Ehara Clinic - Fuchu

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ehara Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-35-7 Wakamatsucho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 183-0005
Webサイト :

3 Chome-35-7 Wakamatsucho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0005, Japan
mo mo on Google

A M on Google

She seems to be very busy whenever she goes, she can't afford the nurses and she's afraid of talking. The teacher is very good.
maco on Google

If anything, it is a child-focused internal medicine. If you are 3 years old or younger, it will make a baby pass from the second time on and will speed up the examination procedure. In addition, I am grateful to those who want time because the teacher is accustomed to the medical examination of the child and the diagnosis is good and bad. However, I think that it is not enough for those who want detailed explanations and those who need a kind reception. In addition, there are many elderly examinees, so if the time is bad, you will be kept waiting unexpectedly.
aya kaemama on Google

お子さんの患者さんが多い病院です。私も2歳の息子が体調不良の際は、よく診て頂いてますし、私自身も学生時代からお世話になっていました。 レビューにあるように、確かに説明が多い先生ではありませんが、質問したら大丈夫ですよ、心配ないですよ、と説明して下さるので、信頼しています。 なるべく少ないお薬で本来の治癒力に任せる治し方なのかなと思います。 息子はまだ3歳以下なので、ベビーパスで当日予約ができ、時間に向かえばほぼ待ち時間はなくて済むので、非常に助かります。 とにかく先生が、ずっと動きっぱなし、忙しく回しておられるので、笑顔が多い日と少ない日もありますが、それもそうかなと思うので、あまり気にしてません。
It is a hospital with many children. When my 2-year-old son is sick, I often see him, and I myself have been indebted since I was a student. As you can see in the review, I'm certainly not a teacher with a lot of explanations, but I trust him because he explains that it's okay to ask questions and don't worry. I think it's a cure that leaves it to the original healing power with as little medicine as possible. My son is still under 3 years old, so I can make a reservation on the day with a baby pass, and if I go to the time, there will be almost no waiting time, which is very helpful. Anyway, the teacher keeps moving and keeps busy, so there are days when there are many smiles and days when there are few smiles, but I think that is also the case, so I don't care too much.
T FUNKY on Google

色々相性があるし、神経質な患者から見ればどこの医師でもウルサく評価付けるでしょう。しかし、元大学病院で働いていた私から感じたのは江原先生は厳しくシッカリとした診断をなさる人物で腕は良いですよ。受付の方も他の医院より優しく丁寧に対応してくれます。因みに隣の調剤薬局の方も時間過ぎても緊急と伝えたら少し困りながら優しく受付てくれましたよ。(笑) どっちかと言うと全体的にかなり良い方です よ。
It has a lot of compatibility, and from the perspective of a nervous patient, any doctor will rate it as Ursa. However, when I was working at a former university hospital, I felt that Dr. Ehara is a person who makes a strict and crisp diagnosis, and his skill is good. The receptionist is also kinder and more polite than other clinics. By the way, the dispensing pharmacy next door also kindly accepted me with a little trouble when I told him that it was urgent even after the time had passed. (Lol) If anything, it ’s a pretty good one overall. Yo.
R Y on Google

娘が0歳の時から2年ほどお世話になってますが、先生も看護師さんも受付の方もみんな優しい方ばかりです。 子供が小さいので行く頻度が高いですが、今まで1度も嫌な思いをしたことはありません。 友達にえはらさんを紹介したのですが、すごく良かったと言って、かかりつけはここにすると言っていました。
I have been indebted to my daughter for about two years since she was 0 years old, but all the teachers, nurses, and receptionists are kind. I often go there because my children are small, but I have never felt uncomfortable. I introduced Ehara-san to a friend, but he said that it was very good and that he would stay here.
pinchan on Google

清潔感があり、広い小児科、内科 ワクチン接種は大人も子供もやっています。 電話で予約。 丁寧な対応でした。 ワクチン接種も広い場所で間隔をとり、診察して、首から何のワクチンを打つのかわかる札をかけ、普通の診療用の待合室とは別の待合室で接種前後待ちました。 なかなかこの広さを確保しているところは少ないと思います。
Clean and spacious pediatrics and internal medicine Vaccination is done by both adults and children. Book by phone. It was a polite response. Vaccinations were also taken at intervals in a wide area, examined, a tag was put on the neck to show what vaccine was to be given, and the patient waited before and after the vaccination in a waiting room separate from the usual waiting room for medical treatment. I don't think there are many places that secure this area.
mii on Google

開院当初からお世話になってます。先生もいい先生です!久しぶりに行ったら受付の方の制服エステの受付みたいになってて驚きました!笑 私は、ナース服にエプロンの時の方が親やすくてすきかなー笑 コロナのワクチンも打っていただきましたがあっという間に終わって、打ったのがわからないくらい痛みがなかったです! 感染者が大爆発した2月にお腹の調子がわるかったので受診しました。 PCRと抗原検査をする方で院内が溢れていました。 一般外来とコロナの人の待機場所が、ほぼ一緒だったので怖かったです。 コロナの子供が多くて静かに待っていられな子がいたり、トイレも同じ場所を使っていたのでうつらないか恐怖でした。 時期的に大変だったかと思いますが、待機場所は完全に分けていただきたかったので☆4にしました!
I have been indebted since the opening of the hospital. The teacher is also a good teacher! When I went there for the first time in a long time, I was surprised that it looked like a receptionist for a uniform beauty treatment salon! Smile I like the apron in nurse clothes because it's easier to get close to. I had the corona vaccine given, but it ended in a blink of an eye, and it didn't hurt so much that I couldn't tell I had given it! In February, when the infected person exploded, I had a medical examination because I was sick. The hospital was full of people doing PCR and antigen testing. I was scared because the general outpatient department and the waiting area for Corona people were almost the same. There were many children in Corona who couldn't wait quietly, and I was afraid that I wouldn't move because I used the same place for the toilet. I think it was difficult in terms of time, but I wanted the waiting area to be completely separated, so I chose ☆ 4!

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