Fuchu Clinic - Fuchu

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuchu Clinic

住所 :

TSビル 1 Chome-3-1 Midoricho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 183-0006
Webサイト : http://www.fuchu-clinic.com/

TSビル 1 Chome-3-1 Midoricho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0006, Japan
User Google on Google

The high-pressure response of the reception staff makes me feel sick every time. I hesitate to go. I'm also worried that the examination fee is high even though the examination takes only a few minutes. It was good because the teacher had a soft demeanor.
kana on Google

電話の対応が最低でした。 明らかに面倒な態度で、印象悪かったです。 利用しません。
The telephone response was the worst. Obviously it was a troublesome attitude and I was impressed. I will not use it.
メタボ春雨 on Google

町医者のわりに(失礼な表現すみません)設備が充実しています。看護士さんも親切ですが、受付に一人凄い人がいます。笑顔無し、お釣も「んっ」という感じで渡されますし、何故か叱られている感じで何か質問しづらい雰囲気になります、もちろん「おだいじに」等ありません。その方が居ると最近は不愉快な気分になり暗くなります。 受付は病院の顔だと思っています、先生、看護士さん等対応は大変満足していすが、具合が悪くて行っているのに追い討ちをかけられるようでますます具合が悪くなります。 その方以外は何も言うことありません。
There are plenty of facilities (sorry for the rude expression) for the town doctor. The nurses are also kind, but there is a great person at the reception. There is no smile, the change is given with a feeling of "n", and for some reason it makes it difficult to ask any questions, of course, there is no such thing as "Odaiji ni". With that person, I feel uncomfortable and dark these days. I think the receptionist is the face of the hospital, and I am very satisfied with the correspondence of the teachers, nurses, etc., but I feel sick and I feel like I'm being chased after going. There is nothing to say other than that person.
しろくま on Google

①幅広く診療できるので便利 ②人によってだが、看護師さんが親切 ③受付のスタッフは基本無表情、システムがわからずに受付後そのまま1Fにいたとしても、二階で待つアナウンスがない。お大事に等労わる声かけが無い。等、全体的に不親切で愛想が悪い。 便利な立地、設備は良いが、病院にしてはドライな対応に感じるため今後利用するか悩みます。
① Convenient because it can be widely treated ② Depending on the person, the nurse is kind ③ The reception staff has no basic facial expressions, and even if they are on the first floor without knowing the system, there is no announcement waiting on the second floor. There is no need to take care of them. Etc. Overall unfriendly and unfriendly. Convenient location and facilities are good, but since it feels dry for hospitals, it is difficult to decide whether to use it in the future.

近所のクリニックなのに、設備が充実しているので、総合的に検査等してもらいたい時は大変便利だと思います。 また、19時まで開院しているので、助かります。 ※後日検査結果を聞きに行きましたが、結果が出るのがはやく、先生も話を聞いてしっかり答えていただけるので、良かったです。 時間帯によりますが、午前中はけっこう待つことが多いです。 他の方の口コミにあるように、看護師さんは親切ですが、受付の方はアッサリ系なので、わからなければ、こちらからどうしたらいいかすぐ聞いた方がいいと思います。
Although it is a nearby clinic, the facilities are fully equipped, so I think it is very convenient when you want a comprehensive inspection. In addition, we are saved because we are open until 19:00. * I went to listen to the test results at a later date, but it was good because the results were quick and the teachers listened to the questions and answered correctly. Depending on the time of day, I often wait quite a bit in the morning. The nurse is kind as the reviews of other people, but the receptionist is an Assari system, so if you do not understand, you should ask immediately what to do from here.
Stella* on Google

内視鏡でお世話になりました。 手術の最中、かなりご迷惑をかけたのに、 術後、看護士さんも先生も、 優しく労いの言葉をかけて下さいました。 とても、有り難かったです。 その約1年後に、保険の診断書をお願いしに行った時も 真摯に対応して下さいました。 先生に、直接お礼を言いそびれたので このばをお借りして、感謝の気持ちを伝えたいです。 その節は、本当にありがとうございました。 こちらの病院でお世話になって 本当に良かったです。
Thank you for your help with the endoscope. I caused a lot of trouble during the surgery, After the operation, both the nurse and the teacher He kindly gave me words of hard work. Thank you very much. About a year later, when I went to ask for an insurance medical certificate Thank you for your sincere support. I didn't thank the teacher directly I would like to borrow this bag and express my gratitude. Thank you very much for that section. Thank you for your help at this hospital It was really good.
カニ大好き on Google

The attitude of the nurse at the reception was very high-pressure, and I was very disgusted because I was young and had my first visit, so I was hit hard. Our hospital is full of old people. When I get off the elevator, there are places where there are patients who have fever and diarrhea and are isolated before the examination, but in the first place, no one can go to the normal waiting space unless they pass there, so do not be isolated. Hmm. Is this really a hospital? Also, the nurse does not pay attention to those who do not wear a mask in the waiting space and have no common sense.
やまちゃん on Google

カニ大好きさんのコメントで、「受付の看護師さんの態度が大変高圧的」とありますが、受付のみ◯とさんのヒステリックが怖いです。 大人しいお年寄りに高圧的な態度を取り、私も以前、診察時間を知らずに行ったら、怒り口調で「コロナて忙しいから、ちゃんと時間を確認して来て下さい」と言われました。こちらも怒りを見せたら、「個人に丁寧に対応するのが無理」と言い切られました。 他の看護師さんはとても優しいのに残念。み◯とさんはおそらく更年期障害ではないかと? これ以上、嫌な思いをする方が現れないように、関係者の方々にみ◯とさんの診療を求めます。
A comment from a crab lover says, "The attitude of the nurse at the reception is very high-pressure," but I'm afraid of the hysterical of ◯ and Mr. only at the reception. I took a high-handed attitude toward the quiet elderly, and when I went without knowing the consultation time, I was angry and said, "Because I am busy with Corona, please check the time properly." When he showed anger, he said, "It is impossible to deal with individuals politely." It's a pity that the other nurses are very kind. Is Mi ◯ and Mr. probably a menopausal disorder? We request the people concerned to treat Ms. ◯ and Mr. so that no one will feel unpleasant anymore.

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