Cycle Olympic Higashi-Totsuka store - Yokohama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Olympic Higashi-Totsuka store

住所 :

503-1 Maedacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 244-0804
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–6:30PM

503-1 Maedacho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0804, Japan
小野寺一真 on Google

先日越してきたのを機に自転車を見に行かせて頂きました。 賑わっているお店なのか店員さんも忙しそうに対応に追われていましたが丁寧に色々とアドバイスを頂けました。立ち寄ったときに空気も入れて頂けるとのことで安心です。 子連れのお客さんなんかは待つのが嫌なのか店員に対し当たるような物腰の方も居ましたが、忙しいのも分かるのでちょっと店員さん可哀想かな。 感じの良いお店だったので、修理の時も安心して相談できそうです!
I went to see my bicycle when I came here the other day. The store clerk seemed to be busy, but he kindly gave me various advice. It is safe to say that you can put in air when you stop by. Some customers with children didn't like to wait, and some of them seemed to hit the clerk, but I understand that they are busy, so I feel sorry for the clerk. It was a nice shop, so you can feel free to consult with us when repairing!
佐藤太輔 on Google

I asked a young female staff member to guide me, but he didn't think about the feelings of the customers at all. I want you to work from the customer's perspective. It was terrible because I couldn't pretend not to look at the customers even when I was free and I couldn't even say the words politely. To tell you the truth
仲里幸洋 on Google

通勤で使う自転車を購入したのをきっかけに、その時の若い男性店員の対応が良かったので息子の自転車を購入しに来ました。 商品知識も豊富で、ご自分のお子さんのことを例にして親身になって話をして下さいました。 また利用したいと思います。
After purchasing a bicycle to use for commuting, I came to buy my son's bicycle because the young male clerk at that time was good. He has a wealth of product knowledge and talked with his child as an example. I want to use it again.
lia A on Google

購入時は丁寧な接客で好印象でしたが、メンバーカードに入会したので後日点検に伺ったところかなり高圧的な接客をされました。 素人なのでわからないところを質問したら、今言って覚えられますか?と馬鹿にしたような対応をされ、分からないので教えて欲しいと言っても相手にされませんでした。 こんな不愉快な店は初めてです。 二度と行きません。 メンバーに入会したお金を返してほしいくらいです。
At the time of purchase, I was impressed by the polite customer service, but since I joined the member card, when I visited the inspection at a later date, the customer service was quite high-pressure. If you ask a question that you don't understand because you are an amateur, can you remember it now? I was treated like a fool, and I didn't understand, so even if I asked him to tell me, he wasn't dealt with. This is the first time for such an unpleasant store. I will never go again. I would like you to return the money you joined as a member.
高橋亮 on Google

電動自転車がほしくて訪問。佐藤さんという女性スタッフが対応しました。 はじめての購入なのでいろいろ話を聞いたところ、かなり面倒くさそうに対応され、話し方も買わないなら別にいいですよー。みたいな感じ。保険の説明も適当。久しぶりに接客対応が凄まじく酷い人を見ました。 絶対もう行きませんし、結局ネットで購入。 価格も高くて、接客サービスがひどいなら販売店で買う意味なしですね。笑
I want an electric bicycle and visit. A female staff member named Sato responded. It was my first purchase, so when I listened to various stories, it seemed to be quite annoying and it would be nice if I didn't buy the way to talk. I feel like The explanation of insurance is also appropriate. After a long time, I saw a terrible person whose service was terrible. I will never go anymore and eventually buy it online. If the price is high and the customer service is terrible, there is no point in buying it at a store. Lol
腎臓インゲンエヴァンゲリオン on Google

自転車を購入しようとしたら急に私の身長をディスられました。 二度と行かない
When I tried to buy a bicycle, I suddenly lost my height. Never go again
Takahashi 高橋, Shinobu 忍 Japan (ShinobuーSan) on Google

すごく丁寧で、親切!! 思わず、電動自転車を衝動買い。運用を聞いていただいて、最適な提案をいただきました!感謝
Very polite and kind! !! Unexpectedly, I bought an electric bicycle by impulse. We listened to the operation and received the optimal proposal! Thanks
あっちこっち on Google

スタッフは親切だし、相談しやすい。 1年ほど前にフリーパワーを2台に取り付けたが、1台もう異音がしだした。 さて、面倒みは良いが?近々に行ってみる。
The staff are kind and easy to consult. I installed free power on two units about a year ago, but one of them started to make strange noises. Well, is it good to take care of it? I'll go there soon.

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