肉バル 川崎アモーレ

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉バル 川崎アモーレ

住所 :

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/7wx39a1t0000/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan
ココナ on Google

いい店発見しました!! 女子会で利用しましたが、雰囲気が気にいりました。 8人でラクレットチーズパーティーコース予約しました。料理も美味しかったので、また機会があったら利用しますね。
I found a good store! !! I used it at the girls' association, but I liked the atmosphere. I made a reservation for a raclette cheese party course with 8 people. The food was delicious, so I'll use it again if I have a chance.
T Xtal on Google

駅近で待たずに入れて助かりました。 料理、ドリンクの提供もスムーズでした。 特選A4和牛の炙りユッケと炙りサーモンとイクラのカルパッチョが見た目も味も良くておすすめです。 気に入ったのでこれからも使わせていただきます。
It was saved by putting it in near the station without waiting. The food and drinks were served smoothly. The special A4 Japanese beef roasted yukke, roasted salmon and Ikura carpaccio are recommended because they look and taste good. I like it so I will continue to use it.
王文強 on Google

久しぶりに夫婦二人で外食しました。 店内は個室でいい感じの内観。雰囲気はかなりよかったです。 料理もお酒もわりと種類が豊富でした。 全体的には良かったと思います。
After a long time, the couple ate out together. The inside of the store is a private room with a nice interior. The atmosphere was pretty good. There was a wide variety of food and sake. I think it was good overall.
Nozomi Makino on Google

川崎でサクッと飲みたくてひとりで来ました。 通されたのがテーブルで、落ち着かないかな?と思ったけど、テーブルごとに簾?で仕切られてるからひとりでも落ち着いて過ごすことができました。 ビールとシーザーサラダと、えだまめを注文。 サラダ、温玉と混ぜ合わせるとすごく美味しいかったです。
I came alone in Kawasaki because I wanted to have a quick drink. The table was passed through, and I wonder if it's calm. I thought, but is it a bamboo blind for each table? Because it is partitioned by, I was able to spend my time calmly alone. I ordered beer, Caesar salad, and edamame. It was very delicious when mixed with salad and hot balls.
きよきよ on Google

キャッチのお姉さんに声をかけられ初めて利用させていただきました。 中に入ると定員さんが丁寧に席に案内してくださいました。ヤンニョムチキンを注文したのですが味も美味しくボリュームもあり大満足でしたこの近辺で飲む時にまた利用させて貰います。
I used it for the first time after being called by Catch's older sister. Once inside, the capacity was politely guided to the seats. I ordered Yangnyeom chicken, but I was very satisfied with the taste and volume, so I will use it again when I drink it in this area.
S K on Google

Unfriendly service, road scamming (lurking for customers), extremely small dishes for big money, frozen cheesecake (microwaved would have been better), turning off the lights while eating, betray for invisible sums of money: for example seat costs 380 yen per person (called appetizer) waiting over 30 minutes for a bowl of rice. after the half hour: THE RICE IS GONE. OUT OF RICE. IN ASIA. doubled the soupsize without ordering -> 2x costs positive: handsome waitresses, super unfriendly. Shortly, and resumed: look for a different location. Sorry for this bad review, it was the worst experience in Japan so far.
swam sidewinder on Google

The service was good and really fast. The food was OK and the amount was just huge, we were 5 people and couldn't finish the whole thing. (all you can drink + A course)
R U on Google

The only good thing is they're open when all shops are closed BUT they watered down ALL their drinks so it feels like you're drinking slightly flavoured water. The food is not great and takes forever to come out. But they're open so that's the only good point

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