Kume Clinic - Fuchu

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kume Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-3-26 Shimizugaoka, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 183-0015
Webサイト : http://kumeiin.jp/

2 Chome-3-26 Shimizugaoka, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0015, Japan
パンダパンダ on Google

The doctor is arrogant
KEM on Google

高齢者専用の外来日があり、認知症の対処をしてくれる 丁寧な診察と柔軟な対応でとても助かる ただ待合室が狭いので高齢者と介助者5組くらいでいっぱいになってしまう
There is an outpatient day exclusively for the elderly, who will deal with dementia. Careful examination and flexible response are very helpful However, since the waiting room is small, it will be filled with about 5 pairs of elderly people and caregivers.
まい on Google

The doctor's attitude is really too bad. A sense of intimacy and an attitude that made this a fool. I still have such arrogant temperament now. I will never go to the hospital that will give even more stress when I feel weak. If you don't mind, why not go?
聚楽第 on Google

とにかく医者の態度が最悪。 横柄で患者を小馬鹿にしたような言動ばかりでした。 他の病院の紹介状を書いてもらう際も、特定の病院をゴリ押ししてそこ以外紹介状書かないぐらいの態度。 紹介手数料とかの裏金貰ってるんだなと自然と思いました。
Anyway, the doctor's attitude is the worst. It was all over the words and behavior that made the patient a fool. Even when you write a letter of introduction for another hospital, it's about not pushing a particular hospital and writing another letter of introduction. I thought it was natural that I was getting the back-fee of the introduction fee.
mimon mk on Google

外科でお世話になりました。手の爪に刺さって抜けないトゲ、半日思い悩み夕方遅くにお電話したところ、すぐ診て下さるとの事で伺いました。時間が遅かったため自分以外に患者がおらず、密を心配していただけに安心しました。 ご年配の院長先生に処置いただきました。処置をサポートされたベテラン看護師の方の対応が素晴らしかったです。痛がり怖がりの自分に、ほっとする言葉を選んで声かけして下さり、局部麻酔注射の間はさりげなく手を握って下さり、あまりな神対応に、ありがたすぎて泣きそうでした。昔ながらのお医者様という感じで、患者にソフトなサービスはなさらない、受取りようによっては言葉少なで無愛想に見える院長先生(自分は温かみを感じて好感を持ちましたが)を、見事に補完されていました。 お薬は院内処方で、外の薬局に行かずに済むのがありがたいです。また、事前のお電話や来院した際の受付の方の対応がスムーズで感じよく、ビニールシート、マスク、帽子など、しっかりコロナ対策されているのが印象的でした。高齢者の患者さんも多く訪れる病院なのですね。 酷評されている口コミもあったので、最初どうしようかと思いましたが、自分は外科で診て頂いて本当によかったです。ありがとうございました!
Thank you for your help in surgery. A thorn stuck in my fingernail, I was worried about half a day, and when I called late in the evening, I heard that he would see me immediately. I was relieved because I was worried about the density because there were no patients other than myself because the time was late. I was treated by an elderly director. The response of the veteran nurses who supported the procedure was wonderful. He chose a relieved word to speak to me, who was in pain and fear, and casually held my hand during the injection of local anesthesia. I was so grateful for the god's response that I almost cried. It feels like an old-fashioned doctor, and does not provide soft services to patients. Depending on how you receive it, the director who looks unfriendly with few words (although I felt warmth and liked it) is perfectly complemented. I did. The medicine is prescribed in the hospital, and I am grateful that I do not have to go to an outside pharmacy. In addition, the response from the receptionist when calling in advance or visiting the hospital was smooth and pleasant, and it was impressive that the vinyl sheets, masks, hats, etc. were firmly taken against corona. It's a hospital that many elderly patients visit, isn't it? There were some criticized reviews, so I thought about what to do at first, but I'm really glad that I had a surgical examination. Thank you very much!
YUDAI IWATA (iwats) on Google

あまり普段ネガを書きませんが投稿します。 都からの紹介で発熱外来で相談させてもらったもの、とにかく「他で受診なさってはどうですか」の一点張り。 議論の末、翌日ならなんとかということで一応予約できたものの(それも相当にネゴした末)、翌朝も早朝からわざわざ電話をかけてきて他で見つかりましたか?と確認してくる始末。 結局他を先に見つけてたので、その旨伝えるとホッとしたようで、お大事に〜と素っ気ない言葉だけ添えながら電話もブチっと切られる始末。 当然ながら既にここで診てもらう気にはなってなかったので、他あたってますよ。 とにかく最初から来てほしくないことが見え透いていました。 もっと患者の気持ちを考えるべきです。 実情は知りませんが多分そういう病院だということはわかりました。
I don't usually write negatives, but I will post them. I was introduced by the city and consulted with a fever outpatient, but anyway, "Why don't you have a medical examination elsewhere?" After discussions, I was able to make a reservation for the next day (after a lot of negotiations), but did you bother to call me the next morning from early morning and find it elsewhere? The disposition that confirms. After all, I found another one first, so I felt relieved when I told him that, and I was relieved to say that it was important. Of course, I didn't feel like seeing him here already, so I'm hitting something else. Anyway, it was clear that I didn't want him to come from the beginning. We should think more about the patient's feelings. I don't know the actual situation, but I understand that it is probably such a hospital.
みほ on Google

医師の診察には特段疑問や不安は抱きませんでしたし、よく対応して頂きました。感謝しております。 ですが、他の方も書いていますが、発熱センターから紹介を受けたのでこちらに電話すると、コロナ陽性なのに何のために電話してきたんですか?と言われました。 こちらも電話対応した看護師に聞きたいのですが、あなた方は何のために紹介先になっているのですか?発熱センターからの受け入れのフロー理解してますか?コロナの対応出来るから紹介センターから紹介されるんですよね? 陽性を見るのも受け入れるのも大変なのはわかりますが、発熱センターの紹介先になっているのであればその対応はどうなんでしょうね。対応がわからないのであれば早急に対応について学ばれてはいかがでしょう。 具合も悪く、選択肢がない中での受診なのでこのような対応は非常に不快ですし、これではせっかく医師が診察してくださっても病院の品位を落とすし、でもそんなのどうでもいいし気にもしてないからそのような強気で傲慢な態度なのでしょうね。 具合が悪く、タクシーも使えないので家族に送迎を頼むためにこちらが行ける受診時間を伝えると、陽性のくせに出掛けてないですよね?とか、患者は1人で来ますけど。など言いたい放題でした。本当に対応がありえないくらい酷くて信じられません。小馬鹿にしてるんでしょうか、よくもそこまで言えるなと呆れます。 ならば、時間の打診やどのように受診に来ればいいかなど提案も出来ないんでしょうか。 出掛けられるほど元気であれば病院なんて行きません。 陽性を見たくないのであれば、発熱センターの紹介先から外れたらいかがでしょう。 今回はここしか紹介されなかったので、やむを得ず受診しましたが、今後は絶対選びません。医師が親切だっただけに非常に残念です。
I didn't have any particular doubts or anxieties about the doctor's examination, and he responded well. I am grateful. However, as others have written, I was introduced by the fever center, so when I called here, what was the reason for calling even though I was positive for corona? They said. I'd like to ask a nurse who also responded to the phone, but what are you referring to? Do you understand the flow of acceptance from the fever center? You will be introduced by the referral center because Corona can handle it, right? I understand that it is difficult to see and accept positives, but if you are a referral to a fever center, how about dealing with it? If you don't know what to do, why not learn about it as soon as possible? I'm sick and I have no choice, so I'm very uncomfortable with this kind of treatment. I don't think it's such a bullish and arrogant attitude. I'm sick and I can't use a taxi, so when I tell my family the time I can go to ask for a transfer, I'm not going out even though I'm positive, right? Or, the patient comes alone. It was all-you-can-eat. I can't believe it's so terrible that I can't really deal with it. I wonder if I'm making a fool of myself, but I'm surprised that I can say that much. If so, can't we make suggestions such as time consultation and how to come to the consultation? If I'm fine enough to go out, I won't go to the hospital. If you don't want to see a positive, why not go out of the referral to the fever center. This time, I was introduced only here, so I had to go to the clinic, but I will never choose it in the future. It's a shame because the doctor was kind.
Emma Hartman on Google

I like that the waiting room has a big window to look out—it’s a lot more comfortable than some of the other windowless clinics I’ve been to. If your Japanese is decent, you won’t have trouble communicating here. The doctor knew just what was wrong with me and prescribed medication. Conveniently, it was given to me at the clinic, so I didn’t have to go to a pharmacy.

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