
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小尾羊川崎駅前店

住所 :

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000761263/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11PM
Sunday 11:30AM–11PM
Monday 11:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–11PM
Thursday 11:30AM–11PM
Friday 11:30AM–11PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan
オシルコ on Google

食べ放題で薬膳火鍋でラム肉を楽しめるお店 タレも薬味もかなりの種類があって美味しいです お値段もお手頃です
A restaurant where you can enjoy lamb meat in a medicinal hot pot with all-you-can-eat There are quite a few types of sauce and condiments and they are delicious. The price is also reasonable
ぶらりおたべ on Google

We had all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu for lunch only. Cospa where change comes for 1,500 yen. All you can eat vegetables. There is also a drink bar so it's great value. 90 minutes is just a good time. It is shabu-shabu of pork and beef. The meat is of good quality. Good one considering the price. Is there another vegetable? The Lefran store will be relocated on January 28, 2018.
T. YAMADA on Google

川崎駅近くの、「小尾羊」のランチタイムに行ってきました。 選んだメニューは、しゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題。牛ロース・豚ロースの2種類、野菜、ドリンクバー、ソフトクリーム、杏仁豆腐やライチも有り、ランチタイムは1580円とお得な値段設定。 タレも数種類位有り、自分なりにチョイスできました。 野菜も色々と置いてあるのと、タレも自分好みに作れるし、お薦めのタレもあるのは良いなぁと思いました。 野菜コーナーに置いてあるもので、何かわかりづらいものもあったので、説明があると親切かな。 お肉は、最初に持ってきた牛肉は良いのですが、追加したものはしゃぶしゃぶすると細かく千切れてしまい食べづらかったです。 この値段なら、まぁ許容範囲という感じで美味しく頂きました。 PayPay使用出来ました。
I went to "Oo sheep" lunch time near Kawasaki station. The menu I chose is all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu. There are two types of beef loin and pork loin, vegetables, a drink bar, soft serve ice cream, almond tofu and lychee, and the lunch time is set at a great price of 1580 yen. There are several types of sauce, and I was able to make my own choice. I think it's good that there are various vegetables, you can make the sauce to your liking, and there is also a recommended sauce. Some of them are placed in the vegetable corner, and some of them are difficult to understand, so it would be nice to have an explanation. As for the meat, the beef I brought first was good, but the added one was hard to eat because it was shredded into small pieces when shabu-shabu. At this price, it was delicious with a feeling that it was acceptable. I was able to use PayPay.
- Emdowoinn on Google

この店の大ファン、よく東京から食べに来る。 ラム肉の火鍋を食べたい時いつもここにした。 食べ放題の素材も多く、スープも味濃い。 海底捞より美味しいし、値段もより安い、超おすすめ!
A big fan of this shop, I often come to eat from Tokyo. I always went here when I wanted to eat a lamb hot pot. There are many all-you-can-eat ingredients, and the soup has a strong taste. It's tastier than undersea, and the price is cheaper, so I highly recommend it!
miho on Google

友人とベビー、キッズ連れでランチ利用。 ★料理 おいしい。 ランチ食べ放題1500円を注文。 キッズの料金はかかりませんでした。 ドリンク、タレ、野菜、小鉢、デザートはセルフサービス。 タレをカスタマイズできるのがおもしろく、私は「ゴマダレ+にんにく+刻み玉ねぎ+唐辛子入り辣油」がお気に入りです。 試すのに勇気が要るタレもあります…! 野菜コーナーにある、海老団子や魚丸?湯葉、トッポギなど、日本のしゃぶしゃぶ屋さんではあまりみない食材も楽しめます。 以前、3種の薬膳スープの食べ放題を食べた時もとてもおいしかったです(結構辛かった!) ★雰囲気 まあまあ。 テーブル席、座敷があります。 座敷広々で寛げるのでママ会いけます。 ベビーカーは座敷のすぐ横に置かせてもらいました。 ★接客 よい。 時間制限がありますが、少しゆるい感じでしたので焦らずに食事でき、子連れにとってはありがたかったです。 川崎でしゃぶしゃぶするならここをオススメします。肉も悪くないですし、コスパもよく、日本のしゃぶしゃぶに飽きた方はぜひ。 モンゴルを謳ってますが提供しているメニューは中国に近い感じがします。
Lunch with friends, babies and kids. ★ Cooking Delicious. I ordered all-you-can-eat lunch for 1500 yen. There was no charge for kids. Drinks, sauces, vegetables, small bowls and desserts are self-service. It's interesting to be able to customize the sauce, and I like "sesame sauce + garlic + chopped onions + chili oil with chili peppers". Some sauces require courage to try ...! Shrimp dumplings or fish balls in the vegetable corner? You can also enjoy ingredients such as yuba and tteokbokki that are not often found in Japanese shabu-shabu shops. Previously, when I ate all-you-can-eat of 3 kinds of medicinal soup, it was very delicious (it was quite spicy!) ★ Atmosphere Okay. There are table seats and tatami mats. The tatami room is spacious and relaxing so you can meet moms. The stroller was placed right next to the tatami room. ★ Customer service Good. There is a time limit, but it felt a little loose, so I was able to eat without rushing, which was great for families with children. If you want to shabu-shabu in Kawasaki, I recommend this place. The meat is not bad, the cospa is good, and if you are tired of Japanese shabu-shabu, please do. Although it sings Mongolia, the menu it offers feels like China.
りっしか on Google

ザ・雑居ビルのエレベーターを使って登る。平日13時に来店したら先客1名で自分の組90分食べ放題の間客が誰も来なかった。 日中は空いている穴場スポットかもしれないです。 鍋を家でやるのは手間ですし、駅近でなかなかお得なしゃぶしゃぶです。タレの種類が多くてどれが何なのかテプラでも貼っておいて貰えると有り難い。
Climb using the elevator in The Multi-tenant Building. When I came to the store at 13:00 on weekdays, no one came during the 90-minute all-you-can-eat group with one customer. It may be a vacant little-known spot during the day. It's a hassle to do hot pot at home, and it's a very good shabu-shabu near the station. There are many types of sauce, and I would be grateful if you could put a sticker on what it is.
平井悠一 on Google

今までの2年間、月1で通ってた店です。 この評価を残すのは極めて残念ではございますが、今後改善するようにお願いしたいです。 まず、今まで女性の店員さんとオーナーさんに接してもらってたので、丁寧な態度で満足しています。また、味も本場の味に近いので、いつも通わせていただいています。 ですが、最近行ったら、まず林と言う店員さん、愛想が悪く、接客も極めて普通と言えるところでしょ。 味が良ければそれでもいいと思いました。 でも違いました、なぜかその日出してもらったお鍋の出汁も、お肉の質も、すごくまずく感じました。 また、注文した肉の量より、少ない量が来ます。注文してると違いますけどと女性の店員さんに伝えたら、「食べ放題でしょ?次注文すればいい」とあっさり返事されました。 しかも食べている最中にゴキブリまで出ました。 今後行く事はないです。 今までありがとうございました。
This is the store I used to go to once a month for the past two years. It is extremely disappointing to leave this evaluation, but I would like to ask you to improve it in the future. First of all, I have been treated by female clerk and owner so far, so I am satisfied with the polite attitude. Also, the taste is close to the authentic taste, so I always go there. However, when I went there recently, the clerk named Hayashi was unfriendly and the customer service was extremely normal. I thought it would be fine if it tasted good. But it wasn't, for some reason I felt that the soup stock in the pot and the quality of the meat that I had served that day were very bad. Also, the amount will be less than the amount of meat you ordered. When I told the female clerk that it was different from ordering, she simply replied, "You can eat as much as you want? You should order next." Moreover, I even got a cockroach while I was eating. I will not go in the future. Thank you for what you have done.
Bo Zhi on Google

Best for winter.

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