%3D8%26category%3D1%26listType%3Darea
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Niigata

Fukui, Nishikan Ward, 〒953-0076 Niigata,Japan
Lus Ilex on Google

There are fireflies from June to early July. As it gets hot, it will gradually move up and down. There is a firefly festival in early June.
Kon-Taka on Google

From the end of June to the beginning of July, you can enjoy the fireflies in the beautifully maintained environment.
999春 on Google

6月22日 19時30分頃からたくさん見ることができました。半袖、半ズボンだと虫刺されが心配です。懐中電灯があると便利です。
I was able to see a lot from around 19:30 on June 22. I am worried about insect bites if I wear short sleeves and shorts. It would be nice to have a flashlight.
Takashi Takeda on Google

もちろん新潟市内よりはホタルの個体数は多い。 そこまで観光化されていなからこそかとは思う。 奥地は真っ暗で、女性は不安そうだった。 外部の人をどれだけ取り込みつつ、良さを維持できるか、今後に期待。
Of course, there are more individuals of fireflies than Niigata city. I think that's why it has not been touristic. The outback was dark and the lady looked uneasy. I will expect in the future how much I can incorporate external people while maintaining goodness.
Kaz on Google

6月上旬から7時月上旬にかけて蛍をたくさん見ることができます。 はじめて見たときはあまりにたくさん飛んでいるので感動しました。 蛍祭りがある週末もよいのですが、ゆっくり見るには比較的空いている平日の夜がオススメ。 19時半から20時半くらいが一番多いでしょうかね(私感です)。 風が強い日や暑すぎる日は少なめなので、雨上がりのじめっとした日などが多く見られますね。 足場はとても暗く、自然に近いままなので、天気が良くても湿っている場所も所々あったりするので長靴だと安心ですよ。 また、蛍がびっくりしていなくなるので、懐中電灯や携帯のライトは極力使わないように(暗めにしたり、照射範囲をせまくするなど対策するなどして)気をつけましょう。
You can see a lot of fireflies from the beginning of June to the beginning of July. When I saw it for the first time, I was impressed because it was flying so much. Weekends with firefly festivals are good, but weekday nights, which are relatively free to watch slowly, are recommended. I think it's most often from 19:30 to 20:30 (I feel). There are few windy days and days that are too hot, so you can often see damp days after the rain. The scaffolding is very dark and remains close to nature, so even if the weather is nice, there are places where it is damp, so it is safe to wear boots. Also, be careful not to use flashlights or cell phone lights as much as possible (such as by dimming them or narrowing the irradiation range), as the fireflies will not be surprised.
武田一義翁 on Google

Fireflies can only be seen until early July. Call the nearby Jonobikan and they will tell you if you can see the fireflies.
SHIN WATA on Google

多くのホタルを見る事が出来ます。 もちろん時期や天候次第ですが。 天候が悪い時は、じょんのび館で入浴などいかがでしょう。
You can see many fireflies. Of course it depends on the season and the weather. When the weather is bad, why not take a bath at Jon Nobikan.
Akio Gon on Google

The firefly in Fukui was centered on the Yadaru River, but recently its branch, Firefly Village Park, seems to be popular. About 20 fireflies fly into one view, and the whole area is worth 200 to 300, which is impressive. Especially the light of the firefly flying in the starry sky is fantastic. I want you to cherish this environment forever!

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