
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福部町中の清水

住所 :

Fukubechonaka, 〒689-0116 Tottori,Japan

街 : Tottori

Fukubechonaka, 〒689-0116 Tottori,Japan
Ken Takano on Google

中島顕治 on Google

HAYATO .A on Google

森原直哉 on Google

The amount of water is stable and stable.
吉田省吾 on Google

It is clean and delicious and the amount of water is abundant and easy to pump
m i on Google

Since there is a lot of water, I think that people who bring them back in plastic tanks should be able to pump them quickly.
田中正典 on Google

山から流れて来た清水が汲み上げられ貯められ一気に迸しっています。 古来からの旅人の喉を潤し続け元気付けたであろう「福部町中村の清水」は県道188号線沿い(南田)と(中村)の間やや中村集落側にあります。 県道を付近で交差する農免道路は東は因幡国府方面へ西は岩美郡へ但馬国方面へと続く交通要衝です。 この交通要衝のごく近くに清水が涌き出ているのです。 20200424 陽射しの午後に清水を飲みました。旨い!、澄み切った柔らかい水でまろやかに喉を潤おしてくれました。今の時期の清水は常温より少し冷たいかな?、と思う程度の心地良さです。この清水が夏の暑い時期になるとひんやりする程の水温になります。 迸り出た「中の清水」は県道下の水路を伝い田畑を潤わせながら塩見川に注いでいます。旅人だけでなく動植物や食糧の収穫などの恵みを与え続けています。
The fresh water that has flowed from the mountains is pumped up, stored, and swept at a stretch. "Shimizu of Fukube-cho Nakamura", which would have kept the traveler's throat motivated since ancient times, is located along the prefectural road 188 (Minamita) and (Nakamura), slightly on the side of the Nakamura village. The farm-free road that intersects the prefectural road in the vicinity is a transportation point that leads to the Inaba-Kunifu area in the east and Iwami-gun to the Tajima country in the west. Shimizu is in the immediate vicinity of this transportation hub. 20200424 I drank Shimizu on a sunny afternoon. delicious! , Gently hydrated my throat with clear soft water. Is Shimizu at this time a little colder than room temperature? It is as comfortable as I think. When the temperature of this fresh water is hot in summer, the water temperature will be cool. The “Nakanomizu” that flows out is flowing down the prefectural road to the Shiomi River while moistening the fields. We continue to give benefits not only to travelers, but also to the harvest of plants and animals and food.
S K on Google

初めて水を汲みにくると、一瞬水が止まるのを見て動揺するかもしれませんが、水が止まる時間は毎回せいぜい数秒間です。 機械で弁を自動開閉しているのか、間欠的に10リットル程の清水が塩化ビニルの管からドボドボと流れ出てきます。 (弁の開閉具合は時々人の手でで調整されているように思われます) 因伯の名水に数えられる「布勢の清水」や「宇野地蔵ダキ」と比較すると、水質はともかく周囲が殺風景なのが勿体ないと思いました。 たまたまですが、ここで車を洗車している人を見かけました。 個人的にはあまり良い気分ではなかったです。
When you first come to fetch water, you may be upset when you see the water stop for a moment, but the time it takes to stop is at most a few seconds each time. Perhaps the valve is automatically opened and closed by a machine, about 10 liters of fresh water intermittently flows out from the vinyl chloride pipe. (The opening and closing of the valve sometimes seems to be adjusted manually) Compared to "Fusei no Shimizu" and "Uno Jizo Daki", which are the famous waters of Ineki, I thought it was a shame that the surroundings were murky regardless of the water quality. As it happens, I saw a person washing a car here. Personally, I didn't feel very good.

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