Fufutei Ramen - Kyōtango

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fufutei Ramen

住所 :

3143-7 Omiyacho Kobe, Kyōtango, Kyoto 629-2502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 629-2502
Webサイト : https://www.kyotango.gr.jp/shops/2162/

3143-7 Omiyacho Kobe, Kyōtango, Kyoto 629-2502, Japan
小牧清美 on Google

特に醤油ラーメンオススメです。 ランチタイムだけかも知りませんが、ドリンクセルフサービスあります。 コーヒー、オレンジジュース、お茶など。レジ前にもサービスキャンディあり。子供メニューあり、子供連れて行きやすいです。 家族経営で皆さん素敵な方々で、居心地良いお店です。
I especially recommend soy sauce ramen. I don't know if it's only lunch time, but there is a drink self-service. Coffee, orange juice, tea, etc. There is also a service candy in front of the cash register. There is a children's menu, so it's easy to bring children. It's a family-owned shop with nice people and a cozy atmosphere.
タピオカミルク on Google

このレベルの味で口コミの点数が高いというのは、いかに京丹後のラーメン屋のレベルが低いことがわかります。 チャーシューがパサパサで薄い、まったく旨味がない、スープもぬるい。 激辛の麺も頼んでみましたが、食べるラー油的なものを大量に入れているだけで、旨味が一切ありませんでした。 京丹後は飲食店が少ないので、あるだけでありがたいかもしれません。 外の世界知らなければ美味しさを感じられます。
The fact that the word-of-mouth score is high at this level of taste shows how low the level of the ramen shop in Kyotango is. The char siu is dry and thin, it has no umami, and the soup is lukewarm. I also ordered spicy noodles, but I only put a lot of chili oil to eat, and it didn't taste good at all. There aren't many restaurants in Kyotango, so it may be nice to have one. If you don't know the outside world, you can feel the deliciousness.
T H (むぅ) on Google

平日のおすすめランチ ラーメン+チャーハンセットを注文。 平日ランチはコーヒー、黒烏龍、オレンジが飲み放題?になっていた。 ラーメン:醤油ラーメン。麺はストレートでもちもち。チャーシューはしっかりとした歯ごたえ。テーブルにガーリックチップ(自家製?)があるので、味変したほうが良い。 チャーハン:特別美味しいわけではないが、普通に美味しかった。
Recommended lunch on weekdays I ordered ramen + fried rice set. All-you-can-drink coffee, black crow, and orange for lunch on weekdays? It was. Ramen: Soy sauce ramen. The noodles are straight and chewy. The char siu has a firm texture. There are garlic chips (homemade?) On the table, so you should change the taste. Fried rice: It wasn't particularly delicious, but it was usually delicious.
Randy F on Google

Very yummy!
Dr. Anthony J. Toledo on Google

Good tasting ramen but the portions are lacking compared to other ramen shops I have been too, all across Japan.
Members Awesome on Google

Fufutei has delicious ramen.I ate spicy ramen.Spicy ramen has two levels. The first level is spicy.And you can adjust spicy seasoning. The second level is very spicy.But the ramen has not only a spicy taste but also a good taste.There is a good taste in the spicy taste.But,The ramen has a lot of oil. So,you should take stomach medicine before you go to the Fufutei. And the restaurant’s atmosphere makes me calm. Because, Fufutei looks a like log house. So, I recommend going there alone.
Jesse Efron on Google

This is my go-to ramen shop in the area. I have been a number of times and usually get the gyoza-ramen set menu that comes with sides for 980 yen. They have excellent fried rice as well for around 650 yen (can't remember right now). I like it better than the other ramen shops in the area that I have tried. At least for me, I always leave very full with the set meal.
Oda Citrus on Google

Noodles kept their texture, the soup was a good shoyu, the pork and egg was okay. The atmosphere was very cute!

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