Fuji Dermatology Clinic - Yokohama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuji Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-14-49 Fujigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 227-0043
Webサイト : https://www.fuji-hihuka-clinic.com/

1 Chome-14-49 Fujigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0043, Japan
ぶり男マン on Google

栗森幸次郎 on Google

おうま on Google

症状や対処の仕方を分かり易くお話し頂いて、心配性の母は勿論、 付き添いの私も診て頂きたくなりました。 先生は穏やかですが、話は結構的確。安心感があります。 受付やナースの方もやはり優しかった。
You can talk about the symptoms and how to deal with them in an easy-to-understand manner, let alone the worrying mother, I was the attendant and wanted to see me. The teacher is calm, but the story is quite accurate. There is a sense of security. The reception and nurses were also kind.
とっとこリボン on Google

クリニック内は綺麗で清潔感があり、場所も駅からわりかし近いです。 初診でも予約がとれるので、待たずにスムーズに診てもらえ、子連れとしては大変助かりました。 先生は、穏やかで話しやすい先生です。こちらの質問に対しても丁寧に答えてくれます。
The inside of the clinic is clean and clean, and the location is close to the station. I could make an appointment even at the first visit, so I was able to see him smoothly without waiting and it was a great help for my children. The teacher is a gentle and easy-to-use teacher. He will answer your questions carefully.
Yuriko Hirota on Google

初診でうかがいました 事前に八時頃電話予約できるとネットで知って 予約しました 電話予約は自動音声で何時とは言われませんが、10番以降は10時近くなるそうです 先生の説明は淡々としながらもわかりやすく 他気になることはありますか?と最後に聞いてくれるくらい親身でした 美容皮膚科も力をいれているみたいなので、またお世話になりたいと思います
I asked at the first visit Know online in advance that you can make a phone reservation around 8 o'clock I made the reservation Telephone reservations are not said to be at what time by automatic voice, but it seems that it will be close to 10 o'clock after 10th. The teacher's explanation is simple but easy to understand Is there anything else you care about? I was so kind that he asked me at the end It seems that the cosmetology dermatologist is also focusing on it, so I would like to take care of it again.
T R on Google

I go to the hospital for treatment of rough skin and warts with a mask, but I am grateful that the director listens to any small consultations. The hospital is bright and clean, and the staff seem to be on good terms and feel comfortable. Above all, the products sold (beauty essence and soap) are effective on the skin and can improve the skin quality, so I buy them repeatedly.
joe 3329 on Google

先生のは淡々としていますが説明がとてもわかりやすく、処置も適切で湿疹が治りました。 しかし受付の女性の方は微妙ですね。上から目線で非常に偉そうな感じです。偉いのは先生なんですが・・・勘違いしてしまわれたかな?
The teacher's explanation was simple, but the explanation was very easy to understand, the treatment was appropriate, and the eczema was cured. However, the lady at the reception is subtle. It looks very great from the top. The great one is the teacher, but ... did you misunderstand it?
りーちゃん on Google

耳の裏に出来た帯状疱疹でしたが、ステロイドを処方されました。 首にしこりもあり診てもらいましたが因果関係はないと言われました。 痛みが増したため、母が皮膚科の看護師なので母の病院で診てもらいました。 帯状疱疹は時間との勝負だったためにもう一歩遅れていたらと思うと怖いです。 もう水泡はだいぶ枯れ始め、カサカサしてしてきて、赤みも少し引いてきましたが、痛みは引かず、今も髪の毛が触れるだけでも辛いです。 初期ですが、少しでも帯状疱疹が疑わしかったらしっかりと診てほしかったです。。。
I had shingles on the back of my ear, but I was prescribed steroids. I had a lump on my neck and had a medical examination, but I was told that there was no causal relationship. As the pain increased, my mother was a dermatologist nurse, so I went to see her at my mother's hospital. It's scary to think that shingles is one step behind because it was a race against time. The blisters have begun to die, and they have become dry and reddish, but the pain has not subsided and it is still painful just to touch my hair. It's early days, but if you suspect shingles, I wanted you to see it. .. ..

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