Domadoma Shinjuku east exit: Japanese restaurant
に基づく 8 レビュー
Contact Domadoma Shinjuku east exit: Japanese restaurant
住所 : | Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3 Chome−20−5 新宿ニューサンパーク5F Domadoma Shinjuku east exit: Japanese restaurant |
電話 : | 📞 +89 |
Webサイト : | |
カテゴリ: | |
街 : | Shinjuku |
すずきかず on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 木曜19:30入店。あまり混んでなかった。飲み放題でもドリンク提供早くカクテルも味ちゃんとしてます。料理ははじめ順番も何もなかったが提供早く、追加オーダーも提供早め。接客もちゃんとやることやってて不快感なし。ふらっと行った飲み会が円滑に終わりました?
Thursday at 19:30. It was not very crowded. Even with all-you-can-drink, drinks are served quickly and cocktails are also used as taste. There was no order at the beginning of the dishes, but they were offered early, and additional orders were offered early. There was no discomfort because the customer service was doing well. The drinking party we went to was over smoothly.
Na on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 派手髪の店員の対応が悪すぎました。何もしてないのに、退店しろと言われ気分が悪いです。
The correspondence of the shop staff with flashy hair was too bad. I haven't done anything, but I feel sick because I was told to leave.
谷口真郷 on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 魚の死んだような目の店員に迎えられ、態度も悪い。
I was greeted by a clerk in the eyes of a dead fish, and my attitude was bad.
The attitude of the clerk was too bad and I took a first drink and immediately went out.
I do not want to go again.
hiroko givenchy on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ googleMapでビルがわかっても、どこから入るのかわかりづらく、またビル内に飲食店が何店舗もあるため、小さいエレベーターは乗れる人数に限りがあり、繁忙時間帯は乗れるまで時間かかります(会計後に降りるときも同様。上階から降りてくる人で乗れない)。初訪の方は少し早めに行ったほうがいいです。お店自体は接客も料理も普通に満足。照明暗めで40オーバー組としてはありがたい(^o^)
Even if you know the building in googleMap, it is difficult to know where to enter, and there are many restaurants in the building, so there are limited number of small elevators that can be ridden, and busy hours take time to get on (get off after accounting) The same is sometimes true. People who get off the upper floor cannot ride.) If you are visiting for the first time, you should go a little earlier. The shop itself is normally satisfied with customer service and food. I am thankful for the 40-over group with dark lighting (^ o ^)
Kohei on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 同じ建物にある鳥貴族やミライザカと比べると高い印象だが、ビールに違いは感じない。
Compared to Torikizoku and Mirai Zaka in the same building, it has a high impression, but there is no difference in beer.
Gizem Göcer on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Great!
Benjamin Lam on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Great izakaya style food
Gavin Furukawa on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Great food and great special deals.
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