Chushin Art Museum - Kyoto

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chushin Art Museum

住所 :

136-3 Nishiojicho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8048, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 602-8048
Webサイト :

136-3 Nishiojicho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8048, Japan
よしひさひふみ on Google

Although it is on the side of the Kyoto Prefectural Government, it is a strange building that seems to pass by. Supporting people who are continuously engaged in artistic activities. free entrance.
Yoririn on Google

I went to "Kunitaro Suda Exhibition". It's a nice small museum. However, because it is small, I get tired of moving up and down the stairs to move each exhibition room.
柳川侍従 on Google

知る人ぞ知る、といった場所。 無料開放にかんしゃ
A place where everyone in the know knows. Free opening
海北康 on Google

Although the number of exhibits is not large, you can slowly face the paintings in a bright and calm space. The pamphlet of the explanation is also substantial and will help you to confirm your memory later. Favorite place.
別所英治 on Google

美術館らしい建物。拝観料 無料‼足腰に自信が必要ですな~ 個展を開くには最適です。
A museum-like building. Free admission! You need confidence in your legs ~ It's perfect for holding a solo exhibition.
tate yu on Google

Admission is free, but you can enjoy your own selected exhibitions.
44 Kazu on Google

会話は遠慮せよとの張り紙を無視して大声でしゃべる客に対して何の注意もしないスタッフ。 施設や展示物のすばらしさに見合っていないのが本当に残念。 駐車場は無いが、すぐ隣にコインパーキング有。
The staff who ignores the poster saying that they should refrain from talking and do not pay any attention to the customers who speak loudly. It's a pity that it doesn't match the wonderfulness of the facilities and exhibits. There is no parking lot, but there is coin parking right next door.
川邊研一 on Google

今井政之さんの陶芸作品を拝見させて頂きました❗️ 中信美術館は初めてで立派な建物と作品展示は素晴らしいと感じリピーターになると思います‼️
I saw Masayuki Imai's ceramic works ❗️ This is the first time for the Chushin Art Museum to have a magnificent building and exhibition of works, and I think it will be a repeater! ️

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