Doden Kitaurawa - Saitama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Doden Kitaurawa

住所 :

1207-4 Mimuro, Midori Ward, Saitama, 336-0911, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 336-0911
Webサイト :

1207-4 Mimuro, Midori Ward, Saitama, 336-0911, Japan
てっつてっつ on Google

友人に勧められて休日の13:30ごろに訪問するも待ちが3人、駐車場(緑区三室1314-4)はちょうど空いたので停められましたが、6台と少なく道が狭いため運転に慣れていない方は素直にコインパーキングを検討したほうがいいと思います。 いただいたのはラーメン小(280g)。ニンニクとアブラはどでんに。どでんにすると追加分が別小皿で出してくれるようです。ヤサイは増しにしましたが、盛りが凄いですね。 他の方も書いてますが、甘みのあるアブラに、魚粉や豚の出汁が出ていても平均的か若干パンチ弱めのスープ(しかしニンニクには全く負けてない)、しっかり味が染みて柔らかく美味しい豚(ウデ)、そしてなんと言ってもごわごわの縮れ麺。全体的に良くまとまっていて、どう食べても美味しい1杯に仕上がっていると思います。 埼玉県内も優良なお店が増えてきましたが、かなり上位の美味しさでしたので、これは並ぶのも理解できます。
A friend recommended me to visit around 13:30 on a holiday, but there were 3 people waiting, and the parking lot (Mimuro 1314-4, Midori-ku) was just vacant, so I stopped there, but I drove because there were only 6 cars and the road was narrow. Those who are not accustomed to this should consider coin parking obediently. I received a small ramen (280g). Garlic and Abra. It seems that the additional portion will be served in a separate small plate when it is made into a doden. I increased the number of yasai, but the prime is amazing. As others have written, the sweet soup with fishmeal and pork broth is average or slightly weaker in punch (but not defeated by garlic), and the taste is soaked and soft. Delicious pork (dashi) and, after all, stiff curly noodles. Overall, it's well organized, and I think it's a delicious cup no matter how you eat it. The number of excellent restaurants has increased in Saitama Prefecture, but it was quite high-ranking, so it's understandable that they are lined up.
aki nona on Google

さすが、埼玉県J系ナンバー1と評されるお店。直系の川越、越谷、大宮公園もあれど、独自のパワーとスタイル、そして圧倒的な美味しさに最敬礼。 土曜日10:25、シャッター待ち6名に連結。 下道だと我が家から1時間40分見込みだったので、ラーメン代より高くついた高速道路を使って1時間強のドライブ。まぁ土曜日の朝、渋滞してない首都高を走るは気持ち良いし、そういうアトラクションだと割り切る。 わざわざ時間とお金をかけて伺ったのは勿論、埼玉県J系ナンバーワンの呼び声高いこちらを食べてみたかったから。最近は西川口店もオープンされその勢いも凄まじい。 この店舗から徒歩3〜4分のところに6台駐車場がある。実はグーグルマップ上に、どでん駐車場、と登録されていて、お店なのかどこかの誰なのか、ともかくそれがナイスプレイ。 11:00、定時にオープン。並びながらもお店からにじみ出て漂ってくるかぐわしい匂いにずっとキュンキュン。僕の裏には数えられるだけで7人。カウンター12席埋まり、外にはまだ10名以上待ち人なので余裕の20人ごえでしたか。さすが。 ラーメン(350g)(850円)、生玉子(50円)をポチッとな。 店員さん2名オペ、両者さんともお若い。ただ、とても柔らかで温かいご接客。ざっくり6杯が1ロットなので1stターンには入れず、2ndターンにて11:18ごろコール、トッピングは全部で。お隣さんは麺増しで600グラムオーダーをかましてた。そしてなんと、春場所優勝祝杯くらいのすり鉢丼でそちらはご登場、…もう笑うしかない。すげーす、お隣さん! もともとは富士丸北浦和店、屋号を変えて現在に至るならば、お味は所謂富士丸系だろう。平日は夜のみ、てな営業スタイルからもそう想像していたけど、うん、系ちゃあ系だけど別物。これが、どでんだ!!とメキメキパワフルなお味でオリジナリティある存在感でてる。 まず着丼のインパクト、いんやぁ、スゲェな。。。マシマシにはしてないのに大層なマウンテン。かつクタヤサイなのでホントにギュギュッと容赦ないボリューム。そこに適度にかけられた塊あぶらと、ゴソッと盛られたニンニク。麺にたどり着くには相当ハードワークが必要だ…。 ヤサイはモヤシキャベツ8:2の黄金比率。味付きに塊あぶら、甘じょっぱで最高だわ。辛味と臭みがフレッシュなニンニクとも良い握手。ヤサイわしゃ〜〜ってそのまま食らいついて、そのまま美味い。更に別皿にて提供のあぶら、そこにヤサイを浸してジャグジャグ食べる。あぁ、最高だわ。最高、なんならこのヘッダー部分で満足しちゃいそう。 もう1つのお供として、豚ちゃん。豚ちゃんはそれほど大きくない塊豚。ミチっとした噛みごたえ、でも決して硬いとかスジっぽいとかじゃなく、詰まってる肉感。どうにかしてスープにヒタヒタにして熱をいれつつかぶりつき、塩気と肉味を口に残してヤサイをほおばる。う〜ん、美味い! ようやく水面が見えてきた。でもまだヤサイ半分くらい。待ちに待った麺をすくい上げかぶりつく。…グワシッ!グワシッ!!オオォォォ…よくワシワシ的な表現をこの手の極太麺に使うけれども、そんなんじゃ表現足りない麺力の半端なさ。オーシャン、強力粉の強い弾力性と風味、それにグワシッとした筋肉質さが、幸せドーパミン脳天に突き抜けてるほと美味い。別皿あぶらに浸してズルリ、、、あぶらズルリ、、、からのあぶら生玉子ですき焼き風ズルリ、さらに生玉子ズルリ、ズルリズルリズルリズルリ。うんめぇ〜〜この麺はひょっとしたら今年1好みで美味いと感じるかも?ヤバいやつにでくわしちゃった。 レンゲがあるのでスープの味わえる。濃ゆい濃ゆい豚骨醤油、まったりとろりマイルドスープ。ど乳化で豚骨や背脂が溶け込んでシルキーな舌触り、だから化学調味料的と圧倒的な塩気みたいな雑な中毒性を出すJとはクオリティが全然違う。和歌山豚骨醤油に方向としては近い感覚のアプローチで、これ、多分完飲できちゃう…いや、つかしたい。なんて、ほっこり味わっていたら…… ん?なに??一気にお客さん6人入店。…な、なぬ!??まぢか!!しまった!半入れ替え制スタイルか!?? これはまずい、だいぶゆっくり撮影しつつ味わっていたからまだ半分はある。そして、その気づきから同じロットの友達が次々とごちそうさまと出ていく。えぇ〜?僕より後に配膳されてたじゃんよぉ…。すり鉢さんはどうた??お!まだ4割残ってる、良かった。。。とりあえずペースメーカーすり鉢さんとして、スピードをあげよう! あげようと思っても中々困難、なぜなら熱い!熱くて麺は太い!啜ってみても数本分で口の中が大渋滞。噛むにもエネルギーがいるし、一気に汗が吹き出してきた。もうボタボタと止まらない汗、体の中から燃え上がってやがる。さらに麺も熱い。だから、ごそっと生玉子と別皿あぶらに避難させ冷ましながらも味をなじませる。その間は丼からズルリズルリ、いやぁうめえ。あちぃ…、うめぇ、あちぃ、ボタボタボタボタボタボタボタボタ。 すり鉢さんが食べ終わった。ヤベェ。店員さんと軽く会話、そうだろうな、完全なる常連さん、きっと週1でこのすり鉢をペロってんだろう。でもそのお隣さんがまだ、残ってる。一気に生玉子、別皿あぶらの麺を平らげ、ヤサイと麺をスープからバキュームし、完食。いやぁ、食ったし、焦ったし、熱かったし、色んな感情がグチャグチャだ。 ホントはお土産お持ち帰りできるのもあったけど、冷凍家までには溶けちゃうから断念。おいしかった。ごちそうさまでした。
As expected, this shop is said to be the number one J-series in Saitama prefecture. Although there are direct lines of Kawagoe, Koshigaya, and Omiya Park, they are the most salute for their unique power, style, and overwhelming deliciousness. Saturday 10:25, connected to 6 people waiting for the shutter. It was expected to be 1 hour and 40 minutes from my house on the lower road, so I drove for a little over an hour using the highway, which was more expensive than the ramen fee. Well, on Saturday morning, it feels good to drive on the Shuto Expressway, which is not congested, and I think it's such an attraction. Of course, I spent a lot of time and money to visit, but I also wanted to try this, which is the number one J-series in Saitama prefecture. Recently, the Nishikawaguchi store has opened and its momentum is tremendous. There is a parking lot for 6 cars 3-4 minutes on foot from this store. Actually, it is registered as a parking lot on Google Maps, and it is a nice play regardless of whether it is a shop or somewhere. Open on time at 11:00. Even though they are lined up, the fragrant scent that oozes out of the shop and drifts is always squeaky. There are only 7 people behind me. There were 12 seats at the counter, and there were still more than 10 people waiting outside, so was there 20 people to spare? As expected. Click on ramen (350g) (850 yen) and raw egg (50 yen). Two clerk operations, both young. However, the customer service is very soft and warm. Roughly 6 cups is 1 lot, so I couldn't put it in the 1st turn, but on the 2nd turn, I called around 11:18 and toppings were all. My neighbor chewed an order of 600 grams with extra noodles. And how, that appeared in a mortar bowl about the spring place victory celebration ... I have no choice but to laugh. Great, neighbor! Originally the Fujimaru Kitaurawa store, if you change the store name to the present, the taste will be the so-called Fujimaru system. I imagined that on weekdays only at night, from the business style, but yeah, it's a system, but it's different. This is what! !! It has a powerful taste and an original presence. First of all, the impact of donburi, no, it's amazing. .. .. It's a large mountain even though I haven't made it better. And because it's Kuta Yasai, it's really a merciless volume. A moderate amount of lump oil and garlic piled up there. It takes a lot of hard work to get to the noodles ... Yasai has a golden ratio of 8: 2 bean sprouts cabbage. It's the best with flavored lumps of oil and sweet and salty. A good handshake with garlic, which has a fresh spiciness and odor. It ’s delicious as it is. In addition, the oil provided on a separate plate, soak the yasai in it and eat it. Oh, it ’s the best. Best of all, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with this header. As another companion, Pig-chan. Pig is not so big. It's chewy, but it's not hard or streaky, it's full of flesh. I managed to make the soup fluffy and heat it while biting it, leaving the saltiness and meat taste in my mouth and squeezing the yasai. Hmmm, it's delicious! Finally the water surface was visible. But it's still about half yasai. Scoop up the long-awaited noodles and bite them. … Gwasshi! Gwasshi! !! Ooooo ... I often use eagle-like expressions for this kind of extra-thick noodles, but that's not enough to express the noodle power. The ocean, the strong elasticity and flavor of strong flour, and the muscularity of the bread are so delicious that they penetrate the happy dopamine brain. Sukiyaki-style sukiyaki with raw egg from oil, sukiyaki, sukiyaki, sukiyaki, sukiyaki, sukiyaki, sukiyaki. Yeah ~~ Maybe this noodle is delicious this year with one taste? I came across a dangerous guy. You can taste the soup because there is a lotus. Thick Yui Thick Yui Pork Bone Soy Sauce, Relaxing Mild Soup. The quality is completely different from J, which has a silky texture with pork bones and backfat melted by emulsification, so it is a chemical seasoning and has an overwhelming saltiness-like miscellaneous addiction. It's an approach similar to Wakayama pork bone soy sauce, and you can probably drink it completely ... No, I want to use it. What if I was tasting it ... Yeah? what? ?? Six customers entered the store at once. … Nana! ?? ?? Well! !! Oops! Is it a half-replacement style? ?? ?? This is bad, I was enjoying it while shooting very slowly, so there is still half. Then, from that awareness, friends of the same lot come out one after another with a feast. Eh ~? It was served after me ... How was the mortar? ?? Oh! It was good that 40% still remained. .. .. For the time being, let's speed up as a pacemaker mortar! It's difficult to give it, because it's hot! The noodles are hot and thick! Even if I try to sip it, the inside of my mouth is heavily congested in just a few bottles. There is energy to chew, and sweat bursts out at once. Sweat that doesn't stop dripping anymore, burning up from inside my body. The noodles are also hot. Therefore, gently evacuate to the raw egg and another plate oil and let the taste blend in while cooling. In the meantime, from the bowl to the slurping, no. Achi ..., Ume, Achi, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. The mortar has finished eating. Yabe. I had a light conversation with the clerk, yes, a complete regular, I'm sure he would lick this mortar once a week. But that neighbor still remains. Flatten the raw egg and oily noodles on a separate plate, vacuum the yasai and noodles from the soup, and finish the meal. Well, I ate, I was impatient, I was hot, and various emotions were messed up. I could take home some souvenirs, but I gave up because they would melt by the freezer. it was delicious. Thank you for the meal.
別皿アブラ大好き on Google

2021.12.10 2年ぶり位に伺いました。 22:30でも金曜日の夜のせいか、外待ちが4名居ました。 先に食券を買って接続すると、スタッフが麺量とトッピングを聞きに来ます。 油そば大(400g)に麺増し(+150g)を2枚渡したら、何グラムにしますか?と。 とっさに700gって言いましたけど、それ以上もOKなんですかね?? コールは生卵トッピングアブラどでん。 15分程で着席し5分程で着丼です。 が、お隣に若いイマドキの男の子に「凄いっすねー」って言われてしまいました。 やっぱりすり鉢で食べる時は、端っこの席が良いですよね。 だって恥ずかしいんですもん。 麺はややかためのワシワシ麺で、噛みごたえもあり美味いっすね。 しっかり混ぜますが、卓上調味料の種類も多くて楽しめます。 胡椒、一味唐辛子、酢、ラー油と楽しみましたが、自分は胡椒がバッチリ来ました! 生卵+一味唐辛子で食べるのも合いますが、胡椒に別皿アブラで食べるのにハマります。 次回は未食のラーメンを食べてみます。
2021.12.10 I visited for the first time in two years. Even at 22:30, there were 4 people waiting outside, probably because of Friday night. If you buy a meal ticket first and connect, the staff will come to ask you about the amount of noodles and toppings. If you give two extra noodles (+ 150g) to abura soba size (400g), how many grams will you make? When. I said 700g at once, but is it OK for more than that? ?? Cole is a raw egg topping Abra Doden. You will be seated in about 15 minutes and donburi in about 5 minutes. However, a young Imadoki boy next door told me that it was amazing. After all, when eating in a mortar, the seat at the end is good. Because it's embarrassing. The noodles are eagle noodles that are slightly chewy and delicious. Mix well, but you can enjoy many types of tabletop seasonings. I enjoyed pepper, chili pepper, vinegar, and chili oil, but I got the pepper! It's good to eat with raw egg + chili pepper, but I'm addicted to eating it with pepper and a separate plate Abra. Next time I will try eating uneaten ramen.
iAd on Google

二郎系の中でもクオリティ高い一杯。 個人的にはローストポークがお気に入り。 駅から遠いけど駐車場ありなのも嬉しい。 アブラを「ドデン(いわゆるマシマシ)」で頼むと別皿で提供されます。 そのアブラをつけ汁にしてつけ麺風に食べると背徳感ハンパねーっす。
A cup of high quality among the Jiro series. Personally, I like roast pork. It's far from the station, but I'm glad that there is a parking lot. If you order Abra at "Doden (so-called Mashimashi)", it will be served on a separate plate. If you use the abra as a soup and eat it like tsukemen, you will feel immoral.
とよちゃん on Google

「ラーメンの店 どでん北浦和店」 富士丸は何度か食べてるけど、ここは初めてだなぁ。 基本、富士丸はあんま好きじゃないから微妙かなぁ?なんて思いながらドライブがてら寄ってみた。 ①スープ 3.5 / 5.0 個人的にはもう少し豚骨を感じたいけど悪くない。 本当に個人差はあるだろうけど自分にとっては比較的、飲みやすいスープだった。 ②麺 4.0 / 5.0 美味しい。 モチモチしていて軽いウェーブがかかってて太さも丁度いい。 ほんの少し加水率下げてくれたら5.0。 ③ブタ 2.5 / 5.0 イマイチ。 歯応えのあるタイプ。 とろとろタイプが好きなので好みじゃない。 味はしっかりと染みていて良い。 ④野菜 3.5 / 5.0 富士丸神谷本店のクタクタ野菜が苦手だから心配してたけど、こちらはシャキシャキで良い。 ⑤全体量 2.5 / 5.0 少ない。 いくら麺マシが出来るからといっても一番量が多いのが350gって残念。450〜500gくらいデフォで欲しい。 総評 16.0 / 25.0 普通に美味しいラーメン。 近場にあったらまた行くと思う。 遠いからまず再訪は無いけど。 狭いけど駐車場を用意してくれてるのは◎ おしぼりは別に要らないからティッシュを手の届く場所に欲しい。 テーブル拭く布巾も欲しい。 店内が狭いからレンゲも近場に欲しい。 個人的に食べてる後ろを他人が行ったり来たりするのは落ち着かない。 背後霊システムで後ろで待たれる店よりマシだけど。 今回はラーメン350g + ブタ増し 好みじゃないブタを増しにして失敗した。 やっぱ初めての店は麺にしてもブタにしても野菜にしても増すのは辞めた方が無難。 大通りに面してるから外待ちの時は車がうるさいね。 接客は特に気になる点は無し。 衛生面も店内をザッと見た感じは悪くなさげ。 厨房内は見えないからわからないけどね。
"Ramen shop Doden Kitaurawa shop" I've eaten Fujimaru several times, but this is my first time. Basically, I don't like Fujimaru so much, so it's subtle? I tried to drive while thinking about it. ① Soup 3.5 / 5.0 Personally, I want to feel the pork bones a little more, but it's not bad. It was a soup that was relatively easy for me to drink, although there may be individual differences. ② Noodles 4.0 / 5.0 delicious. It's chewy and has a light wave, and the thickness is just right. 5.0 if you reduce the water content just a little. ③ Pig 2.5 / 5.0 Not good. A chewy type. I like the mellow type, so I don't like it. The taste may be well-stained. ④ Vegetables 3.5 / 5.0 I was worried because I'm not good at Kuta Kuta vegetables at the Fujimaru Kamiya main store, but this one is fine. ⑤ Total amount 2.5 / 5.0 few. It's a pity that 350g is the largest amount of noodles, no matter how much you can make noodles. I want about 450-500g by default. General comment 16.0 / 25.0 Ordinarily delicious ramen. I think I'll go again if I'm nearby. I won't come back because it's far away. It's small, but the parking lot is prepared ◎ I don't need a hand towel, so I want the tissue to be within reach. I also want a cloth to wipe the table. Since the store is small, I want a lotus nearby. It's uncomfortable for others to come and go behind my personal eating. It's better than the store that waits behind you with the ghost system. This time, 350g of ramen + more pigs I failed by increasing the number of pigs I didn't like. After all, it is safer to quit increasing the number of noodles, pigs, and vegetables at the first store. The car is noisy when waiting outside because it faces the main street. There is nothing to worry about when serving customers. In terms of hygiene, the feeling of having a quick look inside the store is not bad. I don't know because I can't see the inside of the kitchen.
Tak Shu on Google

ラーメン(350㌘)850円 ニンニクどでんアブラどでん 19時過ぎに到着、待ち二人。 食券を買ってから並ぶシステム。 ラーメンは着丼前に無料トッピング(アブラ、ニンニク、ヤサイ)をコールします。マシマシがこちらでは「どでん」になります。 ヤサイはクタとシャキの間くらいの食感。 スープは濃厚ド乳化スープで豚の旨味が凄い。器の底に濃厚スープが潜んでるので、天地返しするとぜんぜん味変わります。 太めの縮れ麺と絡んで、食べごたえがありますね。豚は歯応えあるけど柔らかめタイプ。 麺量は少な目もあるので、女性の客も割といましたね。 駅から離れてますが、店の近くに駐車場が6台ほど用意されてます。
Ramen (350㌘) 850 yen Garlic Doden Abra Doden Arrived after 19:00, two people waiting. A system where you line up after buying a meal ticket. Ramen calls free toppings (abra, garlic, yasai) before donburi. Mashimashi is "Doden" here. Yasai has a texture between Kuta and Shaki. The soup is a rich emulsified soup and the taste of pork is amazing. The rich soup is hidden in the bottom of the bowl, so if you turn it upside down, the taste will change at all. It's entwined with thick curly noodles, and it's very satisfying to eat. The pig is chewy but soft. The amount of noodles is small, so female customers were also relatively good. Although it is far from the station, there are about 6 parking lots near the store.
tommy on Google

Historical Fujimaru style. What you should have.
kome kome on Google

i think so this shop is very good and dalicious.

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