Fuchu Station North Clinic - Fuchu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuchu Station North Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-6-2 Fuchucho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 183-0055
Webサイト : http://f-kitacl.com/

1 Chome-6-2 Fuchucho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0055, Japan
小川和美 on Google

It was my first time to take it, but I was very relieved because the teacher was very calm and polite, and he gave me a proper examination while thinking about various possibilities.
Rina hula on Google

受付の タケカワさんと言う女性。すごくぶっきらぼうなものの言い方で、診察の前から最悪でした。 あと風邪の症状がないのに風邪だ風邪だと言ってきて、生後5ヶ月赤ちゃんもいたのに外で15分待たされました。(12時から風邪症状の人専用の受付があるそう) 診察してくださった先生は、すごく丁寧な方でした。
A woman named Takekawa at the reception. It was a very blunt way of saying it, and it was the worst before the examination. He told me that he had a cold even though he had no symptoms of a cold, and even though he had a 5-month-old baby, he had to wait 15 minutes outside. (There seems to be a reception desk exclusively for people with cold symptoms from 12:00) The teacher who examined me was a very polite person.
Miki Sugihara on Google

待ち時間が長い。 2時間ほど待たされました。 おまけに患者さんのマナーも悪く、人が沢山いる中でデンタルフロスで歯間をシコシコしてる音が煩わしかったです。
Waiting time is long. I had to wait for about 2 hours. In addition, the patient's manners were bad, and the sound of dental floss squeezing between the teeth was annoying while there were many people.
m o on Google

口コミを頼りにお伺いしました。 評価の高い理由がよくわかりました。皆さんのお人柄もよく、清潔感のあるクリニックで何かあればまた来たいと思いました。
I visited you by relying on word of mouth. I understand the reason why it is highly evaluated. Everyone's personality is good and I wanted to come back again if there was something in the clinic with a sense of cleanliness.
ぐるぐー on Google

院内は綺麗です。常に混んでいます。 わかりやすい症状のときはいいですが、ニキビのような原因が千差万別できちんとしたカウンセリングが必要なものには向きません。ちゃんと原因を考えてはくれませんので。
The hospital is beautiful. It's always crowded. It's good for easy-to-understand symptoms, but it's not suitable for acne and other causes that require proper counseling. Because he doesn't think about the cause properly.
浜口泰昭 on Google

He is a very kind teacher and has a lot of facilities such as X-rays. The technique of collecting blood from nurses is also wonderful. A good teacher who seems to have no choice but to wait a long time.
トマト栽培者 on Google

かなり対応のよい先生で、素晴らしいです。物腰も柔らかく、相談しやすいです。 院内も清潔感があります。 皮膚科難民でしたが、やっとお気に入りが見つかりました。 一点、アルコール消毒液が置いていないのだけ気になります。 追加 現在、発熱外来も行っているためコロナ患者が次々とやってきています。 時間分けされているので、皮膚科受診の方は気をつけてください。 咳をしてだるそうな方がたくさんいます。 薬局も発熱外来とそれ以外で入口が分かれていますが、陽性判定されたと思われる方もどんどん来ます。
He is a very responsive teacher and is wonderful. The demeanor is soft and it is easy to consult. There is a feeling of cleanliness in the hospital. I was a dermatologist refugee, but I finally found my favorite. One point, I'm just worried that the alcohol disinfectant isn't placed. addition Currently, we are also outpatients with fever, so corona patients are coming one after another. It is divided by time, so please be careful if you are a dermatologist. There are many people who are coughing and tired. The pharmacy also has separate entrances for fever outpatients and other outpatients, but more and more people are likely to be positive.
Karen _nnn on Google

受付終了間近の診療にも関わらずとても丁寧に対応してくださり、感動しております。 以前から同じ症状で色々な病院に診てもらっていたのですが、こんなに丁寧に話を聞いてくださる先生がいらっしゃるんだと驚きました。 また、過去に受けた手術についても、ただ病名やその後の経過を聞くのではなく、大変だったことについて共感してくださり、具合が悪く不安が多い中訪れた身としてはとても穏やかな気持ちになりました。 受付の方、電話対応してくださった方も丁寧で優しく、またこのクリニックを利用したいと思いました。 初診で、症状と向き合うのはこれからなので星4ですが、文句なしと言わせて頂きたいです。
I am very impressed with the polite response despite the medical treatment that is about to end. I had been seen at various hospitals with the same symptoms for a long time, but I was surprised that there was a teacher who listened to me so carefully. Also, regarding the surgery I had in the past, instead of just asking about the name of the disease and the progress after that, he sympathized with me about the difficulty, and I felt very calm as a visitor while I was feeling sick and anxious. became. The receptionist and the person who answered the phone were also polite and kind, and I wanted to use this clinic again. At the first visit, I will face the symptoms from now on, so I have 4 stars, but I would like to say that there is no complaint.

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