Teishinji - Tottori

4/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Teishinji

住所 :

282 Fukubecho Kurami, Tottori, 689-0112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887777
Postal code : 689-0112

282 Fukubecho Kurami, Tottori, 689-0112, Japan
レオ on Google

浅野浩樹 on Google

I saw a wonderful garden! It's a treat to matcha! We heard a valuable story from the chief priest and his wife. Thanks! Thanks! is.
田中正典 on Google

福部町蔵見の最奥の少し上り加減、山裾にあり隣は神社と近い位置です。 「利勝山 貞信寺」は因幡観音霊場第三番札所です。 20200424 静かなお寺を参拝しました。山の下のせいか風の流れが強い日でしたが陽当たりは良く、こぶしの花が咲き季節の移ろいが感じられます。 本堂や薬師堂等は新しく、本堂は左右対称の均整のとれた美しさと背後の山を借景として佇んでいます。 坂道を上がった所に広い駐車場がありマイクロバスも利用可能と思います。 「貞信寺」は延命地蔵大菩薩が安置される地蔵堂が本殿と対置し、巡拝の霊場として篤い信仰が集まる曹洞宗のお寺です。
It is located at the foot of the mountain, at the back of Fukubecho Kurami, and next to it is close to the shrine. "Rikatsuyama Sadanobu Temple" is the third temple of the Inaba Kannon Sacred Ground. 20200424 I visited a quiet temple. It was a day with strong winds, probably because of the bottom of the mountain, but the sunlight was good, and the fist flowers bloomed, and you can feel the changing seasons. The main hall and Yakushido are new, and the main hall has a symmetrical and well-proportioned beauty and the mountains behind it. There is a large parking lot up the slope and you can use a minibus. "Sadanobu Temple" is a temple of the Soto sect where the Jizo-do, where the Enmei Jizo Bodhisattva is enshrined, faces the main shrine and is a sacred place for pilgrimage.

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