Fitness salon Lux ashiya - Ashiya

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fitness salon Lux ashiya

住所 :

Oharacho, Ashiya, 〒659-0092 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 659-0092
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Oharacho, Ashiya, 〒659-0092 Hyogo,Japan
bunnybunny on Google

ありちゃん on Google

The explanation is polite and you can see which parts you trained the next day. The shop is bright and beautiful, so I think it's easy for women to exercise. It also gave me an opportunity to review how to eat. thanks you.
Yao on Google

もうお世話になって、早いことで2年が過ぎました。 どこに通ってもダメだった私を、変えてくれた優秀なトレーナーさんです。膝の痛みが無くなり、スタイルもよくなりました。不器用な性格の方ですが、、誠実かつマメな対応は、信頼がおけます。おすすめいたします。
It's been two years since I was taken care of. He is an excellent trainer who changed me, who couldn't go anywhere. My knee pain is gone and my style is better. Although he has a clumsy personality, he can be trusted for his sincere and decent response. I recommend it.
mik on Google

店内がおしゃれで清潔です。 トレーナーさんは丁寧で、私に合ったプランやアドバイスをしてくれているのが分かります。 完全予約のマンツーマンなので、ついていけなかったりどうしたらいいのか分からないってことが無く、今まで何を始めても続かなかった私にはピッタリです。
The inside of the store is fashionable and clean. You can see that the trainer is polite and gives me plans and advice that suits me. It's a one-on-one reservation, so I don't have to keep up with it or know what to do, so it's perfect for me, who hasn't been able to continue no matter what I started.
たまえもん on Google

He will teach you the training and correct dietary guidance that suits you every time. I didn't want to lose weight no matter what I did, but I should have eaten more than before, but I lost 2 kg in 2 weeks after I started going! It was a shock! Very polite and kind and easy to go to ^ o ^
YUKA K on Google

とても清潔なサロンで全て用意されていて手ぶらで行けるのでお出かけ後でも通いやすいです。 個人の目的に沿って細かくプランを立てて頂いたり、トレーニング前にとても準備して頂いてるのがわかります。毎回トレーニング後は楽しくスッキリした気分になれます。 お食事の指導や、本人の生活習慣、性格、など色んな面で配慮してくださるトレーナーさんです。 トレーニング日以外の日のケアもしてくださいます。 個人的には末永くお願いしたいと思っています。 オススメです!!
It's a very clean salon and everything is prepared and you can go empty-handed, so it's easy to go even after going out. You can see that you have a detailed plan according to your personal purpose and that you are very prepared before training. After each training, you will feel happy and refreshed. He is a trainer who gives consideration to various aspects such as dietary guidance, personality, and personality. Please take care of the days other than the training day. Personally, I would like to ask for a long time. I recommend it! !!
Mii on Google

悩んでいた自分を変えてくれた場所です。 店内は明るくて清潔で、手ぶらで通えます! トレーニングも個人にあったメニュー構成で進めて下さるので、体重も体脂肪も順調に落ちてきています。痩せたい部位のリクエストにも細かく応えて下さるし、食事指導もとても熱心に指導して下さるので食べる事も、トレーニングする事も躊躇う事なくできます。 トレーナーさんも、親切、丁寧を徹底しておられる方なのでとても通いやすい場所です。
It's a place that changed me when I was worried. The inside of the store is bright and clean, and you can go empty-handed! Since the training is done with a menu structure that suits the individual, weight and body fat are steadily decreasing. He responds in detail to requests for areas where he wants to lose weight, and he is very enthusiastic about dietary guidance, so he can eat and train without hesitation. The trainer is also a kind and polite person, so it is a very easy place to go.
pi ka on Google

店内の雰囲気がおしゃれで、まずテンションが上がります。 トレーナーさんの指導はとても丁寧で、トレーニング中に「もう無理!」と思ってしまってからの励ましが抜群なので、ついつい頑張ってしまいます。 食事のアドバイスも、自分自身の習慣を見直すきっかけとなり、とてもありがたいです。 トレーニング前に、筋肉の場所や、なぜその部位を鍛えるのかなど、具体的に教えてくださるので、効率的に意識できる気がします。
The atmosphere inside the store is fashionable, and the tension rises first. The trainer's guidance is very polite, and the encouragement after thinking "I can't do it anymore!" During training is outstanding, so I just do my best. I am very grateful that my dietary advice also gave me an opportunity to review my own habits. Before training, you will be taught concretely about the location of muscles and why you should train those parts, so I feel that you can be conscious of it efficiently.

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