4.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー


住所 :

Fukuromachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0036 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
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街 : Hiroshima

Fukuromachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0036 Hiroshima,Japan
羽原繭 on Google

em sugi on Google

Cooking that pays attention to yoga, ceramics, and health. Women's power up! There is no mistake ♪
Tomoko Kidahashi on Google

The staff and instructors were very kind and made me feel relaxed. The teacher answered even simple questions politely and even checked the pose. The studio and bathroom were very clean.
Yoshiko Mori on Google

スタジオのレッスンに参加しました。 カウンターに居る方の対応はフレンドリーで、インストラクターさんも丁寧に教えてくださいました。 スタジオは、ホットヨガほど熱くなく熱風もないので、とても居心地がいいです。苦手なポーズも落ち着いてできました。 隠れ家みたいで、とても素敵な場所でした。
I attended a studio lesson. The people at the counter are friendly and the instructors have kindly taught us. The studio is very cozy because it is not as hot or hot as hot yoga. I was able to calm down the bad poses. It was like a hideaway and it was a very nice place.
mioko on Google

今までヨガをやってみたいと思っていましたが、ハイセンスすぎてスタジオにはちょっと行きづらいイメージがありました。今回、時間や場所を気にせず参加できるということで、オンラインで初めてヨガを体験させてもらいました。初心者のワタシでも分かりやすく指導して頂いて、とても楽しかったです(^^) 遠方に住んでいるので、手軽に参加できるオンラインはとても魅力的で、ヨガも想像以上に面白かったです。また参加させて頂きたいと思います(^^)
I've always wanted to do yoga, but I had the image that it was a bit hard to go to the studio because it was too stylish. This time, I was able to participate in yoga regardless of time and place, so I had the first experience of yoga online. Even the beginners taught me in an easy-to-understand way and it was a lot of fun (^^) I live far away, so it's very attractive to join online because it's easy to join, and yoga was more interesting than I expected. I would like to participate again (^ ^)
Momo on Google

I wanted to know the simple questions of Chinese medicine, so it was a good experience to be able to participate in a workshop where I could easily and enjoyably learn ♪ The soft atmosphere makes it easy to ask questions, and I thought it would be a good communication tool with first-time users. It was. I had the next schedule and wanted to go out immediately after the end, and I also had a plan to receive my luggage, so I participated from a remote location. Since it can be accessed from home, I thought that even those with small children who hesitate to go out can save time. There are various interesting themes, so what should we join next? It is also fun to think.

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