Cycle Center Okayama Gakunan - Okayama

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Center Okayama Gakunan

住所 :

2 Chome-2-1 Gakunancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 700-0011

2 Chome-2-1 Gakunancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0011, Japan
31 fifthman on Google

I was refused because I was too busy to repair it. It's the worst store, don't go.
サイトウサイトウ on Google

I punctured as soon as I started riding the day after repair. There are bicycles nearby, so there is not much need to visit here.
aki carat on Google

パンクを直してもらったがすぐにパンクした。 評価をみてみたら星1で納得しました。雑魚
I had a flat tire fixed, but I got a flat tire immediately. When I looked at the evaluation, I was convinced that it was 1 star. Coarse fish
ヒデキ on Google

If my child's bicycle was out of order, I refused to repair it because I did not buy it at my store. The worst bike shop. I think it's better not to go. The owner is the worst response for parents and children.
なかおぴんご on Google

チェーンが外れやすくなっていたため、直して貰いました。自転車に触れることなく1500円ですと言われ、ものの数十秒ほどで修理完了と言われました その後2日後にチェーンがはずれました。後に別の自転車屋で見てもらったところチェーンを変える必要があるとの事でした。 もう二度と利用したくありません
The chain was easy to come off, so I got it fixed. It was said that it was 1500 yen without touching the bicycle, and it was said that repair was completed in about tens of seconds Two days later the chain came off. Later, at a different bicycle shop, I found that I needed to change the chain. I don't want to use it again
Y Miyake on Google

最悪な店です! 自転車を処分しようと思い伺いましたが、処分には防犯登録削除が必要で、別途手数料1000円かかるとのことです。他の店では無料で岡山県内であれば無料なのに余分に金を搾取してこようとしてきます。 本当に悪質です。特に肌黒の黒いメガネをかけた若そうなチャラ男店員が最も最悪でした。
The worst store! I asked him to dispose of his bicycle, but it would be necessary to delete the crime prevention registration for disposal, and it would cost a separate fee of 1000 yen. Other stores are free and in Okayama Prefecture they try to exploit extra money even though it is free. Really malicious. The youngest chara store clerk wearing dark black glasses was the worst.
t t on Google

2019年9月29日午前11時ごろ、岡山大学近くのサイクルセンター岡山学南店という店で自転車を買いました。その際防犯登録に関しての説明を受けたのですが、以前私が岡山県自転車原付防犯登録会さんで説明をされた内容と全く違ったので不審に思いご連絡しました。店主が言うには、「自転車を廃棄する際に防犯登録を削除しなければならないが、防犯登録を消す際は必ずうちの店に来て欲しい。しかし消すのには手数料で1000円かかる。」と言われました。しかし本部の岡山自転車原付防犯登録会さんから防犯登録削除は岡山県では無料だと説明を受けたと言うと、「向こうは本部だから料金がいらないんだ。」という意味不明な回答が返ってきました。 店主のおじさんや、色黒の黒いメガネをかけた凄く感じの悪い若い店員は、笑ってごますばかりで、真摯な対応と言えず、非常に不愉快でした。岡山県内で防犯登録を削除するのに1000円かかるなんて聞いたことないですし、詐欺ではないかと思いました。 この店は絶対お勧めしません。 悪質かつ巧妙にお金を取ろうとしてきます。態度も偉そうで客をなめています。 もう2度と行くことはないでしょうが、自転車を購入検討されている方は、サイクルセンター岡山学南店ではなく、他の店をお勧めします。
At around 11am on September 29, 2019, I bought a bicycle at a store called Cycle Center Okayama Gakunan near Okayama University. At that time, I received an explanation about crime prevention registration, but I was suspiciously contacted because it was completely different from what I previously explained at the Okayama Bicycle Moped Security Registration Association. The store owner says, “You must delete your security registration when you discard your bicycle, but when you delete your security registration, you should always come to our store. They said. However, when I received an explanation from the headquarters Okayama bicycle moped crime prevention registration group that the crime prevention registration deletion was free in Okayama Prefecture, an unclear answer was returned saying, “Because it is the headquarters, there is no charge.” . The uncle of the store owner and the very bad young store clerk wearing dark black glasses were just laughing and could not be said to be a sincere response and were very unpleasant. I've never heard that it takes 1000 yen to delete a crime prevention registration in Okayama, and I thought it was a scam. This store is not recommended. Try to take money maliciously and skillfully. Attitude is also great and licks customers. If you are considering buying a bicycle, we recommend another store instead of the Cycle Center Okayama Gakunan store.
辻純平 on Google

「チェーンが外れたので修理お願いします。」と言ったら 「自分で考えて。こっちは商売しとるんじゃ。」と言われました。 全く意味が分かりませんでした。二度と利用しません。店主みたいな人でしたが、かなりお年召されてるのでさっさと引退した方がお店の評判のためや利用する人が不快にならないのでいいと思いますよ。
If you say "The chain has come off, please repair it." I was told, "Think for yourself. I'm going to do business." I didn't understand the meaning at all. I will never use it again. He was like a shop owner, but since he is quite old, I think it would be better if he retired quickly because of the reputation of the shop and the people who use it would not be uncomfortable.

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