Fish and forest observation Garden - Nikko

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fish and forest observation Garden

住所 :

2482-3 Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 321-1661
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

2482-3 Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
デスピサロ on Google

This is a place to go whenever you come to Lake Chuzenji. You can see the large trout up close. You can also see the run-up of Kokanee, so it is recommended for families with children.
Fishman on Google

餌やり体験ができます。 色々な種類の魚がいてとても楽しめます。
You can experience feeding. There are various kinds of fish and you can enjoy it very much.
まゆ on Google

Although the scale was reduced, it was still fun. When you sprinkle food on the fish in the clear fishpond, it is full of fish in no time. The water is beautiful, so it's worth seeing. The place where small children are pleased with the sunlight, which tends to go around historical buildings and landscapes, is valuable. If you stop by while sightseeing for adults, it is good for children to get bored.
宮澤ゴンザレス on Google

大人300円、子ども80円で入園でき、魚にあげる餌もついてきます。 大人でも楽しめます。
You can enter the park for 300 yen for adults and 80 yen for children, and it comes with food for fish. Even adults can enjoy it.
ヤマ田太郎 on Google

前身は戦前の宮内省日光養魚場で、そのため皇族が休まれるためのゴージャスな控室のついた旧庁舎が園内に付属し、今も資料館として保存されています。 今でこそスポーツフィッシングのメッカとして賑わう中禅寺湖ですが、元々は魚はいなかったのだそうです。現在の魚は全て移殖放流によるもので、まぁ確かに落差100mの華厳の滝をさかのぼれるのは龍ぐらいのものでしょうからね(笑)。 それがなんでマス等の魚を放流する様になったか、については資料館に展示があります。長崎のグラバー邸で有名なトーマス・グラバーは晩年、湖畔の大崎に別荘を構えたのですが、紳士のたしなみとしてフライフィッシングを好んだ彼にとって、サカナ無しの中禅寺湖では何とも格好がつかなかったのです。 それで、わざわざアメリカのコロラド州からカワマスを輸入し、湯川に放流したのだとか。しかし中禅寺湖のような閉鎖水系では放しただけではダメで、定着させるためには長期の人工増殖をする必要があります。そのために設けられたのが、この養殖場という訳です。 ただ個人的にはマスやイワナの美しい斑点や優美な形を鑑賞するよりも、「コレはたっぷりのバターでソテーしたら美味しそうだな」とか「この大きさなら丸ごと串に刺して塩ふり焼きかな?」等の邪念が頭に浮かんでしょうがありませんでした(笑)。 「見て美しく食べて美味しい川魚専門レストラン」と銘打ってココで開業すれば、結構客が呼べると思うんですがダメですかね(笑)。
Its predecessor was the Nikko fish farm in the Imperial Household Ministry before the war, so the old government building with a gorgeous waiting room for the imperial family to rest is attached to the park, and it is still preserved as a museum. Lake Chuzenji is now a popular mecca for sports fishing, but it seems that there were no fish in the first place. All of the current fish are transplanted and released, and it's true that only a dragon can go back to Kegon Falls with a head of 100m (laughs). There is an exhibition in the museum about why it came to release fish such as trout. Thomas Glover, famous for his Glover House in Nagasaki, set up a villa in Osaki by the lake in his later years, but for him who liked fly fishing as a gentleman's grace, Lake Chuzenji without fish looks great. I didn't. That's why he took the trouble to import brook trout from Colorado, USA, and released it into Yukawa. However, in a closed water system such as Lake Chuzenji, it is not enough to release it, and long-term artificial growth is required to establish it. This farm was established for that purpose. However, personally, rather than appreciating the beautiful spots and graceful shapes of trout and char, "This looks delicious if sautéed with plenty of butter," or "If it's this size, stick it on a skewer and grill it with salt. I couldn't help but think of an evil thought such as "(laughs). If you open it here under the name of "a restaurant specializing in river fish that you can see, eat beautifully, and eat deliciously," I think you can call quite a few customers, but that's no good (laughs).
Ro Ku on Google

入り口前の駐車場は小さいので道路反対側の駐車場はひろいです 入場料300円で餌も付いてて良いですね 入り口受付で色々説明してくれます 虹鱒の種類が豊富でアルビノの数が凄いです 那須の南ヶ丘牧場みたいに釣ったその場で焼いて食べられたりしたら最高ですね 奥の建物は標本があるので苦手な方は入らない方が良いかも 魚好きな方でしたら楽しめます 小さな子供が居る方などもお勧めします Tシャツを購入された方は入場料無料みたいです 因みにTシャツを購入したい方は入場料は取られないみたいですよ 日光に寄った際には寄らせて頂き鱒
The parking lot in front of the entrance is small, so the parking lot on the other side of the road is wide. The admission fee is 300 yen and it's okay to have food. They will explain various things at the entrance reception There are many kinds of rainbow trout and the number of albino is amazing. It would be great if you could bake and eat it on the spot like the Minamigaoka ranch in Nasu. There are specimens in the building in the back, so it may be better not to enter those who are not good at it If you like fish, you can enjoy it Also recommended for those with small children Those who purchased T-shirts seem to have no admission fee By the way, it seems that those who want to buy T-shirts will not be charged an admission fee. When you come to Nikko, let me stop by and trout
mohd fahmi on Google

Good experience

Verry good!

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