Datenokura Sendai Higashiguchi - Sendai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Datenokura Sendai Higashiguchi

住所 :

2 Chome-3-16 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 983-0852
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5–10PM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM

2 Chome-3-16 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan
荒川お on Google

No. That's too bad. It was a wonderful store until about 3 years ago! ️
千葉帯之 on Google

The atmosphere was also good. The meat was delicious.
千葉親父 on Google

決して安くは無いが、店の雰囲気はよく和めると思います。 ただ・・料理が全体的に塩辛い気がします。 あと、まだクラスが開く前にお代わりを催促されている気がします。 なのにオーダしてから運ばれてくるのが遅い気が・・・ リピートは厳しいですね。
It's not cheap at all, but I think it will soften the atmosphere of the store. However, I feel that the food is salty overall. Also, I feel like I'm still being prompted for a replacement before the class opens. However, I feel that it is late to be delivered after ordering ... Repeat is tough.
牛丹 on Google

比較的評価いいけどそうか? 店員に笑顔はないし、チリの養殖サーモン出してるような店ダメだろ❌
It's relatively good, but is that so? The clerk doesn't have a smile, and it's no good to have a Chilean farmed salmon ❌
浮草 on Google

素材は良かったけれど、味付けを失敗している感じ。 全て塩味がキツくて辛かったです。 店員さんの接客対応は◎でした。
The material was good, but I felt that I had failed to season it. All were salty and spicy. The customer service of the clerk was ◎.
ryo suzu on Google

Sendai's specialties and raw oysters are delicious.
大谷里織 on Google

The local sake and fish dishes from Tohoku are very delicious, but the price was higher than when I went there for the first time, probably because of the corona sickness. I wish there were some more menus of closing rice.
あおさん on Google

何年か前にすぐ近くに住んでたのでたまに訪店してましたが2年ぶりくらいに来ました 美味しいですよね 売りの牛たんは値段高騰のせいか残念レベルでしたがまた行きたいと思います!
I lived nearby a few years ago, so I visited the store once in a while, but I came here for the first time in two years. It ’s delicious, is n’t it? The beef tongue for sale was unfortunate because of the soaring price, but I would like to go again!

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