Etrangere - Shiso

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Etrangere

住所 :

58-2 Yamasakicho Monzen, Shiso, Hyogo 671-2579, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 671-2579

58-2 Yamasakicho Monzen, Shiso, Hyogo 671-2579, Japan
Tochio Masa on Google

宍粟市の町はずれにあって、車じゃないといけない場所ですが、とってもかわいい店内と相俟って、女性には好まれるんじゃないでしょうか。 アペリティフのアレンジもなかなかのもの。 お手軽価格でいながら、楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました。
It's located on the outskirts of Shiso City, and you have to drive, but with the cute interior, I think women will like it. The arrangement of the aperitif is also quite good. We had a good time at a reasonable price.
大前孝雄 on Google

I had lunch. It was very delicious ❗ Calm down ~ ✌️
紅の豚 on Google

イタリアンに行くと必ずカルボナーラを食べます、ここのカルボが一番美味しい、さすが京都で成功したシェフ。 小さい店舗ながらメニューは豊富。
Whenever I go to Italian, I always eat carbonara. The carbonara here is the most delicious, as expected, a successful chef in Kyoto. Although it is a small store, the menu is abundant.
湊慎一 on Google

GoogleMapで[ランチ]を検索して見つけたお店。 フランス料理と言うカテゴリーですが、おいしくて安い良いお店でした。
A shop found by searching [Lunch] on Google Map. Although it is a category called French cuisine, it was a good restaurant that was delicious and cheap.
kaz kaz on Google

絶対オススメ❗️ゆっくり落ち着けるお店です ランチをいただきましたが凄く美味しかった コスパも最高でした?
Absolutely recommended ❗️ It is a shop where you can relax slowly I had lunch but it was really good Cospa was also the best ?
rin Ri on Google

落ち着いた、フランスの古民家みたいな感じのお店。 のんびりしていて、落ち着きました✨ ランチをいただきました✨今回はAセットとBセットを 前菜は量は少ないけど凝っていて、特にサーモンとイチゴソースの和えたのは美味しくてくせになりました! スープは冷静ポタージュ。クルトンが甘塩っぱいラスクになっており、とてもコーンとよく合い美味しかったです✨是非おススメです! 鶏肉も香草がとても香って、ジューシーでライスと合い最高でした。 またふらっと寄りたいお店でした。
A calm, old-fashioned French house. I was relaxing and calm ✨ We had lunch ✨ This time we have A set and B set The appetizers are small in quantity but tender, especially the salmon and strawberry sauce that was delicious and addictive! The soup is a calm potage. The croutons were sweet and salty rusks and they were very good with corn. The chicken and herbs were very aromatic, juicy and nice with rice. It was a shop I wanted to visit again.
Ruuruu Nakkaa on Google

It came out slowly, but it was small and delicious!
ジョニーゲップ on Google

We will repeat it many times for lunch. "Today's lunch" is delicious despite being reasonably priced. As a glutton, we also order and share additional pasta! Every menu is very delicious! ?

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