French cuisine Pomiers - Aomori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact French cuisine Pomiers

住所 :

2 Chome-3-15 Tsutsumimachi, Aomori, 030-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Postal code : 030-0812
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 5:30–8:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM

2 Chome-3-15 Tsutsumimachi, Aomori, 030-0812, Japan
若林里美 on Google

It is a dish that feels very polite. This is the place for Western food in Aomori.
千葉美菜子 on Google

クリスマスディナーをいただきました??本格的なフルコースです。年に一度の贅沢ですがそれだけの価値があると思います‼️日テレのぐるナイを 見るのが好きですがそれを体験出来てうれしいです?最初に9種のオードブル、魚はオマール海老(イカやかいわれ大根添えて)メインは牛フィレとフォアグラのソテーロッシーニ風、デザートは赤い実のゼリーにチーズムース、キウイシャーベット更にコーヒーにはひとくちサイスのクッキーとケーキが付きます。パンはバケット、フランスパンです。税込みで11000円でした。ワインはグラスでまたはボトルもあります。写真紹介出来なくてごめんなさい?9種のオードブルは圧巻ですよ???何がメインか分からなくなる位すべて美味しいです。バレンタインや春秋…季節が変わるとさんまやさくらマス、アルザス風シュークルーなどが探究心溢れるシェフから手品みたいに提供されます?わらびや嶽きみなど青森ならではの食材を採り入れているので親しみやすです?こちらは6500円くらいかな?消費税が上がったので、新年から変わるかも知れません?シェフも奥さまも優しい笑顔で迎えてくる温かいレストランです。おすすめします? 蛇足ですがクリスマスのメニューは毎年微妙に違っていて常連さんを飽きさせません。???
We had a Christmas dinner. It is a full-fledged course. It is a luxury once a year, but it is worth it.好 き I like seeing the sights of Nippon Television, but I'm glad I could experience it. First of all, 9 kinds of hors d'oeuvres, fish are lobster with squid and daikon radish, the main one is beef fillet and foie gras saute Rossini style, For dessert, red fruit jelly, cheese mousse, kiwi sorbet and coffee are served with a bite of cookie and cake. The bread is bucket, French bread. It was 11,000 yen including tax. Wine is available in glasses or in bottles. I'm sorry that I couldn't introduce a photo. The nine hors d'oeuvres are the best part. Valentine's Day and Spring / Autumn… When the season changes, Sanmaya Sakura Trout, Alsace-style shoe crew, etc. are offered like magic from a chef full of inquisitiveness. It is easy to get acquainted with the unique ingredients of Aomori such as Warabi and Takeki. Is it about 6500 yen? The consumption tax has risen, so it may change from the new year. It is a warm restaurant where both chefs and wives greet with a gentle smile. I recommend it. It's a little bit different, but the Christmas menu is slightly different every year and doesn't get tired of regulars. ???
千加子 on Google

I visited the store for the first time in more than 20 years. The taste and atmosphere did not change and I was very satisfied. When I made a reservation by telling my taste, they responded flexibly and there were many delicious dishes. I will bother you again.

青森市で30年続くフレンチの銘店です。この日は妻の誕生日で伺いました。 前菜、魚、肉、デザートまで大変美味しくて良い時間を過ごせました。
A French restaurant that has been in Aomori for 30 years. This day I heard in my wife's birthday. Appetizer, I was able to spend fish, meat, a good time and very delicious desserts.
N. Adachi on Google

地元の素材を使って丁寧に作られた素朴なフレンチ。ハーブや野菜がとても良いと思いました。 シェフのオススメコースは、皿数が多いだけでなく、量もたっぷりで、お腹いっぱい。コスパも抜群。地元で人気なのもうなずけます。
A simple French dish carefully made using local ingredients. I thought herbs and vegetables were very good. The chef's recommended course not only has a large number of dishes, but also has a large amount and is full. Cospa is also outstanding. It's no wonder it's popular locally.
Yutaka Furukawa on Google

室内の雰囲気がとても落ち着いていて、窓が大きくて射し込んでくる日差しが趣きを感じさせます。テーブルもそれぞれが十分に離れていて他のお客さんの話し声はそんなに気になりませんでした。 料理はランチのBコースをいただきましたが、ひと皿ひと皿が色々と工夫されているように感じられて、十分以上に満足できる味と量でした。 次はぜひシェフおまかせのディナーを試してみたいです。
The atmosphere in the room is very calm, and the large windows make you feel the sunshine. The tables were so far apart that I didn't really care about the voices of other customers. I had a B course for lunch, but I felt that each dish was devised in various ways, and the taste and quantity were more than sufficient. Next time, I definitely want to try the chef's entrusted dinner.
中村さん(中村さん) on Google

サイコーでしょ!! もちろん普段よりお金は使うけれども、その何倍もの満足感。 2種類のコース料理からの選択で、5,000円コースに。 ゆったりとした時間の流れを感じながら、ビールにシャンパンにワインにハイボールに…かなり呑んでしまいました。 お店の方の口上がより料理を美味しくさせてくれます。 約2時間、貴族になった様な優雅な気分。 年1、2回…例えば家族の誕生日のお祝いなんかに訪れてみてください。
It ’s awesome !! Of course, I spend more money than usual, but I feel much more satisfied. Choose from two types of course dishes for a 5,000 yen course. Feeling the slow flow of time, beer, champagne, wine, highball ... I swallowed quite a bit. The mouth of the shop will make the food more delicious. I feel like I've become an aristocrat for about 2 hours. Once or twice a year ... Visit, for example, to celebrate your family's birthday.
Janet Lam on Google

Brilliant food at a very good price. Dinner was around 7000yen per head. Environment is cosy and warm too. Staff are friendly as well!

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