元祖辛味噌らーめん 風っ子大将

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 元祖辛味噌らーめん 風っ子大将

住所 :

Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0812 Gunma,Japan

Webサイト : https://twitter.com/kazekko_taisho%3Ft%3DryUEGHrdwu6kwy1k3ZfC5A%26s%3D09
街 : Gunma

Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0812 Gunma,Japan
にゃるき on Google

Infectious disease control and customer service were perfect. I was a little wondering if it tasted like rate 4.3, but it was delicious. Maybe the spicy thunder ramen is even more delicious?
yas T on Google

子供の頃から数十年食べてきた味を求めて行きました 似ているけどやっぱり違うかなぁ 麺と具のバランスが違うからかな なんか薄味に感じる? でも、また食べたくなるんだろうなぁ 他には無いみそラーメンを継いでいるのは確かです
I went for the taste that I had eaten for decades since I was a kid It ’s similar, but it ’s different. Maybe because the balance between the noodles and the ingredients is different Does it feel light? But I think I want to eat it again It is certain that it inherits the unique miso ramen.
rabbit齊藤 on Google

ここは味噌と雷らーめんの2択です。 雷ラーメンの辛さは段階があり選べます。 自分は一番を食べました。 辛さもほとんどなく美味しく食べる事ができました。 ティッシュも置いてますので、自分にはとてもナイスなお店でした。 個別会計は受付けていないようなのでご注意を。
There are two choices here, miso and thunder ramen. You can choose the spiciness of Kaminari Ramen in stages. I ate the best. I was able to eat deliciously with almost no spiciness. I also have tissue, so it was a very nice shop for me. Please note that individual accounting is not accepted.
ふでをおら on Google

群馬県伊勢崎市連取本町15−8の大きな店舗でやっていた風っ子大将の後継店舗みたいですね。 店主がとても若いので、たぶんその頃の店主とは違う人でしょう。 息子さんかな? 私が行った時は、線の細いおばあさんと二人でやっていました。 全カウンター席という潔いレイアウトのお店です。平日ですが、お昼には人が並んでいました。 辛味噌ラーメンを頂きました。味噌ラーメンというほどガッツリ味噌の味はせず、赤味噌ラーメンという感じ。1辛を食しましたが、たぶん本当はもっと辛いランクで本領を発揮するスープなのではないかと思います。でも、市販のレトルトカレーの辛口程度でまあ辛いと思う自分には1辛で十分でした。 口の中を刺激する辛味をなくすための山芋のスティックが入っているのが特徴的ですね。 ただ、全体のボリュームに対して麺が少ないように感じられました。 接客は少し悪いです。悪いと言っても、不快な思いをさせられるという意味での悪いではなく、なにせ調理担当の店主とおばあさんの二人でやっているお店なので、ちょっと回りが遅いです。 キャパが0.8なのに1で常に回しているという感じ。接客担当のおばあさんは、さすがに20歳の若々しいハキハキとしたおねえちゃんのようには動けません。(ノロノロしているというわけではなく、お年にしてはとてもよく働くおばあちゃんだなという感じです) もう少し余裕のあるお店にしてほしかったな、と思います。 あと、レシートに店名も住所も書いてないのはちょっといただけないかもしれません。まあ便利っちゃ便利ですが、明朗会計で領収書として提出する人は嫌がるかもしれませんね。
It looks like the successor to General Kazekko, who used to run at a large store at 15-8 Tsunatorihonmachi, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture. The owner is very young, so he's probably different from the owner at that time. Is it my son? When I went, I was doing it with an old woman with a thin line. It is a shop with a clean layout with all counter seats. Although it was a weekday, people were lined up at noon. I had spicy miso ramen. It doesn't taste like miso ramen, it's like red miso ramen. I ate one spicy soup, but I think it's actually a soup that shows its true character at a more spicy rank. However, one spicy was enough for me, who thinks that the dryness of commercially available retort curry is so spicy. It is characteristic that it contains yam sticks to eliminate the spicy taste that irritates the mouth. However, I felt that there were few noodles for the overall volume. The customer service is a little bad. Even if it's bad, it's not bad in the sense that it makes you feel uncomfortable, but it's a shop that is run by the owner and grandmother in charge of cooking, so it's a little slow. Even though the capacity is 0.8, it feels like it is always turning at 1. The grandmother in charge of customer service cannot move like a 20-year-old youthful and cheerful sister. (I don't mean I'm sloppy, I feel like I'm a grandmother who works very well for my age.) I think I wanted the store to have a little more room. Also, it may be a little unpleasant that the store name and address are not written on the receipt. Well, it's convenient, but it may be disliked by those who submit it as a receipt in Happy Accounting.
こっこぴー on Google

A long time ago, I think it was prosperous around Isesaki. Even myself went twice a month, so it was fast and delicious even if it was crowded. That revived store! The menu had only miso and thunder, but the moment I ate it, the nostalgia revived. This is the taste of yam and thunder. I hope you can increase the number of dumplings, Kyushu ramen, and tantanmen.
ほた on Google

子供の頃(40年末)に食べていた雷ラーメンが懐かしく思い、群馬に帰省した際に寄りました。雷ラーメン1辛 美味しかったです。
I missed the thunder ramen I ate when I was a kid (end of 40), so I stopped by when I returned to Gunma. Thunder ramen 1 was delicious.
もり麺JAPAN on Google

Twitterで知り初訪問! 味噌か雷の二種類しかメニューはなく 一番雷ラーメンに山芋&チャーシューをTP。 着丼してもやしとワカメに驚きました! チャーシューの下から出てくる出てくる? 麺が少な目?とも思える多さ? 山芋の食感と味が箸休め的に⤴️ 辛さの中に旨みありのスープで私好み! リピ確定! 1万円札での支払いご遠慮願います との貼り紙に慌てましたが? 感染対策もされており 接客もとても丁寧で気持ち良く頂けました。 カウンター席だけなので少人数向き。
First visit to know on Twitter! There are only two types of menu, miso and thunder TP TP of yam & char siu to the first thunder ramen. I was surprised at the bean sprouts and wakame seaweed even when I put them on the bowl! Come out from under the char siu ? Is there a small amount of noodles? A lot that seems to be ? The texture and taste of yam is like a chopstick rest ⤴️ I like the soup with its spiciness and umami! Lipi confirmed! Please refrain from paying with 10,000 yen bills I was in a hurry with the sticker with ? Infection control is also taken The customer service was also very polite and pleasant. Only counter seats, suitable for small groups.
Leonardo Yoshimoto on Google

The place is extremely clean. the lady and cookman was kind and polite. I ordered Kaminari ramen level 3. the broth was delicious and the noodle too, I was surprise about wakame, was delicious. I defenitively will come back.

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