
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Door

住所 :

Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
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街 : Tokyo

Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan
さなえ“はまさん” on Google

ショルダーバッグのストラップの修理や靴のかかとゴム交換などでお世話になりました。レスポンスや作業が早くとても助かりました。 ショルダーバッグは非常に丈夫になって帰ってきましたので、また大切に使い続けられます。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for repairing the strap of the shoulder bag and replacing the rubber on the heel of the shoe. The response and work were quick and very helpful. The shoulder bag is very durable and is back, so you can continue to use it carefully. Thank you very much.
ピヨみね on Google

チェーン店も近くにあるけど、安くて行き始めました。 お気に入りのヒールが直せそうか、電話やメールでの相談も、対応や説明が丁寧で安心でした。 結果巻き直さず、補修という手頃な方法で直してくれて、それもとっても嬉しかった…!
There's a chain store nearby, but it's cheap and I started going. I was able to fix my favorite heels, and consultation by phone and e-mail was as safe as the response and explanation were careful. As a result, he did not rewind and repaired it in an affordable way, so I was very happy ...!
gaku 0013 on Google

I asked about 3 pairs of leather shoes for heel replacement, but thank you for your beautiful replacement. The explanation at the time of the request was also carefully and safely deposited. This shop is reliable.
イラストレーターIAM MAIMAI on Google

とても素敵な雰囲気の靴修理屋さん! 靴修理屋さんなのにアートギャラリーとして絵も飾ってあります! ただ今飾らせて頂いております!絵やグッズ販売しています〜! よければお越し頂いて、手にとってみて頂けると嬉しいです!
A shoe repair shop with a very nice atmosphere! Even though it is a shoe repair shop, it also has pictures as an art gallery! I'm decorating it right now! We sell pictures and goods! I hope you will come and take a look at it!
みょー on Google

先日、ビジネスシューズの修理をして頂きました。 快く迅速に対応して頂き、出来栄えもまるで新品に買い換えたかのようにとても素晴らしいものでした。 お店の雰囲気があらわしているように、店長さんの人柄が温和で優しく、何でも気軽に相談できるような方なので、また近いうちに修理をお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました!
The other day, I had my business shoes repaired. They responded happily and promptly, and the workmanship was very wonderful as if they had been replaced with a new one. As the atmosphere of the store shows, the store manager's personality is mild and kind, and he can feel free to consult with us about anything, so I would like to ask for repairs in the near future. Thank you very much!
うなぎ日和 on Google

2021年に靴修理DOORさんにてグループ展参加予定の者です。 靴修理DOORさんでは靴修理以外に、アート作品の展示もされていて 店主の戸田さんは、なんでも相談に乗って下さる頼りがいのある 素敵な方です。 靴の修理も品質・価格・スピードにこだわり、お客様からの信頼は絶大ともっぱらの評判です! 神社仏閣巡りが大好きな店主さんは、時間に余裕のある時は ”龍神カード”(運勢を占うカード)を使って占ってくれます。 いつも熱いメッセージに励まされております。 店内では手作りマスク”TOTO-TO”も販売されています。 種類も豊富、お洒落で使うのが楽しみです! 今後もよろしくお願い致します!!。oO
I am planning to participate in a group exhibition at shoe repair DOOR in 2021. Shoe repair DOOR has an exhibition of art works in addition to shoe repair. The owner, Mr. Toda, is very reliable in helping us with anything. A nice person. We are particular about quality, price, and speed when repairing shoes, and the trust of our customers is extremely popular! Shopkeepers who love visiting shrines and temples can use it when they have time to spare. Fortune-telling is done using the "Ryujin card" (a card that tells your fortune). I am always encouraged by the hot message. Handmade mask "TOTO-TO" is also on sale in the store. There are many types, and I'm looking forward to using it in a fashionable way! We look forward to working with you in the future! !! .. oO
egg echo on Google

Very nice experience! Fast repair and good stuff. Highly recommend!
Pierre Parisot on Google

Five-star shoe repair store with great craftsmanship, affordable prices and super respectful customer service!

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